Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Roadside Bombs, the Greatest Killer

December 09, 2013

Since the fall of their government in 2001, Taliban have made every possible effort to destruct Afghanistan’s national infrastructure including highways. Not only the highways are ...

Chuck Hagel in Afghanistan

December 08, 2013

US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel arrived in Afghanistan on Saturday for a previously-not-announced visit. He is not scheduled to meet President Hamid Karzai, though he will be meeting other senior ...

Afg-Pak Cricket Match

December 07, 2013

The Afghan cricket and soccer teams have been doing very well over the past few years. In September, the Afghans beat India 2-0 in the South Asian Football Federation Championship, a tough ...

Candidates Asked to Fill Questionnaires on Human Rights Issues

December 05, 2013

During the Taliban rule, Afghanistan saw mass violation of human rights. The Taliban had restricted all the Afghan people, especially the women even from getting education. In Taliban’s time, massacres ...

Afghanistan in the Row of the Most Corrupt Countries

December 04, 2013

Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index 2013 has been released. The new index offers a warning that the abuse of power, secret dealings and bribery continue to ravage societies around the ...

Delay in Finalization of BSA: Who Will Benefit?

December 03, 2013

President Hamid Karzai remains firm to his decision of not signing the Bilateral Security Agreement or BSA quickly, although Afghans and the US authorities have been pushing for its ...

Need for Close Cooperation

December 03, 2013

With the formal invitation of President Karzai, Pakistani Prime Minister Mr. Nawaz Sharif paid a visit to Kabul on Saturday, Nov. 30. In a joint press conference with President Karzai, he ...

Life of Aid and Project Workers at Growing Threat

December 02, 2013

Decades of war resulted in mass destruction of Afghanistan’s economical infrastructure. The USSR invasion, civil war, and Taliban regime did much to ruin this ...

Let’s Work out the BSA Deal

December 02, 2013

There are conflicting views about the signature and final consent of President Karzai about the BSA (Bilateral Security Agreement) among the officials in Afghanistan and the United ...

Citizens Must be Given Their Rights

December 02, 2013

State is welfare or social agency and it must strive to guarantee the rights of the individuals dwelling in it. It is must not be merely concerned with the preservation of law and ...

Efforts to Disrupt Election Mean More Civilian Killings

December 01, 2013

As Afghanistan nears the election date, which is April 05, 2014, the insurgent would put their utmost efforts to enhance their activities across the country. By doing so, they will try to achieve ...

Nawaz Sharif’s Visit to Kabul

November 30, 2013

Pakistani Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif will visit Kabul today in order to discuss issues pertaining to Afghanistan’s peace process with President Hamid Karzai. Sharif’ one-day visit is ...

Women in the Process of Change

November 30, 2013

Human societies change and with them so many aspects, processes, institutions and strata change that are in those societies. These changes are inevitable and are bound to ...

US Might Go for Zero Option

November 28, 2013

Last week, Afghanistan successfully convened the Loya Jirga aimed at discussing the Bilateral Security Agreement with the United States. No unwanted incident happened during the Jirga and ...

EVAW law Curtails Women Sufferings

November 28, 2013

Chivalry is not the title man owes, because he can suppress and duress the hapless daughter of eve – because she treats him in the gentlest way. Every alternate day endless tales of ...

Increasing Role of Media in Afghanistan

November 27, 2013

The increasing role and effectiveness of media in the recent years is one of the positive factors contributing to the overall progress of our country. Media has not only increased the awareness ...

Iran Nuclear Deal, Pledges Economic Riches

November 27, 2013

The second round of talks in Geneva ended on Sunday between P 5+1 (US, Russia, China, UK, France and Germany) and Iran crystallizing a deal. Six world powers agreed on a historic nuclear ...

EVAW Day & Afghan Women

November 26, 2013

November 25th is globally marked as international day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (EVAW). This day has great significance for women in Afghanistan. The more media covers stories on ...

The Signature of Bilateral Security Agreement

November 26, 2013

As expected, after four days of consecutive discussion and conclusion, 2500 participants of the consultative Grand traditional Assembly, or Loya Jirga corroborated the Bilateral ...

A Breakthrough in Nuclear Talks!

November 26, 2013

According to the reports released by press on Sunday, Iran and Western powers have reached to an agreement about the nuclear program of Iran. According to the agreement, Iran and Western ...

BSA Encounters another Deadlock

November 25, 2013

A grand assembly of tribal elders and political leaders called loya jirga is discussing the most crucial agreement about the future of Afghanistan. The jirga which continued for four days will decide ...

Taliban Supporters behind Opposition to BSA

November 25, 2013

As the participants of Grand Traditional Assembly or Loya Jirga are discussing whether to sign the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) between the US or not, particular currents have taken harsh ...

Mismanagement in Loya Jirga

November 21, 2013

Keeping aside the negative and positive points about LOYA JIRGA, the security measures taken by security forces and concerned ministries have not only crippled the whole city but also resulted ...

Propaganda against BSA

November 19, 2013

The Loya Jirga is going to be held from Nov.21 to Nov 24. Around 2500 influential figures from inside and outside of the government will take part to decide whether to sign a Bilateral ...

Afghanistan Fails to Attract Large Investors

November 19, 2013

In post-conflict countries like Afghanistan, investment, be it foreign or domestic, plays a very crucial role in boosting their economic condition. Unfortunately, although Afghanistan has put behind ...

Loya Jirga Attack and Questions

November 18, 2013

As feared, The Grand Tribal Council or ‘Loya Jirga’ became the target of terrorists, claiming the lives of ten people and dozens were left injured. Majority of the ...

Fading Hopes of Common Afghans

November 18, 2013

Insignificant development in Afghanistan industrial and agriculture sectors is the major factor behind Afghanistan high dependency on neighboring and closely located countries for ...

Lives, Money & Time: Is Loya Jirga Worth it?

November 17, 2013

Just days before the conventional loya jirga on Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) with the United States, a suicide bomber detonated his explosive-packed vehicle close to the venue where the ...

Significance of Ashura for Human Beings

November 16, 2013

Ashura the tenth day of Muharram, one of the sacred months in the Islamic calendar, was marked across Afghanistan on Thursday. People paid homage to Imam Hussein (AS) ibn Ali (AS), the grandson of ...

Israel Hates Washington-Tehran Relations

November 16, 2013

While the Western and Iranian diplomats are heralding of thawing the decades-long frozen relationship, some countries in the Middle East, including Israel, have secretly but sternly expressed concerns regarding ...

Illegal Mineral Extraction by ALP Commander

November 12, 2013

Illegal extraction and smuggling mineral resources of Afghanistan have been long-standing issues. On Sunday the Integrity Watch Afghanistan (IWA), a corruption watchdog, uncovered a disappointing ...

The Ghost of Military Casualties

November 12, 2013

The latest report of Pentagon drew a troubling picture of the situation of Afghan security forces despite it concluded that they are gaining capabilities to take the security responsibilities. It ...

Disastrous Haiyan Storm in Philippines

November 11, 2013

Feared to be one of the disastrous storms of the century, storm Haiyan hit the central parts of Philippines. When the storm hit the residential areas on Friday morning, the wind blew with the speed of ...

No Success against Narcotics is Expected

November 11, 2013

Ministry of Counter-narcotics, based on its new report, says that there has been an increase in poppy cultivation in Afghanistan in the current year. In joint press conference with UNODC, a high ...

One-sided Releases

November 10, 2013

Since the transfer of Bagram detention center to Afghan control, hundreds, if not thousands, of inmates have been released by the Afghan government. Now, a panel set by the government to review the ...