Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Fading Hopes of Common Afghans

August 25, 2014

Insignificant development in Afghanistan industrial and agriculture sectors is the major factor behind Afghanistan high dependency on neighboring and closely located countries for ...

Ambiguous Destiny of Audit Process

August 25, 2014

As the process of audit is getting longer and longer and Mr. President Karzai continually emphasizes that he would hand over power to his successor within less than fifteen day because of ...

Hamid Karzai’s Legacy for the next President

August 24, 2014

Regardless of the ongoing election crisis, one of the two presidential candidates— Dr. Abdullah or Dr. Ghani— will finally accede into power as Afghanistan’s second president after ...

Silence of Muslim World on Gaza Attacks!

August 24, 2014

The atrocities of Israel in Gaza are continuing relentlessly. More than 2100 civilians of Gaza have been killed and thousands more are injured. The talks between Hamas and Israeli government ...

Freedom of Expression Questioned

August 24, 2014

It’s ridiculous and unsound to compare functioning of media at present, with the one found during Taliban regime given democracy claims to be the champion of fundamental human ...

Afghanistan’s Proposal in the NATO Summit 2014

August 23, 2014

Members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) will hold their next summit in the United Kingdom from September 4 to 5, 2014 to discuss a number of important issues relating to ...

Delayed Electoral Result Will Earn Ill-fate

August 23, 2014

The electoral result of a second round of the 2014 election turned controversial with loud claims of mega scale fraud; hence served to lengthen the political impasse. This proceeding ...

Misunderstandings, Clashes and Ambiguities Continue

August 21, 2014

After presidential runners signed an agreement, there were expectations that the process of vote audit would speed up and soon the people will have the pleasure of knowing the result; however, that does not seem to be happening at the moment. Still ...

Cross-Border Shelling Must Be Dealt Seriously

August 21, 2014

The recent rocket shelling from across the Pakistani border into the Afghan soil has once again intensified resulting in the injuries of many citizens and hundreds of them were forced to ...

The Candidates Should Handle the Issue with Diplomacy

August 21, 2014

Afghan people still suffer from political wheeling and dealing. The disagreements between the presidential candidates on the one hand and the insurgencies launched by the militants ...

Success of Polio Campaign is our Shared Responsibility

August 20, 2014

According to the sources of Ministry of Health, a new polio campaign started in the country from Sunday in which more than eight million children below five will be given the anti-polio ...

Malicious Af-Pak Widening Distrust

August 20, 2014

Seemingly, both Afghanistan and Pakistan have been cooperative neighbors, however the attitude displayed on various occasions diffuses this dictum, instead depicts a low level of ...

Victory the Hallmark of Electoral Transparency?

August 20, 2014

Despite the efforts of international community to inject tolerance to Afghan politicians, brinkmanship and force still have remained as very justifiable means to remain in ...

Hezb-e-Islami’s Plea for Peace Negotiation

August 18, 2014

The military branch of Hezb-e-Islami led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar has decided to hold talks with the new government of Afghanistan which would possibly be formed after the completion of audit and ...

Bad Governance – A Factor behind Iraq’s Political Crisis

August 18, 2014

It was not only the cruelest but also the most vicious act of atrocity carried out by the militants of the Islamic State against the people released earlier. Large number of people, brutally ...

Fading Hopes of Common Afghans

August 18, 2014

Insignificant development in Afghanistan industrial and agriculture sectors is the major factor behind Afghanistan high dependency on neighboring and closely located countries for importing basic ...

Changes Required in Social Behavior towards Women

August 17, 2014

Though there have been some improvements in Afghanistan regarding the rights and position of women in the society but major changes and improvements are required to make them stand ...

Structure of National Unity Government Yet to be Worked Out

August 17, 2014

It was August 8, when an accord was inked between the two presidential runners Dr. Asharaf Ghani and Dr Abudullah that read they would cooperate in the formation of national unity ...

Resignation of Maliki and Lesson for Afghans!

August 17, 2014

The decision of Iraqi Prime Minister elect, Noori-al-Maliki to step down from his post in Iraq set an example for ignoring personal interests and preferring national ...

Speedy Process of Vote Audit is Vital

August 16, 2014

The ongoing and tiring process of elections have shown that Afghanistan needs to evolve to a large extend as far as nourishment of democracy is concerned. The attitude of the ...

Challenges Intervening Afghan Media

August 16, 2014

It’s ridiculous and unsound to compare functioning of media at present, with the one found during Taliban regime given democracy claims to be the champion of fundamental human ...

Iraq’s New Government and Islamic State

August 16, 2014

Seemingly, the political muscle strain is getting relaxed after former Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki agreed to stay aside and support the new proposed Prime Minister Mr. Haidar ...

The Increasing Insecurity Must Be Dealt Seriously

August 14, 2014

There has been resounding news of increasing activities of Taliban in some parts of the country and the grave and serious news are adding to the tensions of the common public. The ...

BSA – Back in the Spotlight

August 14, 2014

The obscurity of election outcome and din of political issue has not only led to the public anxiety but also triggered a serious dilemma in foreign officials. The long-term disagreement ...

Human Rights Must Be Protected

August 13, 2014

>Man suffers, not only when the part of the world in which he is residing is hit by natural calamities like earthquakes, famines, floods, diseases, etc., but occasionally also at the ...

Disparity in Thoughts Must be Valued

August 13, 2014

In our society the disparity in perspective and outlook between two persons or two groups of people means being each other’s enemy. This sort of attitude has created a great deal of ...

Haidari al-Ebadi and Islamic State

August 13, 2014

After months of political bickering in Baghdad, on Monday Iraq’s President asked Haidar Al-Abadi, the Shia coalition’s nominee for prime minister, to form a government. Right after ...

Students Deprived of Proper Education Facilities

August 12, 2014

One of the basic factors that have been emphasized the most after the downfall of Taliban in Afghanistan has been education. And there have been developments as well in this ...

Local Production Should be Encouraged

August 12, 2014

This is a generally accepted phenomenon that until and unless the economic conditions of a country don’t develop that can provide the people with opportunities of living a decent and ...

National Unity Government Defused Discord!

August 11, 2014

Afghanistan suffered lengthened electoral deadlock over loud claims of industrial scale fraud and demand of fair and transparent ballot recount. Subsequent to several pauses, the ...

Job Opportunities May Diminish

August 11, 2014

Today Afghanistan is going through a democratic process; it has relatively growing economy, functional media, civil society, thousands of running educational institutes, women in offices ...

Audit Process Depends on Political Negotiation at the Backstage

August 11, 2014

After revelation of serious differences in the process of audit and recount of second round of presidential election, US Secretary of the State John Kerry once again paid visit to Kabul ...

Is Gen. Raziq’s Stance Justified?

August 10, 2014

According to the media reports, police chief of Kandahar, Gen. Abdul Raziq has ordered his soldiers not to catch any terrorist alive and shoot them on the spot. The news spread like ...

Curtail Prevalent Disease of Corruption Before it’s too Late

August 10, 2014

Corruption has become synonymous with our existing system and is pushing our nation to a dead end. It has gained roots in our country because of wrong decisions and weak policies of the governments ...

Presidential Uncertainty Influences Economy

August 09, 2014

Afghan people have had high hopes from the presidential election; however, the ongoing circumstances do not seem to be making them very much optimistic. The tiring and lagging process of audit of the votes ...