Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Insurgents Attempt to Fuel Sectarianism

September 08, 2013

Last week, Afghan national security forces averted a gruesome attack of insurgents in Kabul. On Thursday, two suicide bombers disguised as police tried to enter a Shiite mosque in West Kabul but ...

“Bullet cannot Stop the Spirit of Freedom”

September 07, 2013

As the time passes through the transition period in Afghanistan, the security situation is becoming challenging. Not only the national and international security forces but the civilians have to ...

Reserved Seat for Sikh and Hindus

September 07, 2013

President Karzai has signed a legislative decree reserving one seat on National Assembly for Sikh and Hindu minorities. Based on Article 79 of the Constitution, which says, “During the ...

Karzai Speaks the Public Words

September 07, 2013

President Hamid Karzai has come up with another criticism of Taliban militants, calling them a group employed to defame the religion of Islam. Karzai said in a recent state­ment that the ...

A Baseless Call for Postponing the Elections

September 05, 2013

In a gathering in Kabul, on Tuesday, September 3, a large number of people from various provinces of Afghanistan called for postponement of presidential and provincial council elections due ...

Age of Coalition and Alliances

September 05, 2013

As September 16, the date for registration of the electoral candidates’ approaches near, the electoral alliances and coalition formation gained momentum. It seems as if, in the upcoming ...

Taliban’s Atrocities on National Highway!

September 05, 2013

Few days earlier, nine persons coming from Kandahar to Kabul were captured by Taliban on the way and were slaughtered on the spot. Then they left the spot with all the ease and security forces ...

War Cannot Be Fought with Empty Hands

September 04, 2013

In a recent interview to British daily ‘’The Guardian” General Joseph Dunford, the top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan has thrown light over the dying rate of ...

Daudzai as Interior Minister

September 04, 2013

Former Ambassador to Pakistan Omar Daudzai has taken charge of the Interior Ministry, promising he would keep the Ministry out of meddling into electoral affairs. He said addressing major ...

Poor Health Facilities

September 04, 2013

The people of Afghanistan, for the last few decades, have not been able to get their rudimentary requirements of life easily. Since the installation of a democratic government, the situation has improved to ...

Peace in Syria – is it Possible?

September 03, 2013

It seems that human beings are too brutal to control their aggression and act in cooperation and support with one other to acquire peace and tranquility. Though some thinkers suggest that ...

Secret Negotiations with Taliban

September 03, 2013

Only about two decades earlier, there was no group by the name of Taliban that could threat the security of a country, let alone the region. But Taliban were created, supported to take over the government in ...

Global Warming

September 03, 2013

Global warming is an increase in the earth's temperature due to fossil fuels, industry, and agricultural processes caused by human, natural, and other gas emissions. This results in an increased ...

Insurgency on the Rise

September 02, 2013

The security situation in Afghanistan is facing serious challenges nowadays. The Taliban insurgents have been very active and they have targeted various places around the country, killing security personnel ...

School Graduates Take Kankor

September 02, 2013

Over 19,000 high school graduates participated in the university entrance exam Kankor nationwide on Friday. According to Higher Education Ministry, about 8,000 of them will be accepted for ...

Illegal Arrest of Afghans in Quetta!

September 02, 2013

According to the media reports and as reported by the Afghans living there, hundreds of Afghan refugees have been arrested illegally in Quetta city of Pakistan by police and other law ...

Promising Political Arrangements

September 01, 2013

With less than a month remaining for the registration of Presidential candidates, we are witness to new political arrays which are fundamentally the ones made during two previous presidential ...

National Security

September 01, 2013

A country’s national security is imperative. Workers, politicians, military personnel and other leaders in national security areas must be outstanding, hard working individuals dedicated to maintaining national ...

Taliban Continue Bloodbath

September 01, 2013

As political leaders continue holding unending negotiations on electoral alliances, Taliban continue butchering innocent Afghans across the country. In an attack on Ghazni Provincial Reconstruction Team seven ...

The Dreadful Insurgency

August 31, 2013

Though there have been hopes and promises of peace and tranquility in Afghanistan, the signs do not seem evident. On the contrary there have been incidents that show dangerous sings of the worsening of the ...

Graph of Violence against Women Remains High

August 31, 2013

Since the beginning of the Afghan year, the Afghanistan Independent Human Right Commission (AIHRC) has registered 3,000 cases of violence against women most of which are sexual abuse and ...

Kabul, Islamabad Correlation Bridged

August 29, 2013

President Hamid Karzai concluded a two-day visit to Pakistan where he made exclusive meetings with high officials in Islamabad paving a way for peace talks with the Taliban and relieving tensions ahead of ...

No Incentives for Industry & Agriculture

August 29, 2013

There is still lack of banks that could facilitate industry and agriculture activities in Afghanistan. It can be regarded as a major hindrance for the economic growth. Banking sector has had ...

No Mercy Even for Poor Laborers

August 28, 2013

The Taliban have speeded up killing people who are somehow linked to the Afghan government and foreign organizations. Such people include laborers who work for various developmental projects across ...

Looming War on Syria!

August 28, 2013

With the latest reports, third warship of US had reached to the waters of Gulf. Two warships were already present in the area. This step has darkened the clouds of military action of United States ...

Weak Economy!

August 28, 2013

Today Afghanistan has a government elected through a democratic process, a growing economy, functional media, civil society, thousands of running educational institutes, women in offices and in the ...

President Karzai's Visit to Pakistan

August 27, 2013

President Hamid Karzai, on the invitation of Pakistani Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, visited Islamabad on Monday August 26, 2013. The Afghan President was accompanied by a high-level ...

Disappointing Climate of Employment in Afghanistan

August 27, 2013

Insignificant development in Afghanistan industrial and agriculture sectors is the major factor behind Afghanistan high dependency on neighboring and closely located countries for ...

Will a Different Election Be Possible?

August 26, 2013

In the last decade, Afghanistan had to lay down strong foundations for a sustainable development in all major areas. Nonetheless, this country continues to remain highly instable and ...

Inauguration of New Kabul project!

August 26, 2013

According to Afghan Ministry of Interior on Saturday August 25, 2013, all the obstacles in the construction of New Kabul City project have been removed and the project will be inaugurated in a ...

The Distinction of Human Mind

August 26, 2013

The distinctive feature of a human being amongst the living beings is his ability to communicate and his intelligence. It is possible for him by the function of a vital organ of his body - the ...

Karzai Depicts a Feeble Picture of Taliban

August 25, 2013

At times when the Taliban are dreaming of toppling the government in Afghanistan and are carrying out terror attacks with more intensity than before, President Hamid Karzai has called them ...

Displacement and Casualties

August 25, 2013

As the conflict and violence continues undiminished, the consequent troubling situation has rendered many local people to be displaced. With the wave of displacement and civilian ...

ImprovingAfghan National Police

August 25, 2013

Afghan National Police (ANP) has gradually improves as today they are able to respond some pressing security challenge. But still they need to be properly trained and equipped with armed facilities to ...

Dire Need for Policy Overhaul

August 24, 2013

The war on terror, which was declared immediately in the wake of 9/11 tragic and dreadful attacks, has not earned the real goals of fighting terrorists. The growing insurgency in Afghanistan is ...