Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Reconstituting Its Evil Nature

July 04, 2011

The appalling reports of use of an eight year old girl in suicide attacks by the Taliban militants scarred human conscience. The atrocity has happened in southern province of Uruzgan, in which a small innocent girl was used as a tool to carry out the attack on police personnel. According to reports, when the innocent girl takes the explosives near ...

Dispel Concerns Instead of Expressing Concerns

July 03, 2011

While security situation continues to have a baneful look, failure to address rampant corruption is plunging the country into a more complicated situation. Unfortunately, the president and some high authorities can easily dodge the responsibility for the problems faced by the country by putting the blame on international organizations or ...

Achievements at Great Stake Now

July 03, 2011

When the constitutional law of Afghanistan was enacted, it conceived an immense success for the people of Afghanistan and the international community. It was anticipated that Afghanistan – from economic, social and political perspectives – will nurture having the law as the foremost principle leading it. The Afghan constitution is the first ...

This is How Repatriates are Welcomed

July 03, 2011

>Friday's bomb attack by Taliban, killed 13 member of a family repatriating from Pakistan. The incident took place in Zabul province when the family was on their way to Nawor district of Ghazni. Is this how Afghan refugees are welcomed in Afghanistan when they return to their own homeland? Yes, it is very unfortunate and death follows ...

Huge but Ineffective

July 02, 2011

One of the main reasons for public pressures against US and its allied governments to pull out troops from Afghanistan is its economic nsequences, in particular, since the US's economic recession in 2008. A decade later than the US war against terrorism was launched in 2001, a new study disclosed that US involvement in Afghanistan, Iraq ...

From Railing at Parallel Structures to Weakening Elected Institutions

July 02, 2011

Over the past few years, President Hamid Karzai has been railing at what he has called "parallel structures" operating outside the law in Afghanistan. In many official and non-official occasions, he has said that foreign aid organizations and security firms are the parallel structures that weaken...

Afghans, Largest Group of Refugees in World!

June 30, 2011

According to United Nations High Commission for Refugees' (UNHCR) statistic in 2010, three million refugees out of the 15.6 million worldwide – nearly one in every five – were Afghans. Of the nearly 700,000 asylum applications lodged in 2009 and 2010 in 44 industrialized nations of the world, nearly 52,000 – one in every 13 ...

US New War Strategy

June 30, 2011

Obviously the assassination of Al-Qaeda's top leader, Osama bin Laden, largely affected US military policies in Afghanistan. It was far likely for President Barack Obama to scale down US military presence in such a level as he announced on June 22. i.e. 33,000, previously surged, US troops would leave Afghanistan by next September, if ...

Debt Caused Chaos in Greek

June 30, 2011

Sovereign debt has been always recognized as danger for a possible economic apocalyptic, and many economists instantly alarmed countries over unfettered budget deficits and increasing sovereign debt. But its gravity is relative and closely linked to potential of economy of the respective countries. For instance, the sovereign debt...

IDP’s Face Double Trouble

June 29, 2011

As a consequence of the troops surge in Afghanistan, operations launched by International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) against the militant Taliban have been intensified. These operations have been successful to a certain extent but at the same time they have given rise to the ...

DAB Chief’s Irresponsible Act

June 29, 2011

Abdul Qadeer Fitrat, the chief of central bank of Afghanistan has fled the country and resigned. He says he was threatened as he had openly exposed the secret names behind the collapse of Kabul Bank. He was threatened or not, there is no proof and also Karzai's spokesman, Waheed Omar, doubts there were any real threats to his ...

Two-Weeks-Long Ambitious Talks

June 29, 2011

No more than few weeks have passed since Afghan ambassador to Islamabad, prior to President Karzai's last trip to Pakistan, announced that the two countries had survived tensions and had entered a new friendly phase of relations. During his visit, Afghan President and his Pakistani counterpart vowed to fight the scourge of terrorism and to ...

Deal with Taliban, a Blunder not a Mistake

June 28, 2011

The end of every gloomy era is brightness. That is what Afghans have been advis ing their young children who quite often get simply confused by the deprivation they are facing as compared to children living in other countries of the world. Millions of Afghans have lost their lives and the bright seems to have stuck somewhere and it's like ...

Drawdown Plan Pillars

June 28, 2011

Late Wednesday, US President Barack Obama finally announced the drawdown plan of US forces from Afghanistan – 10,000 this year and 23,000 by the end of summer 2012. This is bigger than expected. Also, it seems like the President has overlooked the recommendations of his generals in the field who had said there should be no significant ...

Counter-Narcotics; Spray the Fields

June 28, 2011

June 26 was the International Anti-Narcotics Day. According to latest reports, the poppy production has not reduced, rather there has been an ease in the opium production and smuggling. The fight against poppy has been a forgotten war. Last year the US Administration of President Obama announced a change in the fight against narcotics, ...

Effort Oriented against Democratic Consolidation

June 27, 2011

Since democracy is the only solution to Afghan problems, any effort oriented against democratic consolidation in the country is to be deprecated as it catapults the country into a disastrous crisis. It is tantamount to depriving the nation and people of opportunities to shape their democratic future and the democratic future of the country.

ANP, Problems Multiply Despite Huge Investment

June 27, 2011

In countries like Afghanistan only a professional and well-equipped police force can counter crimes including terrorism. A police force that is involved in crimes itself can not give any hope to a nation. "Police is for serving the people" is the motto of Afghan National Police (ANP) but the question is, "Is it competent enough to demonstrate its...

US New War Strategy

June 27, 2011

Obviously the assassination of Al-Qaeda's top leader, Osama bin Laden, largely affected US military policies in Afghanistan. It was far likely for President Barack Obama to scale down US military presence in such a level as he announced on June 22. i.e. 33,000, previously surged, US troops would leave Afghanistan by next September;...

Terrorists Usually Deny Mass Casualties

June 26, 2011

It is clear that Taliban militants, as a branch of wider terrorist network in the region and world, have been actively engaged in act of violence to cause fear for the purpose of changing behavior in the society. Their common acts of atrocities continue to be suicide attacks, roadside bombings and kidnappings, which often lead to mass...

Unreported Incidents of Rape

June 26, 2011

There are many cases of rape, torture and all kinds of violence against women in areas outside the capital, provincial and district centers that go unreported. A recent incident had been resolved by local elders in the traditional conflict resolution process in Balkh Province. A teenage girl was kidnapped and raped. Her parents...

Heading Towards Democracy

June 26, 2011

The outstanding democratic moves and public demonstrations in the Middle East is mainly based on certain modern values such as democratic elections, freedom of expression, transparency in governance and basic civil rights of the citizens. The angry mobs who easily sacrificed hundreds of pro-democracy protestors have demonstrated their ...

Post-Withdrawal Intrusions

June 25, 2011

The troop drawdown will begin shortly. President Barack Obama an nounced that he was pulling home 33,000 troops from Afghanistan by next summer. The announcement came after months of consultation and reflection over the status quo in Afghanistan and the possible consequences. Pressured by public opinion at home, US president made...

Alignment against the Specter of Evil Forces

June 25, 2011

It was nearly 10 years ago that the terrorists carried out their vicious attacks on the United States of America, which were orchestrated and plotted in Afghanistan, which was then ruled by the brutal regime of Taliban. The world felt a new security threat but Afghanistan found a new opportunity to begin to get rid of the evil...

Obama’s Headache

June 23, 2011

Now days US President Obama is under mounting pressure, and in his Wednesday's prime-time address, he has to make a key decision about his civil and military commit ment in Afghanistan. When he won the white house, Mr. Obama obviously acted against his party's willingness of opposing wars former President Bush waged. He bravely refocused to...

No Security, no Economic Prosperity

June 23, 2011

Deep concerns over insignificant foreign investment - largely due to deteriorated security condition – exist in Afghanistan and countries supporting it to eco nomically stand on its own feet. The United States alone has spent 19 billion dollars to support the economy of Afghanistan. Its other allies have too, invested considerable amounts...

Afghanistan and SCO

June 23, 2011

President Karzai attended the 10th anniversary summit of the Shanghai Coopera tion Organization (SCO) in Astana, Kazakhstan on Wednesday, June 15, 2011. The SCO, comprised of China, Russia and the Central Asian countries except for Turkmenistan, is primarily a security organization focusing on its member countries' security-...

Pakistan Army Decides to Pick out the Culprits

June 22, 2011

>Recently, there have been discussions of links of important figures from Pakistan Army with terrorist organizations. Especially, after the Mehran Base Assault, Pakistan Army was under immense pressure regarding the same allegations. There have been rumors that there are individuals within the security forces themselves who provide highly...

Struggling for Survival

June 22, 2011

>2011 was entitled as the year of change. Wide ranges of demonstrations across the Arab world and the world socio-political developments marked great changes this year. In Syria, as in some other Arab countries, the spreading waves of public uprising are uprooting the longtime regime of Bashar Al-Assad. Feeling isolated by...

Two Sets of National Interests but not Conflicting

June 21, 2011

In his most recent diatribe against international community, President Hamid Karzai said that the world nations are here in Afghanistan and using our country to follow their own national interests. It is clear that the countries are involved in Afghan mission not out of pure ethical principles alone. National interests do...

IMF on Kabul Bank Crisis

June 21, 2011

Afghan Finance Minister Omar Zakhilwal has said the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has stopped payment of big amount after the Kabul Bank crisis. While criticizing the decision of the IMF, Mr. Zakhilwal said the decision was politically motivated and to pressurize Afghanistan. Another high-profile Afghan official, Head of the Office ...

Stop Accusations, Fight Corruption

June 21, 2011

We have all witnessed how corruption has gone deep in the system of Afghanistan in the ten years. Now, it seems like almost all organizations are somehow involved in one or other forms of corruption. The problem is more severe in government offices where watchmen to the highest ranks are corrupt and there must be very few exceptions. The West has used corruption...

Time for a Promising Message

June 20, 2011

>As Afghanistan is entering into a critical period of transition of security responsibility to Afghan National Security Forces and beginning of drawdown of inter national forces, there is no promising message from the government to the people. Bomb explosions and Anti-government elements' attacks continue to occur in the capital and...

The Karzai’s Court

June 20, 2011

Special Court formed by President Karzai to investigate and decide on results of 2010 Parliamentary Elections has said it will soon announce its findings. As a
result of these findings, according to the court, a number of MPs, currently attending parliamentary sessions, might be unseated. This has been the long emphasize of...

Peace Process, From Being Afghan-led to CIA-led!

June 20, 2011

President Karzai, speaking in the National Youths Conference in Kabul on Saturday, June 18, confirmed for the first time what was known for a long time; that the U.S. government is "single-handedly" in charge of talks with Taliban with the government of Afghanistan nowhere in the picture."Foreign countries especially...

Kabul, Targeted Once Again

June 19, 2011

Yesterday's terror raid in Kabul - again in the uniform of Afghan security forces - can be conceived an attack on the hearts and minds of the people of Afghanistan and Karzai's government. It also establishes the fact that Taliban is present everywhere and is potent enough to target key government and foreign offices. The police and...