Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Increased Violence, Anticipated!

May 09, 2011

Soon after the death the ideological father of terrorists, Osama bin Laden, Taliban proclaimed to avenge his death. With the Osama's killing, experts anticipated that violence will trigger. In Afghanistan, the security forces have been kept on high alert to counter the possible offensives that could be launched by...

Unhappy Brothers See Osama Death “Blowing New Spirit”

May 08, 2011

It is not surprising and unexpected to see a surge in Taliban terrorist attacks as the spring buds have come to full, which have typically betokened the increase in violence and thus deaths of Afghans over the last few years. It is not unexpected either to see the militants get emboldened and more brazen as the president of the...

New Political Tradition

May 08, 2011

In response to the demands of the rally called last week by ex-Afghan intelligence chief, Amrullah Saleh, the Hamid Karzai office has said that there was a growing new political tradition in Afghanistan: people once dismissed from their positions switch to misleading people and start propagating wrong thoughts about the...

A Bronze Medal for Afghanistan

May 08, 2011

Perhaps, sports has gone far beyond its classic meaning as mere entertainment and changed more into a symbol of national integrity and national pride. Medals are not any more a symbol of personal and individual success; they are symbols of national victory. Hundreds of thousands of people participate as spectators in every world...

Afghans Determined to Protect Democratic Order and Civil Society

May 07, 2011

After the fall of Taliban regime in late 2001, Afghanistan was able to write and approve a new constitution to establish an "order based on the people's will and democracy" and form a "civil society free from oppression, atrocity, discrimination and violence." Ten years later, this order and civil society are being...

Shortcomings Need Recovery

May 07, 2011

Following international pressures on the Pakistani government to answer for
Osama's hiding near the capital Islamabad and in vicinity to the country's most
well-known military training academy, US congressmen discussed whether to revise the billions of dollars of aid to...

Violence in Baluchistan

May 07, 2011

>Over the last nine years, the capital of Baluchistan province of Pakistan, Quetta considered one of the important hubs of Taliban and other groups of militants has gradually turned into violent place for its residents to live. This strategically important city is only around 250 km away from Kandahar province of Afghanistan. This makes Kandahar city, the used-to-be capital of Taliban's Afghanistan...

Health Sector is Dire Need of Attention

May 05, 2011

Recently, President Hamid Karzai praised the developments made in Afghanistan. One of these developments is the betterment in medical facilities provided to the people. Observing the ground realities, we can confidently say that health conditions in Afghanistan have not significantly and satisfactorily...

The Weakness of Kabul Diplomacy

May 05, 2011

After the very start of democratic process in 2001, the interim transitional government, and, latter on, elected government under preside of Mr. Karzia has repeatedly voiced out the motto of friendship and rapprochement with all countries, particularly with neighboring ones. Diplomatic struggles have never been stopped to increase the...

Between Hope and Fear

May 05, 2011

Two days ago, newspapers, websites and other forms of press and media outlets published obituary of Osama Bin Laden, the top terrorist and the leader of Al-Qaeda, the international terrorist network. Over the last two days, there have been jubilations in the capitals, among political circles, ordinary people and the victims of terrorist activities around the world. When Al-Qaeda-affiliated hard-line Taliban...

3 May, the World Press Freedom Day

May 04, 2011

rticle 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says, "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers." Under this article, the United...

Internal Factors Matter to Be Addressed

May 04, 2011

As the suffering continues, Afghan people have begun to raise questions about the effectiveness of the current leadership and power structure. State-building seems to have turned into a myth. While the immediate threat is the growing insurgency, which has become more violent and must be dealt with immediately and effectively with iron hand, it is also important...

Omar has the Same Fate as Osama

May 04, 2011

The killing of Osama bin Laden is, no doubt, a huge achievement for US in fight against militancy, although this comes after almost a decade. Osama's death means regain of public trust to the US and its allies. What we had noted in the past was drastic decrease in the public support for the Afghan war and there was much public pressure on Western governments to pull out their forces from Afghanistan,...

Bin Laden is Dead but the Legacy Exists

May 03, 2011

At last, yesterday early morning US president Barack Obama announced the official news of Osama Bin Laden's death. No doubt, it is big news for the affectees of Bin Laden's terrorist activities in Afghanistan and abroad, as well as a big achievement for all the stakeholders of the War against Terror. The congratulatory messages from head of states...

Caught Between Brutal Treatment and Unemployment;

May 03, 2011

Since beginning of the post-Taliban era in Afghanistan, security has stood at the top of Afghan government and international community's agenda. It has thus overshadowed other significant issues including millions of refugees living abroad. Eestablishment of the democratic interim government following the collapse of Taliban in late 2001 ...

Hard for Ghazni to become 2013 Center of Islamic Civilization

May 02, 2011

More than 90 percent of districts of Afghanistan are under varying influence or control of the insurgents. This is what the government itself admits. With more international troops deployed in Afghanistan last year and multiplication of efforts to recruit more people to Afghan National Army and Police...

Rethinking Power Structure

May 02, 2011

Both NATO forces in Afghanistan and the insurgents have announced the beginning of prospective violence across the country. Just a day after the Taliban militants announced, through a statement, the beginning of spring offensive, a 12-year-old suicide bomber killed four people and wounded a dozen in eastern province of...

Taliban’s Al-Badar

May 02, 2011

The Taliban leadership has publicly announced the launch of spring operations or Operation Al Badar against the US and its allies in Afghanistan. This announcement is coinciding with April 28, 2011, the day for celebrating Afghanistan victory over the USSR. The Taliban have not only called for the support of the people of Afghanistan but also have threatened...

Spring Offensive Announced

May 01, 2011

The Taliban militants have announced the beginning of their spring offensive against foreign forces operating in Afghanistan to stabilize the country, Afghan security forces and government officials. It begins on May 01. On Saturday, April 30, 2011, the hard-line militants said in a statement that "the Leadership Council of the Islamic Emirate of ...

Afghanistan Should not Become a Theater of Troubles Once Again

May 01, 2011

Afghanistan will be facing two critical issues in the year ahead, which are to decide about a long-term partnership with the U.S. and tackle the surge in terrorist and insurgent attacks. That is why the country is at a crossroad and needs to decide wisely. Nowadays, there are a lot of rumors about the pressure that...

Investment, The Lifeblood of Our Economy

May 01, 2011

Recently the Pepsico entered into a deal of $60 million with Alokozay Group of Companies for the manufacture and distribution of its drinks brands in Afghanistan. The Alokozay Group, headquartered in United Arab Emirates, has also announced that it will soon launch a private bank that will compete with the banks in Afghanistan and at...

A Messy Situation and Downward Slope

April 30, 2011

It appears that Afghanistan is going through a downward slope as the war on terror is passing its tenth year. The confusion within the government, loss of public trust in the government and the terrible security situation are the signs of things that move in the wrong direction. There is a high level of uncertainty about the ability of the government to begin...

Parliament Rejects Budget Again!

April 30, 2011

The Lower House of parliament has once again rejected the budget on Monday with huge majority. A clash of parliament the Government becomes more aggressive when our rulers blatantly ignore our institutions without any respect. The parliament had rejected the budget last month with ...

The 25th Anniversary of Chernobyl Incident

April 30, 2011

Amid global concern about the safety of nuclear energy, Russian and Ukrainian leaders marked 25th years of world's worst nuclear disaster on April 26, on a historic visit to Chernobyl. Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, making the first ever visit by a Russian president to Chernobyl Atomic power Station, and Ukrain President, Viktor Yanukovych paid tribute to the victims of the April 1986...

Lack of Professionals in Parliament


The measures of respected MPs are irritating and parliament's overall condition is disappointing. Are our MPs businessmen; do they have something more important to deal with rather discharging their legislative duty? Giving a positive answer does not seem so bad. Those who spent generously during election campaign obviously had the greater ...

Will Wardak Say “Yes” to MJ call?


The credibility of Ministry of Defense has been seriously stained by the last week's attack by a suicide bomber who had reached its third floor and killed three and injured 6 people. This attack has precipitated the concerns of people over the capacity of Afghan Security Force in regards of defense of Afghanistan. To them, if a...

What Afghan People are Witness To


Usually, when a scandal happens, there should be new measures taken to compensate for that. The recent incidents in Kabul and Kandahar and the ongoing insurgent activities in many other provinces of the country remain a food for thought. These do convince Afghan people to believe that something is going wrong and needs to be fixed before the ...

Everything is Becoming Embarrassing


Last week, Afghan people were shocked to see their Ministry of National Defense, which is considered to be the brain of the government, being brazenly attacked by the Taliban militants or other insurgent groups. It was not only shocking but also embarrassing. The Ministry has not...

If You Fail to Diminish Corruption, it Will Diminish You


People are sick of paying millions of Afghanis in bribes each year for receiving basic government services for which they are already paying in the forms various kinds of taxes. With no single doubt, bribery has turned into a culture in Afghanistan. This trend has economically pressed the poor section that forms more than sixty percent...

Changing Friendship


For the past one decade, the blame game usually got tense between the two conflicting neighboring countries. The somewhat-hostile relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan hindered the process of peace building and war against terrorism. However, the US played significant role in keeping both sides on the route to keep struggles...

"Three Cups of Tea"


The debate following the allegations against Greg Mortenson in the CBS "60 Minutes" program, has been very critical and strong. The program indeed did a good job by exposing the controversies with the book, and starting a debate of accountability for all. There are many serious questions raised in the TV program. For...

Everyone is Bleeding


The spokesman for Ministry of Interior, Zmaray Bashari has said that 83 civilians were killed and 260 others wounded as a result of 440 incidents of violence during last month. According to Bashari, the rise in civilian deaths stem from surge in attacks carried out by the Taliban militants and other insurgent groups. The statement about the ...

Withdrawal can be Successful by Strengthening the ASFs


US Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates believes that the Taliban may be driven out of Afghanistan as early as the end of 2011 - a year that has been pronounced 'critical' by Gates. At the same time spokesman of International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), Josef Blotz, has announced that NATO will donate weapons, vehicles and airplanes worth ...

The Perspective of Afghanistan May not Stop Withdrawal


Initially when terms like "military withdrawal and transition of responsibili
ties" to Afghan security forces hit the domestic and international News' head
lines, many Afghan officials as well as civilians used not to take them seriously, assuming them only as terms to hint Kabul officials to do their best in order to ...

Spring, Waterfall and Violence Go Together


Every year when the spring comes, flowers begin to bud and blossom and waterfalls set about murmuring, Afghan people begin to witness increased offensive and suicide attacks by the Taliban militants and other insurgent groups. Instead of hearing the warble and singing of birds and lyrics of the nature, Afghan children hear the sound of guns ...