Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Corruption Begets Unemployment and Insurgency

March 17, 2014

The former four decades of war has earned nothing except countless miseries and devastation that is going to ensue talks with assassins of Afghans. The year’s long war destroyed ...

President’s Final Speech to the Parliament

March 16, 2014

Inaugurating the fourth working year of Afghanistan’s parliament, President Hamid Karzai delivered his final speech of its kind. The president talked intensively on the brighter ...

Crimean Plebiscite and Democratic Practices!

March 16, 2014

After the voting of Crimean parliament on last Tuesday to get independence from Ukraine, a referendum is planned for today in Crimea whether to join Russia or become an independent ...

Education of Worth Is the Worth of Education

March 16, 2014

Collective progress is neither a self-propelling endeavor nor a cyclic phenomenon but an innovation seeking undertaking, ever aided by element of rationalism. Regretfully the Muslims ...

Poppy Production Might Touch New Heights

March 15, 2014

Afghanistan continues to remain the top-producer of opium in the world. The decade long anti-drug campaign of the Afghan government backed by the international community seems ...

Free & Fair Election Ensures Strong Democracy

March 15, 2014

Democracy is a universal value based on the freely expressed will of people to determine their own political, economic, social and cultural systems and their full participation ...

Rise in Criminal Activities in Kabul City

March 15, 2014

The criminal activities have increased tremendously in Kabul city. Everyday a criminal incident is reported. Tire slashing is one of the most common one. The tires of targeted cars ...

Violence against Women is a Worrying Issue

March 13, 2014

The issue of violence against women still remains highly controversial. Afghan women suffer domestic and social injustice and their rights are violated in one way or another. Gender ...

Consequences of Death of Qasim Fahim

March 13, 2014

The sudden death of first Vice-President Mr. Ahmad Qasim Fahim sent shock down to spine of Afghan politics. As the most trusted figure of Ahmad Shah Masoud, he took the leadership ...

The Controversial Movie is Banned!

March 13, 2014

One of the major and conflict-resolving steps was the decision of a US appeals court to remove anti-Islam film from Youtube. The court ordered the Google Inc to remove the film ...

Latest Threat from Taliban

March 12, 2014

In their latest statement the Taliban have once again threatened Afghans against going to the polling stations. They have extended their threat to officials and employees of Independent ...

Women’s Rights; Individual and Combined Efforts

March 12, 2014

On the occasion of World Women’s Day, first German and French Awards for Afghan women have been announced, highlighting the efforts of Afghan women to make better the image of Afghan ...

Human Rights Delayed If Not Denied!

March 12, 2014

Man suffers, not only when the part of the world in which he is residing is hit by natural calamities like earthquakes, famines, floods, diseases etc, but occasionally also at the hands ...

No Reversal Move!

March 10, 2014

President Karzai on Saturday, participated in 8th march celebration. While asking women to take part in upcoming provincial and presidential elections, he said that he was elected ...

Education Sector has been Neglected

March 10, 2014

A glance at our deserted national priorities disheartens us of interminable irrational and abrupt priorities which happens to be mostly influential than inspirational. The undertakings ...

Corruption Still a Huge Challenge

March 10, 2014

Corruption, nepotism, graft, bribery and embezzlement are all various forms, shapes and names of a single evil that have grasped almost all sectors in Afghanistan. It is simply the greatest ...

Criticism against the Government

March 09, 2014

There have been a number of occasions when the Afghan government was criticized by its international allies on different platforms of the world. These countries were not happy ...

Escalating Corruption Marks Bad Governance

March 09, 2014

The lust for acquisition of undying wealth, power and dominance has multiplied men’s needs and efforts. The act of corruption thus becomes so automatic in the human brain that ...

The Curse of Poverty and Unemployment

March 09, 2014

Over the last more than a decade, Afghanistan’s economy has had constant growth. Nonetheless, it has failed to benefit the poor section of the society. Our economy has been unable to create ...

On Women’s Day

March 08, 2014

In order to underline the immense worth of women in collective progress of a society, every year March 8 is celebrated as International Women's Day (IWD). The day reminds ...

Coalition of Qayom Karzai and Zalmai Rasoul

March 08, 2014

Mr. President Karzai appreciated the move of his brother who was a leading presidential candidate for withdrawing off the upcoming presidential election. He said that he appreciated ...

Not to Neglect Minors’ Sufferings

March 06, 2014

The oven of election campaigns is getting hotter as each day passes. The 11 presidential candidates appear different at forums to present their plans on various issues ranging from ...

Civilian Casualty is the Crux of Difficulties

March 06, 2014

President Karzai’s recent statements, made in an interview with Washington Post, are back in the spotlight again. He does not seem to be improving relations between Kabul and ...

Role of An Individual in Country’s Future

March 06, 2014

Although we are all hopeful of the bright future of Afghanistan and we are making different guesses in this regard. Our experts and even common men are also busy in discussing ...

New President, Old Challenges

March 05, 2014

Developments that have taken over the past 12 years in Afghanistan cannot be and must not be neglected, regardless of what the future brings. With the international community’s financial ...

Transparent Election Should Follow Peaceful Transition

March 05, 2014

The upcoming election is termed as a turning point in the history of war-torn Afghanistan carrying enormous riches and uncertainties equally. It must be imbibed, the politicians ...

Freedom of Expression and Misuse of the Internet

March 05, 2014

No doubt, one of the key developments in post-Taliban period is freedom of expression. Afghans and international donors paid due attention to media and freedom of expression. As ...

No Compromise on Constitution & Women’s Rights

March 04, 2014

National Security Advisor, Dr. Rangin Dadfar Spanta has come up with a very straightforward statement on peace reconciliation with Taliban. He has made it clear that there is no chance ...

The Threat of Taliban Sympathizers!

March 04, 2014

Just like Ghaziabad incident, there were many other incidents in which Terrorists were not only able to inflict harm to our forces but were also able to take into hostage a large number ...

Global Consequences of Kiev Crisis

March 04, 2014

The Kiev Crisis on the steep path towards changing into a global one. Russian President Vladimir Putin demanded and won his parliament’s approval on Saturday to invade Ukraine ...

Noteworthy Issues Await Attention

March 03, 2014

Amidst manifold troubles, deteriorating state of security stands to be the prior most predicaments Afghanistan faces at the present. Every day innocent civilians, army and police personnel ...

“Japan Has Been Passionately Pursuing Everlasting Peace”

March 03, 2014

Since there has been some misleading information about the recent visit of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to the Yasukuni Shrine, I believe that it is my responsibility to ...

Anti-Corruption Legislation Needed

March 02, 2014

The rampant mishandling of resources, misuse of public office, and position of trust, veiled methods for sanctioning or rewarding those who hold positions of public trust through ...

For Ministries of Defense and Information Technology!

March 02, 2014

There have been reports of considerable increase of those videos and images on internet and different social networking sites where terrorists are shown beheading or treating ...

Economy Needs Attention

March 02, 2014

Corruption, opium, insecurity and many other such national issues that the government has failed to address in the last 12 years pose serious threat to the future of Afghanistan ...