Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

The Kuchi Conflict Take Lives

June 19, 2011

Once again the Kuchi-conflict has erupted violence in Ghazni province. Armed Kuchis have burnt down 26 villages in Nahur District, killing five innocent people of the area, who have fled to neighboring districts, after the sudden ambush on Friday night by about 150 attackers. There had been reports of Kuchi attacks and clash in...

Social Capital Deficit

June 19, 2011

How society is organized hinges on the presence and absence of social capital, which is defined as social values, networks, and institutions that promote trust and cooperation. Social capital is also defined to be "the strength of relations, the willingness to act on trust." The level of cooperation within a community or...

Aiman-al-Zawahri – The New Al-Qaida Leader

June 18, 2011

Aiman-al-Zawahri who has been serving as Al-Qaida's number two has formally taken over the charge as the supreme leader of Al-Qaida. This announcement came on Thursday, June 16, 2011, through a website Al-Qaida has been using. Aiman-al-Zawahri belongs to an upper class Cairo family and is believed to have training as doctor and surgeon. Contradicting...

The Major Concern in Afghanistan

June 18, 2011

The year 2014 is an important deadline in the partnership between Afghanistan and its international allies that have been actively helping the country politically, militarily and financially since 2001. A decade has elapsed and Afghanistan is yet to meet the expectations of its people or even address the basic problem of...

UlsamaTurkey; the Development and Democracy Model

June 18, 2011

Later than the Turkey's ruling Justice and Development (AK) party won the recent parliamentary elections, the usual question over whether Islam was consistent with the development and democracy, once again, arose globally. The burning question has remained contentious. The disagreeing groups have mostly pointed at annals created by Islamic...

The Most Dangerous Place for Women to Live in

June 16, 2011

Afghanistan, a country where the lowest level of security prevails, is the top producer of opium, falls in the list of most corrupt states and has recently been ranked the most dangerous country for women.Afghanistan has been voted the most dangerous country for women in a poll of experts by the Thomson Reuters Foundation.AntonellaNotari,...

Security at Risk

June 16, 2011

It is a matter of much concern to mention that there have been major reports of two suicide bombings and a rocket attack on Wednesday, June 14, 2011. The first suicide attack, carried out by a car driver, targeted the education and agriculture offices in the capital of Kapisa province, northeast of Kabul. This attack, according to the interior...

Irresponsible Officials

June 16, 2011

No doubt, democracy is a new experience for Afghan civilians as well as officials. But this naiveté has turned into a means for some to avoid responsibility. Regularly, for some undemocratic measures or happenings, the same notion of unfamiliarity with democratic institution and establishment is blamed and, thus, mistakes are...

US Contacts Mullah Omar

June 15, 2011

Following remarks by the High Peace Council Chief in an address to the Afghan parliament on contacts made with the militant groups' leaders, the outgoing U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said political talks between the U.S. and the Afghan Taliban may start by the end of this year. However, he warned that a precipitous drawdown

A Present and Future Need of Afghanistan

June 15, 2011

For a long term American presence in Afghanistan, a deal between the Karzai and Obama administrations is expected to be signed soon. The Guardian reports, "The US-Afghan talks, which began more than a month ago, are intended to create a strategic partnership that would keep large contingents of U.S. Special Operations Forces, intelligence...

Peace Facilitated if Justice Done

June 15, 2011

When justice fails to be done, forces of terror and destruction begin to"enjoy killing" innocent people. Over the last ten years, the terrorists have either been released by the government under different pretexts or escaped prisons, bringing about a culture of impunity. Those released have often rejoined the networks of terror and...

Karzai’s Cabinet – Still Incomplete!

June 14, 2011

The silence of the Parliamentarians continues for the third day (June 12, 2011) in the house, emphasizing the need that the President must submit the names of his cabi net nominees and heads of independent organizations for approval in front of the house, with the statement of the deputy speaker, Ahmed Bahzad, that says,"Honorable members of...

Afghanistan & Pakistan issues interlinked & interrelated

June 14, 2011

If in the past it was in doubts, now it has been confirmed that Pakistan's role is vital in international community's success in Afghanistan. Without cooperation from Pakistani government, withdrawal and transition process seems not to be technically possible. Knowing the fact that Pakistan itself is burning due to consistence terror...

The US to Support Afghans for Mineral Deposits

June 14, 2011

Minister of Mines, Wahidullah Shahrani, has said the United States is helping Afghanistan to explore and develop its mining sector. While addressing a joint press conference with the US Ambassador in Mazar-e-Sharif capital of Balkh province he said World Bank is going to provide $23 million for a sulfur factory in...

Joint Commission for Peace

June 13, 2011

President Karzai and Pakistani Prime Minister Gillani inaugurated the Joint Commission for Peace through the maiden meeting of the Commission on Saturday, June 11, 2011 in Islamabad. All the hopes for reliable and long lasting peace in the region and reconciliation process with Taliban depend on this Commission. Both the countries, as...

Operation in Ghazni Province

June 13, 2011

The security situation in Ghazni province, especially those areas related to Ghazni highways and its surroundings have been the matter of concern for both people and security forces for quiet some times. Incidents, including roadside bomb attacks and trouble to those who travel through the highway have been frequent there. So many complains...

OPEC, Saudi Arabia and Iran

June 13, 2011

The recent OPEC meeting in Vienna bluntly failed to agree on lifting the level of oil production due to increasing market demand. Before the meeting, nobody expected such a grim outcome because of its useful previous meetings. Previously, there have been always differences, particularly between Iran and Saudi Arabia over the level...

Time for Int’l Community is Running Out

June 12, 2011

Every foreign soldier in Afghanistan must be wishing to be near his family, friends and relatives. The soldiers must be wishing to be at their homes rather than the battle field. Of course, defending their nations is what they have joined army for but the deployment in Afghanistan and fighting a ten years long war needs patience, devotion...

Death of Innocent Civilians Continues Unabated

June 12, 2011

Suicide attacks, road-side bombings and instances of assaults on civilians have sharply risen in recent months. The United Nations in Afghanistan has released a report concluding that the month of May has been the deadliest month for civilians since at least 2007 when the organization started keeping records of civilian deaths.
In one...

Time for Int’l Community is Running Out

June 12, 2011

Every foreign soldier in Afghanistan must be wishing to be near his family, friends and relatives. The soldiers must be wishing to be at their homes rather than the battle field. Of course, defending their nations is what they have joined army for but the deployment in Afghanistan and fighting a ten years long war needs patience, devotion...

Afghans’ Terrible Universe

June 11, 2011

The media and press are the "museums of deadly incidents", to roughly borrow the term from Paul Virilio, for Afghan people. The man-made disasters such as the daily explosions, road side bombings and suicide attacks are the terrible incidents that continue to torture Afghan conscience as they watch televisions, listen to radios and read...

30% of Afghan Children are Labors

Too Much Diplomacy;

Child labor is a tragic phenomenon in Afghanistan. Over 30 percent of Afghan children are part of the work force responsible to feed their families. According to the Head of the Euro pean Delegation, these children are working in every industry under very harsh and poor conditions. He said the European Union has spent 15 million Euros and...

Too Much Diplomacy

June 11, 2011

In a two-day visit to Pakistan, Afghan President Hamid Karzai rrived in Islamabad on Friday. The trip is aimed at discussing bilateral ties, further cooperation to improve the security situation in Afghanistan, Pakistan and the region. The president is also supposed to inaugurate the joint peace commission and discuss the reconciliation process. Karzai...

“Transition” is Getting Tougher for Afghans

June 09, 2011

The new strategy of Taliban to target the selected anti-Taliban and anti-militancy and pro-administration personalities from amongst the best is really making the government and its allies bite their fingers in despair. The political, administrative and security systems, though with major deficiencies, have been organized after so much sweat and...

Dubious Victory in the War against Terrorism

June 09, 2011

>Barack Obama had a meeting with senior administration officials and military commanders on Monday, June 6, 2011 in White House Situation Room, discussing the troop's withdrawal and the situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Keeping in view, the growing concerns of the People in America regarding the presence of American troops in...

Civilian Casualty and Restriction of Airstrike

June 09, 2011

Both Afghan and foreign officials maintain alike that civilian casualty is the evil product of the ongoing counter-insurgency struggle and severe measures should be taken to avoid it. Perhaps they also are in view not to support larger civilian casualties for the sake of lesser military death toll. After replacement of Top US and...

Jawad Zahak Assassinated

June 08, 2011

Only few days later than blowing the Takhar provincial governor office and murder of General Dawood Dawood, the northern police zone chief, and Takhar's provincial police chief, Taliban made another successful high profile assassination. On Tuesday June 07, 2011, the dead bodies of Bamyan's provincial council head and four of his fellows...

Do Not Embolden Taliban by Removing Leaders from Blacklist

June 08, 2011

The governments of U.S. and U.K. have decided to give a major push to their attempts at negotiation with Taliban by removing a number of high-ranking Taliban officials from the blacklist maintained by the United Nations. Officially, this is being pursued as a result of a request by the government of...

More Rapid Pullout Than Expected

June 07, 2011

In a new report on the US Afghan mission, the New York Times on Monday June 06, 2011 said that "President Barack Obama's national security team is contem plating troop reductions in Afghanistan that would be steeper than those discussed even a few weeks ago, with some officials arguing that such a change is justified by the rising cost of...

Real Source of Information

June 07, 2011

ISAF says, the local Afghans are now turning against Taliban and Al-Qaida. They cooperate more than before by providing information about insurgents. That is good news as it means the public outreach programs launched by ISAF and Afghan government have started giving results. Success in Afghanistan seems to be improbable to achieve...

Govt. Fails to Spend or Not Willing to Spend?

June 07, 2011

According to reports, in the previous fiscal year, the government of Afghanistan has been able to disburse $937 million or 40 percent of the total $2.3 billion developments funds it had on hand and in control. Therefore, in the current FY budget, the development budget has been cut by 40 percent. With this low budget execution rate, the government...

The Environment Week

June 06, 2011

In Kabul, one of the most polluted capitals of the world, this week has been dedicated to environment. The week is aimed at creating public awareness, as the environmental pollution has reached its climax. The severity of pollution can be judged by the dusty air and garbage scattered everywhere in the capital of Afghanistan. Three decades of...

Fighting Corruption from a New Perspective

June 06, 2011

Rampant corruption has always been a hot issue in the country. It is considered to be a huge obstacle in the way of progress in the country, has disappointed the general Afghan public and the international community alike and continues to erode the very pillars of Afghan state. As one of the first rules of governing people, it is...

The US Military Withdrawal from Iraq

June 06, 2011

Sometimes it gets really difficult to find out how terrorist philosophy works out. And how they are coming out with decision to carry out suicidal attack on their countrymen with the same race, language and religion, the factors which are recognized as three uniting forces? On Saturday, June 03, 2011, a suicide bomber attacked a...

Uncertainty is the Only Certain Prospect

June 05, 2011

Once again there are pieces of news which Afghan people do not like to hear so frequently – bomb blasts and suicide attacks. On Saturday June 04, 2011 there have been two incidents; first, blasts in Kandahar University that resulted in unfortunate deaths of two students and severe injuries to three others; second, the suicide attack by a woman...