Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Reasons for Optimism

November 03, 2012

The US Deputy Foreign Secretary Robert Blake has said American withdrawal strategy also focuses on economic transition in ...

Election Deadline and Way Forward

November 01, 2012

The Independent Election Commission has confirmed earlier reports of April 05, 2014 for presidential and provincial council ...

Saudi Arabia’ Role Crucial for Peace Process

November 01, 2012

Amid withdrawal plan of NATO forces from Afghanistan, our neighboring and regional countries are mulling ...

Civil Uprising Replaces with Civil War

November 01, 2012

Last week when UN-Arab League envoy in Syria, Mr. Lakhdar Brahimi brokered ceasefire over Eid-ul-dha holiday, many ...

All Eyes on ANSF

October 31, 2012

There are, no doubt, growing concerns among different circles in Afghanistan about what will happen to this country after 2014. At ...

Absenteeism in Parliament

October 31, 2012

Majority of MPs continue to remain absent from National Assembly causing lack of quorum for a session to be held. Even ...

Eid, Police and Municipality!

October 31, 2012

Eid is the occasion that comes once in a year and thus everyone wishes to spend it with his or her relatives and cherish every ...

Life Should be Valued and Evils Should be Shunned!

October 30, 2012

Life is a miracle because of its mysteries and excellence. Life is not how it is defined; rather, it is how it is lived. The living ...

Burn the Roots of Corruption

October 30, 2012

Western countries have spent billions of dollars to support their counter-terrorism war and development and reconstruction process in ...

The Eid Days

October 29, 2012

On Friday October 26, Eid ul Adha was celebrated all over Afghanistan and throughout the Muslim world with full religious ...

The Influences of Technology on Business

October 29, 2012

The rise of the Internet combined with modern technological advances has reshaped the way businesses operate. The 21st century ...

On Durand Line

October 24, 2012

Afghan Foreign Ministry has strongly rejected the statement of U.S. Special Envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, Mark Grossman, on Durand ...

Al Qaida Trying to Reestablish Itself in Afghanistan

October 24, 2012

There have been reports about al-Qaida's efforts to reestablish itself in Afghanistan. Al-Qaida is setting up ...

The Prospective of Women Rights

October 24, 2012

Violence against women recently has changed into headlines of newspapers. Few days ago, a man named Mohammad ...

IEDs: Now Deadlier for Civilians than Military

October 23, 2012

There has been a 30% increase in civilian casualties in Afghanistan from Jan-Nov as compared to the same ...

Thinking of Winter Before Winter!

October 23, 2012

Last year, people were moved by the sufferings and pains of people who became the victims of severe cold, frost and rains of ...

Open-ended Story of Afghan Refugees’ Sufferings

October 23, 2012

One of the inheritance of decades-long insecurity and civil war definitely is millions of refugees across the world. However, tens ...

For God’s Sake, Ministers!

October 22, 2012

Other day, one of the busiest junctions of the city where important offices like Ministry of Education, Gulbahar Center and ...

Insider Attacks – Major Concern on Recruitment of ANSF

October 22, 2012

Insider attacks within the national security forces ranks have created major concerns on recruitment process of National ...

Insurgency in Baluchistan Needs to be Taken Serious

October 22, 2012

After the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, Taliban and their leaders in Kandahar and other southern provinces easily escaped to ...

Foreign Commissioners at ECC

October 21, 2012

President Karzai has expressed his opposition to inclusion of foreign members in the Election Complaints Commission. While ...

2014 Power Transfer Key to Stability

October 21, 2012

Recently there has been many gloomy predictions of Afghanistan's fate after NATO withdrawal in 2014. Western think-tank reports and ...

Before It’s Too Late

October 21, 2012

On Friday, 19 October a minibus carrying guests to wedding ceremony in Dawlat Abad district of northern Balk province hit a ...

All Human beings Should have Equal Opportunities

October 20, 2012

Human beings, living in today's world of ours, seem to be losing contentment and satisfaction. There are many incidents taking place in different parts of world that depict that human beings are not able ...

Malala – Rebirth of Bouazizi?

October 20, 2012

Today Malala, just like Bouazizi of Tunisia, is fighting for her life in hospital. However, unlike Bouazizi, it seems that her sacrifice might be wasted because unfortunately ...

Working Together out of Poverty

October 18, 2012

"Working together out of poverty" is the theme of this year's International Day for Poverty Eradication. The day is held annually on 17 October since 1993 when ...

Hazaras are Targeted Indiscriminately in Pakistan

October 18, 2012

On Tuesday, October 16, Gunman on motorbikes shot four people from Hazara community in a busy scrap market in Quetta, Pakistan. However, no one has claimed the ...

Clean Up North Waziristan

October 18, 2012

The US drone strikes in North Waziristan prove to be the most effective weapon of choice against militants in a long time. Pakistani Interior Minister has denied rumors ...

Nobel Prizes for 2012

October 17, 2012

The Nobel Committee of Sweden announced its prestigious prizes for outstanding achievements in the field of science (like Physics, Chemistry and Biology), economics, literature ...

Another Insider Attack

October 17, 2012

Insider attacks that have deeply concerned Western authorities, impacted the trust between Afghan and international troops and have put implementation of crucial training programs of Afghan National ...

Hazaras – the Vulnerable Victims of Sectarian Conflicts in Pakistan

October 17, 2012

Hazara community has witnessed yet another incident targeted attack which gunned down four innocent shop keepers from Hazara community members in in the scrap market of Quetta city Express News ...

HPC is Optimism about Peace Talks with Taliban

October 16, 2012

High Peace Council (HPC) talks of improvements in persuading Taliban to peace negotiation. In a meeting with a group of foreign reporters visiting Afghanistan on a media ...

The EU Tightens Sanctions against Iran

October 16, 2012

In a meeting on Monday, October 15, the European Union foreign ministers in Luxemburg imposed new round of sanctions against Iran over its nuclear activities...

You are a Facebook Addict!

October 16, 2012

Initially, Facebook was launched as a social networking site in late 2004 with intention to connect the Harvard university graduate students to ...

Girl Child Day Aimed at Countering Early Marriages

October 15, 2012

Considering the worst effects of early marriages, the United Nations has dedicated 11 October to 'girl child'. The UN has urged ...