Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

President Karzai’s UN Speech

September 27, 2012

President Karzai spokes at the United Nations General Assembly session on Tuesday September 25, 2012. As most leaders from Muslim countries did, he started with condemnation of the ...

Chinese Cooperation Crucial for Afghanistan

September 27, 2012

Amid NATO countries' plan to pull-out their combat forces out of Afghanistan by 2014, Afghanistan's neighbors, near ...

President Ahmadinejad’s Speech in UN General Assembly

September 27, 2012

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, as usual, turned once again the edge of his sharp criticism to US and European countries for what he ...

Freedom of Speech Echoes at UN

September 26, 2012

The annual United Nations General Assembly session was opened on Tuesday, September 25. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in his opening remarks said, "I am here to sound the alarm about our ...

Poetry in Uruzgan!

September 26, 2012

Monday witnessed one of the pleasing elements that are direly needed to the people of our country. A number of poets and writers ...

The Little Decrement

September 26, 2012

With the diminishing military and financial support from the international community, chances for Afghanistan's political and ...

Syria; Battlefield of Heinous Objectives!

September 25, 2012

Increasing number of death toll in the war in Syria has become a continuous source of unrest and concern for all those who love ...

No Punishment without a Trial

September 25, 2012

The recent public lashing of a girl in Jaghori District of Ghazni province has sparked brain storming discussion in ...

Children in Kabul, After a Loaf of Bread

September 25, 2012

Poverty has given rise the major challenges that Afghan society has been struggling with for many decades. Kabul, the political capital of the country seems to be turning to a beggar ...

Human Rights Must be Preserved!

September 24, 2012

Two important factors that the international community has been trying to ensure before they leave Afghanistan are said to be the ...

At Home or At Work, Women Remain Unprotected

September 24, 2012

In the man-dominated society of Afghanistan, women have always been looked upon as goods for buying and selling. They are not ...

NATO to Discuss Insider Attacks

September 23, 2012

Green on blue attacks - military term used for attacks by alleged members of Afghan National Security Force (ANSF) on their ...

Tourism and Media Portrayal of Security

September 23, 2012

World Tourism Day is celebrated each year on September 27. This day was marked in 1970 by the United Nations World Tourism ...

No More Pakistani Newspapers Available in Afghanistan

September 23, 2012

It has been for many months that the eastern border routes of Kunar and Nuristan provinces have been under massive shelling by ...

Legislation on Hate-Speech

September 22, 2012

During the recent protest demonstrations against the anti-Islam film, some hate-mongering elements have been making provocative ...

The Concept of Environmental Protection

September 22, 2012

From early 21st century up till now, the boost of economic and social lives have exerted high pressure on environment; fresh air and fresh water have become the top concerning issues of the ...

Chauvinistic Morality and Women Rights

September 20, 2012

Human Rights Watch has urged the Government to take steps to end the unlawful imprisonment of women and girls accused of ...

Joblessness Doubles

September 20, 2012

Afghanistan, in the last more than ten years, has had little development in creating job opportunities for its ...

Another Resolution against Iran for its Nuclear Program

September 20, 2012

Seemingly, the tense relation between Iran and Western powers is not going to let the light of hope glitter. The gap has become ...

Peace Efforts: One Year after Rabbani

September 19, 2012

Salahuddin Rabbani, Chairman of the High Peace Council has said there can be no military solution to the process, to the problems ...

Kabul Is No Exception

September 19, 2012

Insecurity has significantly escalated in certain provinces of Afghanistan. Kabul enjoys comparatively better security but still ...

Tackling the Insider Attacks!

September 19, 2012

The recent killing of NATO soldiers by Afghan forces sparked up this repeatedly discussed issue once again. Last month, US stated ...

Peaceful Protests against the Anti-Muslim Video did not Work out in Afghanistan

September 18, 2012

The protests all over the Muslim world against the anti-Muslim video which was posted on YouTube have featured the top headlines ...

Obstacles Remain High for Afghanistan’s Mining Sector

September 18, 2012

What we quite often hear about Afghanistan's economy is that around 70 percent of its economy is dependent on agriculture ...

The Biggest Challenge Facing ANSF

September 17, 2012

Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) serve as the last hope for Afghanistan to remain integrated, after the planned ...

Damages of Uncertainty

September 17, 2012

Living inside Afghanistan lets you feel better the growing ill impacts caused by political and economic uncertainty this country ...

Vote of Confidence for three Nominees of President

September 17, 2012

Quite unexpectedly, MP's gave vote of confidence to nominees of President Karzai for three key posts in his cabinet. Bismellah Mohammadi, the former interior minister gained 124 ...

Karzai’s Top Security Cabinet Faced MPs for Confidence Vote

September 16, 2012

The nomination of the top security figures like, former Interior Minister Bismillah Mohammadi as Minister of Defence ...

Peaceful Friday in Afghanistan

September 16, 2012

The violent reaction on anti-Islam film seems to be getting out of control in many capitals. The German and British embassies were stormed in Khartoum. The mob removed their flag with an 'Islamic ...

Drug Addicts in Kabul

September 16, 2012

The increasing number of drug addicts in Kabul is causing serious social problems. One finds large number of them in areas ...

Reactions against and Anti-Muslim Film

September 15, 2012

During past few days, an anti-Muslim film circulating in the internet has sparked grave demonstrations across the Muslim ...

Taliban’s Ideology – YouDeserve Beheading, If You are Found Working for Society’s Welfare

September 15, 2012

"You are deemed as a culprit, if you are found working for any organization other than Taliban and you deserve beheading, if you ...

Latest Bigotry of Hate Mongers

September 13, 2012

The tragedy in Libya is condemnable in strongest words. The US Ambassador and three staff of the embassy have been killed by ...

Bamiyan – the Deprived Land

September 13, 2012

With no significant attention from government and the international community, the problems faced by the peaceful and ...

Child Abuse: Heart Touching Fact of Afghan Society

September 13, 2012

Afghanistan is a society where poverty excels and illiteracy rules, the country is full of tragedies and misfortunes. The ...