Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Afghans’ Open-ended Tragedy and Gradual Impunity to Taliban

July 19 2011

As Afghan people continue to go through an open-ended tragedy, the United Nations Security Council has removed the names of fourteen Taliban members from its black list. The UN said in a statement that the names had been removed to prepare the ground for successful peace talks with the Taliban. This happens while on Thursday, July 14, 2011...

Bamyan Security Tasks Transferred

July 18 2011

Can Afghanistan stand on its own feet? It is having the lowest level of security despite presence of about 150,000 foreign troops and more than 250,000 national Police and Army. What is going to be the fate of Afghanistan after the withdrawal of international forces?The seven areas identified to be handed over to Afghan Security Forces in the ...

Concerns still Remain in Place

July 18 2011

>On June 22, 2011, the U.S. president Barack Obama announced the schedule for withdrawal of his country's troops from Afghanistan. Canada has already withdrawn its forces from Afghanistan. Many other countries that have troops deployed and operating in Afghanistan to help stabilize the country have begun or are going to begin to pull out...

Mullah Omar, 90 Miles Away from Kabul

July 18 2011

A female MP has claimed meeting the Taliban's supreme leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar. In the meeting that took place only about 90 miles away from capital Kabul, according to Huma Sultani's statement, a MP elected from Ghazni province, the Mullah has signaled consent and willingness to peace talks with the government of Afghanistan. Huma has ...

2011 - Already the Bloodiest Year

July 17 2011

The year 2011 has already become the deadliest year for Afghan civilians since 2001. The United Nations Assistance Mission to Afghanistan (UNAMA) has released a report which establishes the first half of 2011 as being the deadliest so far registering the highest number of civilian deaths since the fall of Taliban regime in 2001. In ...

U.S. Recognizes Libyan Rebels

July 17 2011

In the fourth gathering of International Contact Group for Libya in Istanbul, the Libyan rebel National Transitional Council (TNC) has been able to gain recognition as the legitimate government of Libya from the United States and other world powers on Friday. It has been almost five month since the rebels have been fighting for...

Modern Education – A Crying Need

July 16 2011

Afghanistan has been one of the unfortunate countries where the continuous trends of wars and conflicts have always affected the other important walks of life to a large extent. Education has been one of the sectors that have been the same sort of victim. Though the education sector has made imperative developments since the downfall ...

The Troublesome Relation with Neighbor

July 16 2011

The reported month-long rocket firings from neighboring country have added another challenge to the already existing ones. There are reports that during current and last month even missiles were fired to eastern provinces of Afghanistan, but the Kabul government still has remained silent and, ...

A Welcome Announcement by the International Community

July 16 2011

The 11th meeting of the International Contact Group (ICG) on Afghanistan was recently held in Kabul with the participation of over 50 donor countries from the international community. With the process of withdrawal of international forces from Afghanistan beginning soon, concerns and doubts have been rising as to whether the international ...

Tense Pak-U.S. Relations; not Favorable

July 14 2011

Since the discovery of Osama Bin Laden from Abbotabad, the Pak-U.S. relations seem to be heading towards nowhere. Though there have been efforts to make the relations work, there has not been evident success. Rather, the deterioration has reached to its climax as the U.S. has announced a pause in $800 million military aid to...

Last Attempts to Save Assad

July 14 2011

Survival of the Syrian regime will greatly serve purposes of some regional actors while the world countries have mostly approached happenings in Syria the same as that of Libya and Yemen. The US, EU countries, many of the Arab nations and the UN have asked Syrian regime to stop crackdown against protestors and abide by their legal and ...

Brother’s Death: Hard to Bear

July 13 2011

Ahmad Wali Karzai, President Karzai's half brother and head of Kandahar provincial council since 2005, was killed on Tuesday July 12, 2011 by his bodyguard associated to the Taliban who has been called "Brother" by President several times in open speeches to public. Death of a brother is too hard to bear, especially of a brother...

Questions on the Upcoming Loya Jirga

July 13 2011

The preparation for the Loya Jirga to be held in September2011 is in full swing. The government of President Karzai insists that the convening of the Loya Jirga is essential for the purpose of holding wide-ranging consultations with the people of Afghanistan regarding the issue of the strategic agreement including long-term military presence ...

United States and NATO

July 13 2011

>The war of NATO in Afghanistan has long been changed into an American war and many NATO members have rolled back and delivered responsibilities to American forces. Initially, both in Afghanistan and Iraq, there was huge enthusiasm and willingness among all NATO members to share burden of the two wars, but that did not last much and ...

Consultation! Isn’t Too Late?

July 12 2011

On time consultation, coordination and strategic planning are key factors to economic sustainability. It is a requirement both for micro and macro economies. This is specifically imperative for economies of less developed and developing nations. Afghanistan falls in the list of countries that are extremely economically vulnerable. Afghan economy ...

Unsettled Issue Causing Loss to the Country

July 12 2011

The parliamentarians of Afghanistan, in patriotic move, cancelled their summer vacation and devoted their vacation to resolving critical issues that has placed the country at an important juncture. This measure of MPs should be acclaimed – national interests should always be taken heavier than personal ones. The parliament, ...

Before They Leave Afghanistan

July 12 2011

As the United State and its allies are mulling to decrease their role and troops from Afghanistan, Taliban are intensifying their operations. Reports say, the US has conducted several sessions of talks with Taliban to resolve the Afghan conflict through a political way. But Taliban have rejected these reports saying, there are no ...

Afghanistan- Still Without a Comprehensive Population Census

July 11, 2011

World Population Day is going to be celebrated on July 11, 2011 throughout the world and in Afghanistan. On the day when the world is going to talk about the various aggregates of population living in different parts of world it must be mentioned that Afghan population has been one of the most deprived ones in the world. The ...

Turkish Airlines Decides to Serve in Afghanistan, as well

July 11, 2011

Last week, Turkish Airlines, the flag carrier airline of turkey, was awarded the "Best Airline in Europe", "Best Premium Economy Seats" and "Best Airline in Southern Europe" at the World Airline Awards. At the same time, the airline acquired the 3rd place in the best airline companies in all Europe ...

Kabul Bank Case and Economic Fragility

July 10, 2011

The fragile security situation has overshadowed all other matters of concern for the country. However, economists believe that the current economic vulnerability is far more critical than the long standing security dilemma. Economic pressures and highly dependent budget is of the main challenges even at this period when huge amount

Panjsher Incident Increases Concerns

July 10, 2011

In return of assistance and sacrifices the international community has been making in Af ghanistan, it has always anticipated cooperation from the government and the people of Afghanistan. But in Afghanistan one should give more and expect less or even nothing. The three decades of war and meddling of several countries have made it quite difficult...

Insurgents do Most Harm to Afghan Children

July 10, 2011

We see Taliban and other insurgent groups talking of Jihad. They believe that they are the Jihadi fighters that continue to fight a holy war. But over the last ten years they did most harm to Afghan people, particularly women and children. In addition to falling victims to suicide attacks, roadside bombings and other terrorist ...

Mr. President Must Undo the Evils before it is Too Late

July 09, 2011

After the 2010 parliamentary elections did not end up in success of President Hamid Karzai's favored candidates, he greeted the official results announced by the Independent Election Commission and attempted to refuse to inaugurate the parliament. In the meanwhile, he opened Pandora's box by unconstitutionally establishing a special ...

Heading Towards A Cloudy Future

July 09, 2011

The destination of Afghanistan is still quite cloudy. Its future has become vaguer with announcement of drawdown plan of international troops by US government, intensification of insurgency and low capacity of Afghan forces. After ten years of fight against insurgency, the question, "Where is Afghanistan moving to - towards peace and ...

Marriage Expense is Too Large

July 09, 2011

The very door towards social acceptance in the country is of course marriage. Young singles are looked with suspicion and face various challenges in the society regarding renting house or rooms for settlement. Kabul is a city where annually thousands of high-school graduated as well as school boys and girls come to follow education at ...

The Persistence of Warlords’ Tradition

July 07, 2011

It can be concluded from the ongoing political intransigence in the country that "warlords have gone but the tradition of 'Warlordism' is widely practiced across the country". It is the third consequent time MPs delayed a fifteen day-long summer vocation to mount pressure on President Karzai to submit list of his nominees for ...

A Helping Hand to Counter Narcotics

July 07, 2011

Afghanistan has been one of the countries that have been suffering because of the problem of poppy cultivation and drug trafficking. Because of economic, social and political problems doubled by the continuous instability in the region, the problem has always been invigorated. It is now a part of organized crime in the country with ...

The Ugly Episode in Parliament Reflects Reality

July 06, 2011

The ugly showdown in Parliament yesterday started with a scuffle among some MPs who attacked each other with bottles and shoes after a heated argument about President Karzai and his VPs. The scene was shown live on TVs and the nation watched how their elected representatives 'debate' on 'national issues' inside the lower ...

War, Weariness and Old Clichés

July 06, 2011

It seems that all the observers, officials and people involved in the war in Afghanistan are concerned about the future of gains and achievements made by Afghan people and international community over the last ten years after the withdrawal of foreign forces from the country. The reasons for these concerns remain legitimate because the forces of ...

Unrealistic Conceptions

July 06, 2011

Any longer disputes over whether the Taliban's main sanctuaries are in Pakistan or in Afghanistan will cause digression from the core objective in fight against terrorism. Afghanistan and Pakistan have long been making accusations and counteraccusations on cross-border attacks. Few years after the inception of war against terrorism, Afghan...

Suicide Bombers: Terrorist Groups’ Goods for Sale

July 05, 2011

The price of a suicide bomber, sold from one terrorist group to another, is $ 70 to 93 thousand. This fact was revealed in a statement issued recently by Afghan intelligence (National Directorate of Security – NDS). According to the statement, the NDS has arrested a suicide bomber from Jaji Maidan district of Paktia province who had on ...

An Opportunity Turning into an Environment of Doubt and Fear

July 05, 2011

The death of Osama Bin Laden provided Afghan government and international community with a new opportunity to increase pressure on Taliban militants and other insurgent groups to eviscerate them. The efforts had already begun to target the insurgent leaders. But unfortunately this new opportunity is not seized and instead the ...

Concerns about Our Security Forces

July 05, 2011

According to reports, the US and coalition allies are reducing funding for increase in the number of Afghanistan security forces. This was discussed in a meeting last week in Kabul. Previously the US and allies had planned to increase 72,000 troops to Afghan security forces, but now the number has been reduced to 46,000 after cuts in ...

Receding Tide of War or a Dangerous Place?

July 04, 2011

Last week, Kabul witnessed one of the most organized and well-coordinated assaults by the insurgents and terrorists carried out on the Intercontinental hotel, which is heavily fortified and frequented by foreigners and high-ranking officials. Observers are of the view that this was a direct rebuttal of President Barack Obama's...

Privatization of Govt. Companies Adding to Poverty

July 04, 2011

Rebuilding and development of the economy of Afghanistan is a pressing need of the time in view of the grave setbacks it has suffered over the years. The Constitution of Afghanistan has allowed for a free market model of economic organization and in light of that, the government of Afghanistan, from the outset, has pursued a policy of...