Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Exaggerated Reaction over a Forum for Exchange of Views

January 10, 2012

Afghanistan is going through a very critical juncture, as both international community and Afghans are concerned about the reversal of the whole achievements made over the last ten years of joint struggle and international assistance. Both Afghan and international actors are engaged in a process of exchanges of views in ...

Low Institutional Capacity

January 10, 2012

To enjoy development, peace, democracy, good governance and modern advancements, the post-conflict nations have to try harder than those who have lived in a stable and peaceful environment and who have not suffered long standing clashes and devastating wars. Emerging out of the long-running war, multifaceted disputes and ...

The Frictional Relationship

January 10, 2012

The relation between President Karzia and Afghan foreign allies has not been moving on a smooth track since the end of his first round of presidency. But both sides were trying their best to keep secret the delicacy of bilateral relationship. After the second presidential election, it emerged that how Mr. Karzia has lost ...

Peace-building Vs legitimizing Violence

January 09, 2012

When Banjamin Franklin said, "There was never a good war or a bad peace," he was reflecting an ideal situation when peace is loved and conflict is hated. In contemporary world, peace is not an absolute end; it is a variable depending on certain circumstances and value systems. If peace was never bad, there could have ...

Low Institutional Capacity

January 09, 2012

To enjoy development, peace, democracy, good governance and modern advancements, the post-conflict nations have to try harder than those who have lived in a stable and peaceful environment and who have not suffered long standing clashes and devastating wars. Emerging out of the long-running war, multifaceted disputes and ...

US: from Liberation to Negotiation

January 08, 2012

The US led international intervention in Afghanistan in late 2001 was to oust Taliban regime that had harbored the leader of global terrorist network, Osama Bin Laden, who orchestrated a deadly sophisticated attack on twin towers in the US. International community, in particular the US was welcomed by Afghan people as a "liberator" ...

It is not a Matter of NATO Only

January 08, 2012

About six weeks have passed but Pakistani borders points are still blocked for NATO supplies to travel inside Afghanistan. Pakistan closed its border after its 26 border troops got killed in NATO airstrike. NATO depends on these border points for fulfilling 40 percent of its supply and logistics needs. But it is not only NATO that...

Many are Guilty in the Case of Sahar Gol

January 08, 2012

Recently pictures and videos of a fifteen year old woman, named Sahar Gol, have changed into a symbol of violence against Afghan women. Reportedly, she was forcedly married to a 30 year old man last year when she was just fourteen. According to Baghlan police, she once complained about the cruelty of her husband's family ...

Rising Poppy and Declining Security!

January 07, 2012

Afghanistan, for last few decades, has not only been influenced by wars but by some other evils, as well. Among them opium cultivation, smuggling and its usage have been the most lethal ones. Poppy cultivation and smuggling have not only brought bad name to the nation but they at the same time have made its usage more feasible for ...

Salang Pass and Disaster Management

January 07, 2012

As expected each year at this time of winter snowfall, the Salang Pass is blocked because of the storm. Since Friday, hundreds of vehicles are struck on both sides. The maintenance guards have blocked traffic and quick snow removal work has been launched. The concerned authorities have to be prepared for further heavy snowfall and ...

Taliban are Playing Well

January 05, 2012

In the view of changing US and Afghan governments' mindset towards insurgents, Taliban are not as black as they are painted. They are 'brothers' and 'not enemies.' But, indeed, that is nothing else than glossing over the ten-year failures of Karzai government and its international backers against the growing ...

War is not the Solution

January 05, 2012

The tension between Iran and US seems to be rising, as US is pressurizing Iran because of its nuclear program through sanctions and Tehran is getting tougher on its stand against the claims on its nuclear program and the bans that are being planned against it. On Tuesday, January 03, 2012 Iran warned US aircraft carrier to return to ...

Ghazni: The Center of Islamic Civilization

January 05, 2012

More than 90 percent of districts of Afghanistan are under varying influence or control of the insurgents. This is what the government itself admits. With more international troops deployed in Afghanistan last year and multiplication of efforts to recruit more people to Afghan National Army and Police, the security condition has ...

Karzai Needs to Realize Challenges ahead of ANA & ANP

January 04, 2012

Afghan security forces do not possess the required capacity to launch night raids, Ministry of Defense (MoD) has admitted. On Monday, MoD spokesman, General Zahir Azimi told reporters that night raids were a collective work of NATO and Afghan National Army (ANA). "We require more time in order to ...

Red Lines and Principles for Talks with Militants

January 04, 2012

After initial denials, Taliban have confirmed their agreement for a liaison office in Doha. Militant's spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid in a carefully-worded statement has said the Taliban have agreed to have a political office in Qatar to have "understanding with the international community". He avoided to mention ...

Afghans Require Transparent Peace Process

January 04, 2012

Afghan people have had great expectations from the changes that have been occurring in the country after the demise of Taliban. Unfortunately, the same changes seem to be on a different track from where the people expected it to go. The people had thought that these changes would ultimately lead to a tranquil life and better standard of ...

Women Rights in Absence of Supporting Norms

January, 03 2012

Of significant achievements that President Karzai government and the international community boasts of as result of the decade-long all-out efforts to change things in Afghanistan is the relatively improved human rights and new mechanisms and measures to promote and protect rights of women, children and vulnerable group. Beyond the ...

Private Educational Institution: President’s View

January, 03 2012

Commercialization of the education is definitely a modern term denoting education industry which, however, differs from country to country, generally boomed well. The process has helped, particularly, higher education institutions, colleges, universities to improve and develop on the basis of large revenue earned from fee collection and ...

No place for Construction in Taliban Line of Thinking

January, 03 2012

No doubt, currently things are going awry in Afghanistan and need to be addressed prudently, quickly and effectively. Horizons are getting closed as the people get killed in cruel acts of terrorists and the government fails to ensure security for its people and pave the way for economic development and prosperity. There is a growing ...

Deal with Taliban: Not to be Overly Optimistic

January 02, 2012

President Hamid Karzai has welcomed the view of US Vice President, Joe Biden who had said that the Taliban were not America's enemy. "We are very happy that America has announced that Taliban are not their enemy. This will bring peace and stability to the people of Afghanistan," Karzai said during a ceremony in Kabul. Karzai has agreed that if the United States ...

A Political Setting of Unprecedented Doubts

January 02, 2012

As Afghan government and international community are making every attempt to reconcile with Taliban and persuade them to stop violence, break links with international terrorist networks and accept Afghan constitution, lack of transparency in the process and continued and unabated reconciliatory messages from the president and some ...

To Stand Dignified among the Nations of the World

January 02, 2012

Afghanistan, unfortunately, has been one of the countries where there have been various incidents of the violation of human rights. Years of conflicts, wars, obsolete tribal norms and values and extremist religious beliefs have influenced the people of Afghanistan to a great extent; they have in fact played major role in violating ...

Let’s be Optimist about 2012

January 01, 2012

We have entered a new year – 2012 but with painful memories of the last year. 2011 cost Afghanistan lives of innocent people and for the Western countries lives of their faithful soldiers. The preceding year added another dark and bloody chapter to the history of Afghanistan: civilians were brutally killed, severe violation of human rights ...

2011 for International Troops

January 01, 2012

The year 2011 is over; among many other issues and incidents that marked this year, the completion of 10 years of war against terrorism is one of them. This war was started with great enthusiasm and determination to put an end to terrorism from Afghanistan. However, there are not yet clear indications that the menace of terrorism has ...

Iran-West Brinkmanship and Energy Price

January 01, 2012

Iran-west brinkmanship has entered into a new period, which has already caused energy-supply panic across the globe. Tehran is one of the largest oil producers as well as exporter which helped the country to refurbish over consumers' differences. In others words, due to its large oil and gas reserves, energy hungry countries have tried their ...

Security Transition and Rising Fear

December 31, 2011

The second phase of security transition to Afghan forces was launched on Friday. The event came as fear and concern about a post 2014 period remain widespread. The country has been waiting for a more secure and promising period since the very first days in its modern history but less has come true for it. Since the beginning of the 21st ...

Need for Genuine Reconciliation

December 31, 2011

After reports of a green light from the US about opening of a Taliban office in Qatar, President Karzai showed displeasure over the fact that the Afghan Government was kept in dark on formal decision about such an office for Taliban. Afghan Ambassador to Doha was called to Kabul. Now after a week, it seems President Karzai has retracted ...

Greening Afghanistan

December 31, 2011

High population shift from provinces and rural areas along with un-built roads and out of date vehicles, machineries and low quality fuel caused Kabul weather being polluted and thereby residents are suffering because of different type of diseases in their daily lives. This problem has recently been escalated and changed to crux, as well ...

Afghan Anomalous Politics

December 29, 2011

Politics in Afghanistan has been totally a mess. No new norms can endure here. The history of politics here shows a very disappointing record. Any struggle aimed at breaking the obsolete traditions in political arena has been subject to failure. Afghan politics is based on tribalism, ethnicism and patrimonialism. No overriding political ...

Block the Propaganda Tools of Militants

December 29, 2011

Some US Senators have called Twitter to block the accounts used by Taliban and their sympathizers who upload hate messages and spread their propaganda. There are some twitter accounts that update news from Taliban insurgency. Some of them are believed to be officially related to Al Emarah, the media wing of Taliban. These twitter ...

Returnees: No Food, Shelter & Clothing

December 29, 2011

Since the fall of Taliban, according to UNHCR figures, 5.7 million Afghans have return to Afghanistan. But figure pertaining to Afghans who returned and again migrated to neighboring and other countries of the world - seeing the terrible living condition here, is unknown. In the recent years, not only the number of Afghans ...

Democratic Peace via Genuine Cooperation

December 28, 2011

Expecting complete withdrawal of ISAF and NATO forces by 2014, the country is afraid of undergoing a power vacuum and fresh round of regional interference and domestic instability. If it comes true, the occurrence will certainly lead to uncontrolled turmoil, chaos and anarchy. With billions of dollars spent on institution...

Former Soviet Union’s Invasion

December 28, 2011

It has been days that some in domestic media have held special programs about the invasion of USSR. Many Afghans clearly remember the day which wins the blame for subsequent break-out of human disaster. Perhaps, the Afghan new generation does not know much about former Soviet Union. Instead they have a grim picture ...

Pesh Imam Turned out to be a Suicide Bomber

December 28, 2011

Taliban who have been blowing the trumpet of being the soldiers and strict followers of Islam have been utilizing this religion as a tool to reach their bloody objectives. On Sunday, a suicide bomber attacked funeral of a tribal elder in Takhar province, killed at least 20 people (including an MP, Abdul MutalibBaik) and injured...

Afghans Must At least Have the Basic Requirements

December 27, 2011

Decades of war in Afghanistan has affected the country to a large extent. Different sectors have been influenced by this menace. The basic infra-structure has not been able to get proper attention and people are suffering because of basic needs, among which food is the most rudimentary one. It is one of the preliminary ...