Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Dangers of ‘Zero Option’

March 01, 2014

There is no or little hope that President Hamid Karzai will sign the crucial Bilateral Security Agreement with the United States as long as he is in office. Although all the presidential candidates ...

Afghanistan’s Interests Must Stand Superior

March 01, 2014

Afghanistan being backed by US forces has been fighting insurgency and Talibanization and remnants of Al-Qaida for over the past decade with a noticeable breakthrough. The billion dollars influx ...

BSA and Possibility of Complete Withdrawal

March 01, 2014

In his latest phone to President Karzai, President Obama vividly put the zero military option on the table. Reportedly, both presidents talked over 40 minutes over range of issues ...

Lessons from Ghazi Abad Incident

February 27, 2014

The sad incident of Ghazi Abad in Kunar province left the country in shock and people protested against the incident. More than a dozen of our soldiers were martyred and the bereaved families ...

Concerns over Govt. Interference in Election

February 27, 2014

Democracy in Afghanistan is still nascent. While free, fair and transparent elections are considered one of the main factors that can lead to strong democracy in the country; it faces multifaceted ...

ANSF Sacrifices Must be Valued

February 26, 2014

The killing of 21 Afghan soldiers in Ghaziabad district of Kunar province on Sunday has triggered the anger of the Afghan people against Taliban insurgents. The biggest backlash can be observed ...

Delayed BSA Mismatches Afghanistan’s Interests

February 26, 2014

At present, Afghanistan passes through numerous problems; uncertain political circumstances and instable security condition stand to be the most immediate problems, pleading prior ...

Protest in Support of Soldiers

February 26, 2014

Today, Feb. 26, a protest will be launched in the support of 21 soldiers who were cowardly killed by Taliban militants In Ghazi Abad District of Konar province. Based on ads shared in social ...

Battling the Polio!

February 25, 2014

According to the government sources, a polio eradication campaign has been launched in 14 bordering provinces of the country. This campaign would reach to 4 million children and would bring almost the final ...

An Abhorrent Abduction

February 25, 2014

A few days earlier, two children were kidnapped from the eastern part of Kabul city. They were a six year old girl and her five years old brother. The abductors contacted their family and asked for a ransom of ...

Women Rights: It’s better to be Optimistic

February 25, 2014

Women rights remain a hot issue in the election campaigns of almost a dozen presidential candidates. Whether it is election debates, talk shows or social media statuses of the presidential ...

Signs of Unity in Election Groups!

February 24, 2014

Upcoming elections are approaching briskly and so is the pace of campaigns by the presidential candidates. Every candidate has been supported by a couple or more number of famous politicians ...

The Kunar Incident

February 24, 2014

At least 23 Afghan soldiers have been killed and seven kidnapped by Taliban in a pre-dawn raid on a border outpost on Sunday. The attack in the eastern province of Kunar was the single deadliest ...

Social Evils are on the Rise

February 24, 2014

Social ill-practices are detrimental to social bond of enhancive interaction, receiving superfluous acceptance among masses, and are regarded as social evils. It is generally the loosening ...

National Reconciliation, Indicative of Good Omen

February 23, 2014

Previously former Taliban minister Maulvi Abdul Raqib was assassinated in northwestern city of Peshawar when the rumors of talks between Afghan Taliban and government were widespread ...

Police as a Role Model

February 23, 2014

With every passing day, we witness more and more events or occasions when our police force deployed in the capital city crosses its limits and creates numerous problems for the fellow ...

Boosting Investment, Pre-requisite of a Self-reliant Economy

February 23, 2014

In post-conflict countries like Afghanistan, investment plays a very crucial role in boosting their economic conditions. Investments both external and domestic form the backbone of ...

Fearing Prospective of Presidential Election Result

February 22, 2014

The campaign convoy of Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, a presidential nominee, came under attack while returning from Jalalabad province to Kabul. Though no one had injuries, the incident can hit ...

Af-Pak Relation Battered

February 22, 2014

At present Afghanistan passes through numerous problems, among which political uncertainty earns distinction. The incumbent politicians suffering shortsightedness is unable to read out ...

Poverty Remains Unaddressed

February 22, 2014

Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries of the world. In the last decade poverty has only increased and there has been failure to counter the root causes contributing to poverty. The ...

Mullah Raqeeb’s Murder

February 20, 2014

Taliban former minister was murdered on Monday in Pakistan northwest city of Peshawar. Armed assailants riding on a motorbike shot Mullah Abdul Raqeeb, a former minister for refugees ...

25th Anniversary of Afghans’ Victory over Soviet Forces

February 20, 2014

The 25th anniversary of Soviet forces exit from Afghanistan was marked on Saturday 26th DALW [February 15th], which is the date that the last unit of Soviet soldiers withdrew from Afghanistan ...

Harmful Energy Drinks in Market!

February 20, 2014

The uncontrolled inflow of huge amount of money prospered a lot of people and thus the country and especially the capital city of Kabul became a market for very expensive imported products ...

No Cure to Roadside Bombs

February 19, 2014

Roadside bombs or IEDs have been Taliban-favored weapon to target military convoys, both national and foreign. The technique has taken lives of hundreds of foreign troops over the past 10 years ...

Maintaining Peace and Tranquility

February 19, 2014

Peace is the desire of every nation. Every nation that wants to progress and develop must have peace prevailing in all aspects of life. However, achieving and maintaining peace has not proved ...

Afghan Youth Foresee Proper Attention

February 19, 2014

Afghanistan is a country with a large population of about 30 million. According to credible data those between the ages of 15 to 35 form more than 50 percent of the total population counted ...

Polling Stations’ Security does not Mean Voters’ Security

February 18, 2014

Insecurity in Afghanistan remains as the greatest threat to holding elections. The Taliban have warned they will not spare life of anyone who will participate in the upcoming presidential ...

Lack of Accountability against Corruption

February 18, 2014

Now that the term of this government is coming to an end and new government along with its chief and ministers will take the charge and replace the old machinery of government, the lack of ...

Deepening Relation of Kabul and Delhi

February 18, 2014

Indubitably, the bilateral relation between Kabul and Delhi is on a rise. As one of the biggest democracies in the world and with enormous ethnic, cultural and religious heterogeneity, India can ...

The Future Looks Gloomy for Developmental and Aid Programs

February 17, 2014

As the American-led forces are preparing to withdraw from Afghanistan, threats to lives of civilians, aid workers and other Afghans who have worked for various developmental projects are ...

Controversies over Released Bagram Detainees Unsolved!

February 17, 2014

Formerly the 65 inmates released from Bagram prison by Afghan government were militants and Taliban fighters who will likely return to the battlefield to kill coalition and Afghan ...

Valentine in Afghanistan

February 17, 2014

A couple of days earlier Valentine’s Day was celebrated in most of the countries around the world. The day is celebrated on February 14 and is considered a day dedicated to those who love each ...

Inabilities of the IEC against Electoral Frauds

February 16, 2014

While security is deemed as the greatest threat to the upcoming elections scheduled for 5th April, election frauds that can have equal or even more destructing outcomes are not being taken as ...

Intra-Afghan Dialogue Undertaken To Restore Peace

February 16, 2014

Peace is the ultimate necessity every Afghan longs for, over decades. In order to draw in the stalled peace process, a tangible and pragmatic approach is required to further the derailed ...

Increasing Restaurants and Hospitals!

February 16, 2014

The only entertainment available for the residents of Kabul is eating in different restaurants with the family members. Although millions of dollars were allocated for the establishment of ...