Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

The Worst of Unemployment

August 18, 2011

I think this is not only I analyze that unemployment is the reason driving the people towards crimes and war, rather every single person from any part of the world thinks and openly analyzes so. Like these days, the inflation is on its highest peak and corruption rate has increased all over the country just to earn money, no justice for the ...

Is Negotiation with Taliban Achievable?

August 13, 2011

I think Karzai's government and his international "friends" have accepted the defeat and finally accepted that Taliban is strong and that they can no longer stand against them. I think the Taliban members are very happy today as they hear that government is calling them to join the ...

The Role of TV Channels In Our Community

August 11, 2011

In Afghanistan the number of TV channels is reaching almost two dozen. Besides news updates, a variety of programs are being broadcasted. Afghan had never had such experience. The existence of these TV channels encourages the new and old Afghan artists which is very vital for the future of Afghan music and film ...

Not to Make Mistakes Again

August 09, 2011

In the last three decades, we have been making some serious mistakes by fighting rather than supporting each other. This point has been used by the foreigners who time and again invade Afghanistan or directly interfered in the internal issues of Afghans. The bitter memories of past largely affected the mentality and way of thinking of...

Recommendation is Valued More than Talent

August 06, 2011

What are the most dangerous problems Afghanistan is in hunt of today? What are really the most effective problems torment Afghanistan, are obviously the high rate of unemployment which is the absolute leading mother of all crimes and backwardness. The government of Afghanistan must realize this that currently the high the rate of ...

No More War & Bloodshed

August 04, 2011

The current status of Afghanistan as crystal clear for each one of us, living in Afghanistan and for the world at large, and about the suffering and most critical problems that today Afghan people are steeped in. now it is ten years after the fall of the Taliban regime ...

An Outlook to the Afghan Orphan Children

August 03, 2011

Afghanistan has been a battlefield and the state of civil war since mid, 1970s. The war in Afghanistan has only introduced violation and desperation on all aspects of life. These decades of continuous war have absolutely paralyzed the economical growth and stability of this country, and instead increased hatred and abhorrence among the nations. During...

The Causes of Food Insecurity in the Country

August 02, 2011

Unexpected numbers of people die every year in Afghanistan due to hunger and poverty; many more than violence and other insecurity system. Hunger is the mother of all evils that compails man to go against his conscience and do illegal things that scare and upset the world at large. Despite the repeated calls for greater attention on ...

Ramadan is the Holy Month of Peace

August 01, 2011

Ramadan in Islam is a month of obligatory, priers and daily fasting. It is the ninth month in the Islamic lunar calendar. Daily fasts begin at dawn and end with sunset. And thus, abstain from eating, drinking, smoking and other practices which are not allowed in this Holy Month of Ramadan during daylight and in the evening called (Eftari) in Eftari ...

Education is the Key Solution to Our Problems

July 31, 2011

Afghan people still suffer from the extreme rate of illiteracy dominated the country. More than 70 percent of population in Afghanistan is illiterate which is the matter of a serious concern is. We need professionals in the field of Engineering, Medical, and Scientific Research, Information Technology, Teaching and other related ...

Children are Escaping Schools

July 28 2011

The very rude behavior of teachers at school, every year thousands of children leave schools. The normal teaching material, teachers hold stick to control and behave students like commando in the war. However, punishment at schools became part of the government's educational system. Students get punished for mall reasons. In the...

Concern Over the Rights of Children is Must

July 27 2011

Decades of war have strongly affected the children in Afghanistan both mentally and physically. Under-five mortality rates are among the highest in the world and both health and education systems suffer from poor finances, lack of qualified professionals, and security problems. More than half of all children in Afghanistan are stunted due to poor...

Broken Management Brings Poor Infrastructure

July 26 2011

Major highways linking three main largest cities of Afghanistan – Kabul, Kandahar and Herat successfully reconstructed under "Afghanistan Road Initiative" in 2002 which has made commuting quicker and comfortable in above mentioned routes. This accomplished task is an obvious sign of development and stability in ...

Happiness Begins Within Your Own

July 25 2011

During this current age where depression, anxiety, anger, lack of tolerance and much more related symptoms are very common among people particularly in Afghanistan where there is lack of confidence, lack of trust, lack of honesty, lack of loyalty, lack of love, lack of truth and lack of conscience, these are the causes that dismantled us all of ...

There Must be a Concern Over Homeless Children

July 24 2011

Any given day in the towns and cities of Afghanistan, tens of thousands of children head to the streets to beg and hawk sundries, even during this hot weather. These street kids, who earn on average less than 100 a day, are often the only means of support for their families. And their numbers are growing day by day. These children are...

There Must be Limit in Car Speed

July 23 2011

Today the speed of cares is a very serious problem that has not been concerned by the higher traffic controller in Kabul city. The high speed of the cars is not only the main cause of accidents taking place every day around Kabul city, but also pollutes the environment of the city which is the worst killer then the car...

An Overview on the Rural Areas

July 21 2011

The remote areas were always the victims of the enormous and various problems, whether by the Taliban, insurgency, warlords, criminals and other forceful groups. The problems they have been facing throughout the history are incomparable indeed that none of us would ever...

Kabul City, no More a Safe Heaven

July 20 2011

The Afghan government has vowed to make the capital a symbol of security which is the very fundamental requirement for a country to cover the rest steps of development and progress. But so far, one can't view enough progress on security system in the Kabul city where every day different personalities are targeted by the...

The Rise of Insecurity Worries Afghan People

July 19 2011

The recent root of attacks on different well-known personalities is the really matter of concern for both Afghan government and international community, combating insecurity for the past 10 years. It was right two weeks later after the death of Wali Karzai, the governor of Kandahar province, that Jan Mohammad Khan the senior advisor of ...

Healthy but Lack of Satisfaction

July 17 2011

Today we are absolutely and comparatively in a very healthy condition with best of all blessings which is obviously our health. A very eminent and most quoted quotation, says, "Health is Wealth, no health means no ...

Afghanistan’s National Security Forces

July 16 2011

What are the components of the national Afghan forces? What are the US and NATO doing to improve the Afghan national forces and with what aim? To discuss this implication, I would like to provide some answers to these questions. The letter firstly provides a background to the mission of the US military and NATO in Afghanistan. It follows with a ...

The Practice of Child Labor in Afghanistan

July 14 2011

Child labor in Afghanistan is one of the most common practices. Among more than 45% of the population of 24 million people is under the age of 18 are all illiterate due to laboring practice. And it is estimated that up to 30% of the primary school age children are working as a labor and are very often sole source of income for their families. It happens when their head of the house have been killed or handicapped ...

The Effect of Modern Technology on Our Lives

July 13 2011

The technology which surrounds almost everyone in today's modern society, affects both work and free time activities. Technology contains information that many would rather it did not have. And thus, it influences minds in good and bad ways, and it allows people to share information which they would otherwise not be able to attain in other ...

Electricity is Today’s Dire Need

July 12 2011

Shortage of Electricity has remained the most unconcern issue in Afghanistan, while electricity is the most outset pillar towards progress in a country, because today everything ends on electricity. In fact, electricity must be considered the pioneer column of business in today's modern world. However, today in Afghanistan we do witness Endless reconstruction ...

Lack of Potable Water Causes Serious Sickness

July 11, 2011

Today almost 70 percent of the urban population lives in inappropriate areas or in illegal settlements and extremely suffering from the lack of crude livelihood facilities. And thus, 95% lack access to suitable toilets. These people are those who have returned back from other neighboring countries, like Pakistan and Iran. They are mostly ...

Classifying Success in Afghanistan

July 10, 2011

Since 2001, the West has tried to build a strong centralized government in Afghanistan in which has been spent billion and trillions of dollars. But such an approach fits poorly with the country's history and political culture. The most realistic and acceptable alternative models of governance are decentralized democracy and a system of ...

Insecurity is the Matter of Concern

July 09, 2011

Insecurity continues to be one of the most serious issues in Afghanistan that challenges the political and development stability. This threats the lives of many people every day, in all around the country. Insecurity is continuing to be growing on in most parts of the country where there was safe haven several months back. A progressive ...

The practice of Arrange Marriages: Should the Parents Decide?

July 07, 2011

In this twenty first century, some people strongly believe in love at first sight, while others believe it takes time to love someone. In life having a companion is a very import factor in human's life. But it's hard to form a god relationship right when you meet that person. It obviously takes time, patience and trust to love that person and positively is sure it will last...

Does Corruption Deepen Poverty in Afghanistan?

July 06, 2011

As long as we are well cognizant with the fact that the present governmental surroundings in Afghanistan, corruption has really deep-rooted in and caused the poor at mercy of the power. The extreme growing of corruption is the most crucial and biggest hurdle towards political stability and country's...

Enemy’s Strategies: How is that Working?

July 05, 2011

The ground realities, clearly seems that Taliban, Al-Qaeda and various hostile fighters in Afghanistan designed their own lessons from the so-called's surge in the war used country. They are quite experimented to deal with a surge not by fading away before it, but by meeting it with a violent rush of their...

More Love Spoils the children

July 04, 2011

Giving more love doesn't only spoil the children, but also put the family in very embarrassing circumstances, especially when the parents take them to party or ceremony of their closed relatives, they mass up everything they see and really make a trouble for the poor...

Good Education May Guaranty a Brighter Career

July 03, 2011

No body denies the importance of education, not only to get a job, but rather to have highly functioning and viable societies, businesses and governments and a better live with respect and dignity. However, I also belief that too much emphasis is placed on a degree with little regard to whether or not the degree applies to the job and with no

Progress Too Slow in Afghanistan

July 02, 2011

Today one of the very major problems we badly suffer from is traffic jam, pollution, road damages, improper sanitation system and unfortunately yet, theses problems have not been under a serious concern of the government to step forward towards wilding them up, despite emery's Kabul residents requesting from the Kabul...

Indiscrimination of Humankind on Earth

June 30, 2011

Today indiscrimination against humankinds has reached on its highest peak, everywhere conflicts and clashes going on with out and cease of comprehension and put a glance on the importance of humankind on earth. Man kills other man only for the sake of worldly things without any single...

Unemployment is the Mother of all Crimes

June 29, 2011

I think this is not only I analyze that unemployment is the reason driving the people to wards crimes and war, rather every single person from any part of the world thinks and openly analyzes so. Like these days, the inflation is on its highest peak and corruption rate has increased all over the country just to earn money, no justice for the ...