Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Afghan Women Suffer Severely

September 30, 2014

According to reports, police in central Afghanistan are searching for a man who allegedly cut off part of his wife’s nose. “The husband cut his wife’s nose ...

Handle with Care, the Fragile Government!

September 28, 2014

The long-awaited resolution of the electoral deadlock came to an end and masses had a sigh of relief. With this, there came immediate positive effects of this power transition when people ...

Karzai’s Farewell and Ending Controversy over BSA

September 27, 2014

Negotiations on the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) began earlier 2013 and, that would define the shape of the U.S. military presence in Afghanistan for years to come. The security ...

Woman from Historical Perspective

September 25, 2014

Females were able to speak their minds but their thoughts and ideas were shaped by men. Mostly everything women did had input given by men. Women were controlled by their parents from the ...

Controlling ISIS in Afghanistan

September 24,2014

Recent news about the increasing influence of ISIS in a number of Muslim countries of the region has emerged as a matter of concern for the public and governments of these ...

Social Justice – A Crying Need for the Citizens

September 23, 2014

It may seem to be a simple matter of common sense that justice is central to any well-functioning society. However, the question of what justice is, exactly, and how it is achieved are ...

Agreement between the Presidential Candidates

September 22, 2014

After much drama and controversies, at last both the presidential candidates, Dr. Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai and Dr. Abdullah Abdullah signed a deal on Sunday ...

Afghan Woman – Like a Bird with Broken Wings

September 21, 2014

Violence and violation of rights weighs heavily on women. As long as women are deemed inferior and looked down upon, human rights will lack substance. As long as outmoded ways of thinking ...

Ruthless Violence against Afghan Women

September 18, 2014

It is one of the basic rights of human beings to have a secure environment to live in, wherein their lives are not endangered. The government in general and the law and order ...

Good News for Afghan Air Force

September 17, 2014

According to media reports, NATO powers have agreed to equip the National Air Force with more planes so that this section of military should be able to perform independently and the ...

Prisons Must Transform Criminals

September 16, 2014

The law and order system in every country is meant to serve justice to its people. It is meant to stop crimes, decrease and discourage them. If the system is not able to do so, it can be ...

Misery and Economic Inequality

September 15, 2014

These are troubled times. As the echoes of the war die away the sound of a new conflict rises on our ears. Strike follows upon strike. Unless you are exceptionally ...

Cleanliness Problems in Kabul City

September 14, 2014

Problems of residents of Kabul with smell and suffocation due to the increasing heap of garbage and filth in different parts of city is increasing day by day and this problem seems to get ...

Afghanistan within the Last Two Decades

September 13, 2014

On September 11, 2001, 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda hijacked four airliners and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United ...

Afghan Refugees in Iran

September 11, 2014

Afghanistan, due to unrest, turmoil and poverty, throughout a major portion of last few decades, has experienced a situation wherein a large number of people have left the country in search ...

The Role and Status of Intellectuals

September 10, 2014

It can be observed in today’s societies that the values of the commodities are gauged as per their appearance and external worth; people only see the material benefits they can ...

The Reasons behind Rise in Crime

September 08, 2014

There is no single cause to any disorder, including crime. While clearly we are all ultimately responsible for our own actions, it is wrong to hold an individual wholly responsible for ...

Can Death Penalty Stop Crime?

September 07, 2014

The existence of the death penalty in any society raises one underlying question: have we established our justice systems out of a desire for rehabilitation, or out of a desire for ...

Why Cultivating Narcotic Drug is allowed in Taliban’s Ideology?

September 06, 2014

Cultivating and using narcotic drug is forbidden in Islamic sharia; however Taliban militants – that claim to establish the rule of God on the earth – live upon the income of narcotic ...

Death of Religion, Dawn of Crime

September 04,2014

In man’s search of an ideal society, conflicts are bound to arise between the real and the ideal. This is specially so when we forget to practice what we ...

Contesting Parties Should Check Their Press Statements!

September 03, 2014

Now that Independent Election Commission has announced that more than 90% of votes have been audited and checked and final result is expected in a few days time, the behavior and conflict ...

Time to Change Ourselves

September 01, 2014

The drama of vote audit seems to be reaching to its conclusion; however, there is no strong optimism that the result would be welcomed by the presidential candidates. Currently, the ...

Worsening Security Condition Amidst Political Crisis

August 31, 2014

As the deadline for US draw down approaches, the magnitude of violence practically rises. The consecutive attacks on foreign diplomats and public installation depict either state’s unwillingness ...

Constitution Should be Upheld

August 31, 2014

At last the months’ wait is going to be over and we are to hear the good news about the conclusion of the presidential elections which crippled the economy and added manifolds to the ...

Time to End the Prevailing Uncertainty

August 30, 2014

There are times in the histories of nations when the socio-political circumstances turn very much crucial and decisive. Small actions in such scenarios turn out to have very ...

Ebola Outbreak; Negligence Brings Us Harms

August 30, 2014

Ebola, a contagious viral disease, hastily claiming hundreds of human lives, is slow but steadily spreading in different parts of West Africa. This epidemic disease in the region has ...

Frustrating Activities of Presidential Candidates

August 30, 2014

Mr. Prime Minister David Cameron of the United Kingdom encouraged the two presidential candidates to form a national united government soon. In a declaration released by UK embassy ...

Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza

August 28, 2014

After the failure of six short-term ceasefires, a permanent ceasefire was announced on Tuesday evening between Hamas and Israel. The ceasefire was the result of the arbitration by ...

Ambiguities Regarding Election Result Continue

August 28, 2014

Both candidates have frustrated people, hence, if they even finally reach to an agreement and form a united government, perhaps it would not be something to celebrate. Despite ...

Violence against Women Remains an Issue

August 28, 2014

Living free from violence is a human right, yet millions of women and girls suffer disproportionately from violence both in peace and in war, at the hands of the state, in the home and ...

The Evil of Ignorance

August 27, 2014

One of the basic problems in Afghanistan is ignorance. And this problem is generating and invigorating many other problems as well. There are many problems that can be solved with little ...

The Forthcoming Government Must Prioritize Modern Education

August 27, 2014

Control of the education system has been a mobilizing force for the conservative and radicalized movement that led to overthrow of the Soviet government and the subsequent rise to ...

Efforts to Safeguard Women Rights

August 26, 2014

Women in Afghanistan have been facing discriminatory behavior from their fellow beings. The parochial social attitude and the obsolete norms and values have treated them as inferior beings ...

Local Police should not be Left Alone

August 26, 2014

In Kunduz and some other provinces of north, Taliban did not face much resistance from our security forces. On the other hand, the local police or arbaki was there to give them some tough ...

Aftermath of Electoral Fraud: A Mutually Agreeable Stance Works Better

August 25, 2014

The lengthened electoral deadlock, subsequent to unaddressed claims of industrial scale fraud orchestrated by sitting government, has earned an international concentration. The world ...