Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Bloodshed in Kunduz

September 12, 2012

Continuously, Afghans witness extremely deadly and carefully-planned attacks by Taliban insurgents in various parts of ...

The Eleventh Anniversary of 9/11

September 12, 2012

Today thousands of Americans are coming together to celebrate the death of thousands of people killed eleven years ago by ...

Authorities Fail in Securing Common People’s Lives

September 12, 2012

There had not been considering records of violence against the ordinary passengers in between the route from Kabul to central ...

Afghan Women Continue to Live in Agony

September 11, 2012

Women are the most deprived section of Afghan society and Afghanistan is the worst place for women to live in. Throughout ...

Technology Addiction has Created Black Holes in Daily Life

September 11, 2012

We are living in a digitalized world where our minutes of life have got technology dependent. The modern technologies such as ...

Authorities Fail in Securing Common People’s Lives

September 11, 2012

There had not been considering records of violence against the ordinary passengers in between the route from Kabul to central ...

ANSF Serves as the Biggest Hope for Afghans

September 10, 2012

The prime need of Afghanistan is strong army and police. In the post-Taliban Afghanistan, the Afghan National Army (ANA) has ...

Increasing Concerns Regarding Private Militia

September 10, 2012

Continuously increasing brutality of private militia, Arbaki, is raising serious questions about the evil intentions of this ...

Finally, the Civilians are to Pay the Price

September 10, 2012

Every year September08 was officially approved by President Hamid Karzai in 2002 to be honored as a national holiday in respect ...

On 11th Anniversary of Massoud

September 09, 2012

The 11th anniversary of martyred Afghanistan National hero, Ahmed Shah Massoud, was marked across the country yesterday, starting ...

International Literacy Day and Afghanistan

September 09, 2012

On November 17, 1965 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) declared 8th September as International Literacy ...

Designation of Haqqani as Terrorist Group

September 09, 2012

On Friday, the Obama administration declared the Haqqani network,which is blamed for high profile attacks in Afghanistan, as ...

Delay in Voter Registration

September 06, 2012

Head of Independent Election Commission (IEC) Fazal Ahmad Manawi expressed concerns about the delay in voter registration ...

Drugs Grab Afghans Firmer Than Ever

September 06, 2012

Afghanistan produces more than 90 percent of world opium. The drug that flows from Afghanistan to the rest of the world has ...

Dwindling Investment in Afghanistan

September 05, 2012

Taliban were ousted from power in late 2001 as result of US-led operation and a new window of hope and affluence opened ...

NATO Concerns on Insider Attacks

September 05, 2012

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has said suspension of the training of Afghan Local Police (ALP) is a ...

Heedless Expenses

September 05, 2012

This is a rather painful fact that Afghan economy is in the initial stages of its growth and expansion and most of ...

Lingering War, the Greatest Obstacle for an Educated Afghanistan

September 04, 2012

Education in Afghanistan includes K-12 and higher education which is supervised by the Ministry of Education (MoE) and Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE). In the last ten years, with ...

Green on Blue Raids, Afghan Security Forces’ Training Suspension

September 04, 2012

Since the removal of international combat troops is scheduled by 2014 and in order to prepare Afghan Security Forces for future responsibilities of security take over; the US Special Operation ...

Disappointing Status of Pakistan Government towards Hazara Target Killings

September 03, 2012

On Sunday, seven Hazara individuals were shot dead by unidentified gunmen ...

Unity in Palestine!

September 03, 2012

Iranian president Mehmood Ahmadinejad showed the willingness of his country ...

Pakistan Warns Afghan Refugees to Leave

September 02, 2012

The Government of Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province has warned unregistered Afghan refugees to immediately leave Pakistan, or face ...

No Mercy Even for Children

September 02, 2012

Children are the builders of a nation's future. At times when Afghanistan is in dire need of future and ...

Hazara Community in Baluchistan, under Waves of Sectarian and Ideological Attacks

September 02, 2012

Hazara community in Baluchistan after finger count of ...

What Have We Done for Ourselves?

September 01, 2012

The international community has done and is still doing much for us. The question is what we have done for ourselves. Have we any achievement ...

Police Recruitment Process and Green-on-Blue Attacks

September 01, 2012

Afghan Ambassador to Canada and former head of Afghanistan Social Outreach Program (ASOP) Barna Karimi has said ASOP's phase ...

Brutality in Helmand

September 01, 2012

Seventeen civilians, including two women, were brutally murdered in Helmand on Sunday night. They, men and women together, were attending a music ...

Can Dismissals Improve Security in Afghanistan?

August 30, 2012

One admits or not, security is getting worse in Afghanistan as each day passes and this country moves closer ...

The Biggest Challenge Facing ANSF

August 30, 2012

Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) serve as the last hope for Afghanistan to remain integrated, after the planned ...

Anti-Taliban Self-Motivated Rivalry Movements

August 30, 2012

During the last few months, a self-motivated armed group has emerged on the screen which has partially garnered the Media’s ...

Kabul and Beyond Kabul

August 29, 2012

More than ten years back, on November 13, 2001, the Taliban government was overthrown in Kabul. No doubt, life has changed for ...

Rain and Deplorable Kabul Streets

August 29, 2012

Nowadays roads of the capital are presenting view of flood-hit ruins. Muddy water flows over streets due to the recent ...

Changes Should Reach to All Provinces and Districts

August 29, 2012

Out of thirty-four provinces of Afghanistan, the capital Kabul has become the focal point for people where they besides better ...

Greening Afghanistan

August 28, 2012

High population shifted from provinces and rural areas along with un-built roads and out of date vehicles, machineries ...

Taliban’s Ideology – You Deserve Beheading, If You are Found Working for Society’s Welfare

August 28, 2012

“You are deemed as a culprit, if you are found working for any organization other than Taliban ...