Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

2013 in Afghanistan

January 01, 2014

2013 has ended and for Afghanistan it was another bloody year. The Taliban continued their attacks throughout 2013 making it another unfortunate year in the history of the country. Hundreds ...

Revitalizing Rich Values

December 31, 2013

Everyone knows that life is precious, life is important. We all protect our life because we care for it more than anything else. If life is so important, the values of life are even more ...

Afghanistan’s Progress Erodes, Warns Intelligence Report

December 31, 2013

The degree of uncertainty, concerning the future of Afghanistan, subsequent to suspension of the fate of BSA has widened, eroding the confidence of ordinary masses including business persons, investors, non-public ...

Promising Result from Polls

December 30, 2013

The polls made by different organization depict a promising picture from the future. Seemingly, the political conscience of Afghans has increased. The poll made by TOLO News agency says that ...

Bleak Future Predicted for Afghanistan

December 30, 2013

The US intelligence has drawn a bleak future of Afghanistan in its new estimate. Based on the National Intelligence Estimate, Afghanistan will fall into chaos whether the US keeps some number of its troops ...

Criminals in Presidential Candidates!

December 30, 2013

The recent report released by the Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) is going to stir up a new controversy according to which some of the presidential candidates are having criminal records and their ...

The Crucial Role of Election Observers

December 29, 2013

Afghanistan Independent Election Commission (IEC) has invited certain independent international observers to monitor the spring elections. The IEC has already given permits to certain organizations and individuals ...

Rise in Criminal Activities in Kabul City

December 29, 2013

The criminal activities have increased tremendously in Kabul city. Everyday a criminal incident is reported. Tire slashing is one of the most common one. The tires of targeted cars are slashed ...

Afghan Youth Awaits Proper Attention

December 29, 2013

Afghanistan is a large country with a large population. It is estimated that Afghanistan’s present population is about 36 million. Those between the ages of 15 to 35 form more than 50 percent ...

2014: A Decisive Year

December 28, 2013

Just a few days are to go before the New Year 2014, about which there has been much anxiety in Afghanistan, begins. The important presidential election has been schedule for April 5th while ...

More Afghans Interested to Vote

December 26, 2013

One of the crucial pillars of a democratic system is election. But elections are nothing without people’s participation and their votes. In Afghanistan, democracy is still nascent but is ...

Transparent Elections to be Ensured

December 25, 2013

All eyes are on the next year’s presidential election due to be held in April. This election will be different from elections held in 2005 and 2009. First it is because President Hamid ...

Low-Quality Medicines in Afghanistan!

December 25, 2013

Regarding the medical facilities, we are living in the poorest circumstances. No doubt, there are some private hospitals which are having good buildings and external appearance, but their ...

Mullah Baradar no more a Hope

December 24, 2013

Initiated in 2010, the peace and reconciliation process is still not on the right track. Despite much fuss, the Taliban leadership has shown no true willingness for negotiating peace with ...

Extending the Deadline

December 24, 2013

Despite Pressure from all sides, President Hamid Karzai still strongly resists to sign Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA). The US deadline has almost come to an end. Previously, Washington ...

Elections, Money and Corruption

December 23, 2013

Though the election campaign has not fully heated up as many months are remaining but the reports and eye-witnessed observations about the implementation of illegal practices in ...

Another Illegal Business Remains Unnoticed

December 23, 2013

The Afghan economy remains highly dependent on international aids. The underlying reason is that no substantial measures to lessen this dependency have been taken by the government over the ...

Improvement on BSA

December 22, 2013

Issues pertaining to the Afghan-US security deal are subsiding as both the sides seem to have brought elasticity in their stances. This unlocks new hopes to bring Afghanistan out of the severe state of ...

Rise in Violence against Women

December 21, 2013

Violence against women has dramatically increased in the country triggering concerns among human rights and civil society organizations. Recently, there have been some awful ...

Obama Wants a Deal with Tehran

December 21, 2013

Seemingly, President Obama is committed to unravel the decades-long tense relationship with Tehran. He along with key figures of his administration continuously warned Congress of ...

New Budget and New Concerns

December 19, 2013

Our beloved motherland passes through diverse security, political and economic troubles. Every problem has got its own dynamics and demands a variant solution. Putting their cognitive ...

Mojadadi Upset with President Karzai

December 19, 2013

Despite demands from all sides, President Karzai is still resisting against the signature of Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) with the United States. His resistance against mounting ...

Artificial Rise in Prices of Winter Commodities

December 18, 2013

With the intensity of winter and cold in capital city and other parts of the country, prices of gas, wood and other fuels have sharply increased and once again, there is present a great ...

Australian Combat Troops Depart

December 17, 2013

One step ahead of head of other US allies, Australia pulled out its last batch of troops from Afghanistan on Sunday. Mainly stationed in volatile province of Uruzgan, 40 Australian troops were killed and 261 ...

Minorities’ Plight Must be Addressed

December 17, 2013

Democracy protects and promotes human rights – it guarantees equal rights to all citizens irrespective of their cast, sect and religion. Nonetheless, on this piece of land, there are several ...

Sitara, a Victim of Violence!

December 16, 2013

When the human rights’ week was being observed in the world, Afghanistan was defamed in this context by the sad incident of a housewife by name of Sitara in Herat whose lips, nose and ears were ...

Uncertainty Doing Harm to Economy

December 14, 2013

The graph of political and economic uncertainty started its upward slope with the announcement of the United Sates to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan. President Hamid Karzai’s denial to sign ...

Economic Impacts of BSA Failure

December 12, 2013

While briefing the upper house of the parliament or Wolesi Jirga about a week ago on 1392-93 national budget, Finance Minister, Hazrat Omar Zakhilwal admitted to the fact that Afghanistan’s budget ...

Religiosity and Corruption

December 12, 2013

Few days ago, Afghanistan once again occupied the seat of third most corrupt country in the world after Somalia and North Korea. Continually, the last seat of corruption is reserved for ...

Human Rights Week

December 11, 2013

December 10th is marked as human rights day across the globe. In Afghanistan celebration of human rights week started on December 7th and will end today. The purpose of the week is to highlight the ...

Complaints about Afghan Students Studying Abroad

December 11, 2013

According to some media reports and as described by the students who studied in the foreign countries, some of the Afghan students sent on scholarships for studying aboard are ...

Afghanistan-Iran Relation Renewed

December 10, 2013

Afghanistan and Iran enjoy cordial historic, cultural, ethnic, lingual and neighborly ties. Both the countries share common strategic, historical, cultural and economic interests. In ...

On International Anti-Corruption Day

December 10, 2013

December 09 is observed as Anti-Corruption Day internationally. The purpose of the day is to highlight the negative impacts of corruption on human society and try to convince the government and ...

WTO Agreement for Poverty Alleviation!

December 09, 2013

According to the media reports, an international trade agreement has been inked by almost all the nations of the world which would greatly enhance the trade and commerce activities in all parts of the world and ...

Remorse for Nelson Mandela

December 09, 2013

December 05 proved to be a very sad day as it witnessed the death of a renowned leader in the world – Nelson Mandela. He was in his 90’s and had already achieved most of what he had dreamt of. He fought for the ...