Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

The Insecurity Situation Sets Afghanistan on Fire

June 28, 2011

After the announcement of President Obamma to pull out his 30, 000 troops from Afghanistan starting from July 2011 has brought a gigantic chaotic in the security system of the region. The profound transformation of insecurity not only paralyzes the development and stability process but it will also shift to mount the business dynamic ...

Car Speeds Put Many Lives in Dangers

June 27, 2011

Today the speed car is a very serious issue which has not been concerned by the higher authorities much. The speed of the cars not only harm the drivers themselves but it threats others lives around the streets and highways. We daily see accidents happening in highways and in small streets around inside the city and victims are mostly the ...

American’s Withdrawal: the Ultimate Return of Taliban

June 26, 2011

President Obamma's earlier announcement on pulling out his 30, 0000 troops till 2012 from Afghanistan has shocked most of the Afghan people.
American withdraws their troops from Afghanistan; Taliban will be quickly shifted to celebrate their new beginning of cruelty and brutality in the country. Today, the rise of insecurity in most parts...

Progress Too Slow in Afghanistan

June 25, 2011

Today one of the very major problems we badly suffer from is traffic jam, pollution, road damages, lack of proper sanitation which are making the problem gigantic day by dy. On their repeatedly suffering and diseases that they create every day, unfortunately no serious concern has been taken against such problems to step forward towards...

An Outlook to the Pressurized Crises in Rural Areas

June 23, 2011

The remote areas were always the victims of the enormous and various problems and crisis and lost their nearest once for defending the country, remained uneducated and without health care protection and other basic requirements of life, as a result today they are having the worst life condition. Constantly, they are still the victims of the ...

Equality & Justice are the Backbone of a Nation

June 22, 2011

The people that have suffered in this country from the lack of equality and justice have had enough, and they are seeing the government weakening, thanks to the international community for introducing the real equality and justice for us all.
Who is being treated equal and equal to what are legitimate questions ...

The War is not Over Yet

June 21, 2011

May be some times the world forgets about war-torn Afghanistan. Still here is a huge need for the world to understand the fight in Afghanistan; many people thought it would get over. But, the war in Afghanistan still persists to continue with no end, it's pretty known as we see the root of Bomblasts in various parts of the...

Kabul: One of World’s Worst Polluted City

June 20, 2011

Air pollution is one of the worst killers in Kabul city that cause various kinds of diseases and take many lives as it is considered to be one of the world's polluted cities.
A Kabul residents says that "Air pollution is just a huge problem here; it leads to so many diseases - respiratory diseases, allergies, miscarriages and even cancer, every morning we weak up, we...

Government Needs to Concern Over Crime, Corruption & Violence

June 19, 2011

There is a growing agreement between scholars and analysts that some of the most imperative issues that need to be addressed in Afghanistan are corruption, organized crime, and the illegal economy more broadly defined on the ground. What became more obvious by what we daily observe is that the concern is very much shared by individuals and...

There Must be Bann Over Selling Fake Medicine

June 18, 2011

On everything business and experiment is not fare indeed, doing business on the health of the people is an absolute abuse of the law and human dignity.
The crisis of spurious and expired medicines in Kabul market is emerging as a gigantic issue for patients seeking medical treatment who often end up sicker than they have ever been. The...

Property Prices Rise Up in Kabul City

June 16, 2011

It is a war torn city where militant Taliban insurgents frequently blow up bombs but Kabul the capital city of Afghanistan is also experiencing a mini property boom these days. Part of this is due to the fact that international agencies are willing to pay to acquire properties in the best locations of the city but also wealthy Afghans...

The High Rates of Addictions in Kabul

June 15, 2011

Afghanistan is the world's leading producer of opium and heroin, exporting drugs to Asia, the Middle East, Europe and other neighboring countries. But the scale of domestic drug abuse has only recently become apparent. Today the youngsters are reportedly to be choosing a very unhealthy life style which is an absolute self-suicide by using...

Parks, Recreation, and “Greenery “Must be Improved

June 13, 2011

The years of neglect, many of Kabul's once-lush green spaces and parks were in a very poor condition. There were numbers of popular Parks in Kabul city once, like Shar-e-Now, located in the heart of Kabul, used to be a popular destination for families with young children but had fallen in not disrepair and had become an eyesore with...

The High Rate of Corruption in Afghanistan

June 12, 2011

Corruption and poverty are linked together and mounted for destruction and backwardness which are now experiencing in Afghanistan. The high rate of corruption and poverty are age old maladies that can never be eradicated if it continues in the same way among the high profile...

Homeless Children Striving to Make a Living

June 11, 2011

Any given day in the towns and cities of Afghanistan, tens of thousands of children head to the streets to beg and hawk sundries, even during this hot weather. These street kids, who earn on average less than 100 a day, are often the only means of support for their families. And their numbers are growing day by day. These children are...

Hundreds and Thousands of Children Run off from School Every Year

June 08, 2011

The very unhealthy behavior of teachers at school, every year thousands of children leave schools. The normal teaching material, teachers hold stick to control and behave students like commando in the war.
However, punishment at schools became part of the government's educational system. Students get punished for mall reasons. In the class, if the students miss the homework or unable to answer the...

There Must Attention on the Rights of Children too

June 07, 2011

Decades of insecurity have strongly affected the children in Afghanistan. Under-five mortality rates are among the highest in the world and both health and education systems suffer from poor finances, lack of qualified professionals, and security problems. More than half of all children in Afghanistan are stunted due to poor...

Pollution Causes Series of Serious Diseases

June 06, 2011

The impacts of Dirty weather in Kabul city causes or exacerbate numbers of serious diseases among inhabitants of an air polluted city on daily basis. These diseases include Ischemic Heart diseases, stroke, hypertension, and a number of respiratory disease and birth defects as we see daily in the hospitals. Those who are at highest risk of being...

Concentrate on Education Too

June 05, 2011

Due to devastating war and lack of political will, Afghanistan is still suffering illiteracy and perhaps it will persist since the Afghan government and its international allies are as busy as bee in other political matters and dealing with insecurity. But I think the real need of Afghans is education and development in Afghanistan largely...

Alternative Routes should be Considered!

June 04, 2011

Through this particular letter I want to divert the attentions of the concerned authorities regarding the reconstruction of roads going on in different parts of Kabul city. Definitely, such endeavors have to be appreciated as the reconstruction of the roads is a positive step. But what I want to talk about is the way through which such...

Help the Poor Children

June 02, 2011

This is my second letter sending to the Daily Outlook Afghanistan for publication. Since there are burden of problems in Afghanistan, i just want to highlight one of the main problems which is that The number of the baggers on the streets are getting higher with the passage of time which includes a large number of small children who are...

The Shortage of Electricity in Kabul

June 01, 2011

In this era of technology, electricity has a very vital role to play in the daily activities of people. Electricity is the basic need of today's world and life cannot be smooth in its absence. The residents of Kabul city had to wait for years in order to have proper electricity at their homes. However, other cities of Afghanistan like...

Roads Blocked by Foreign Troops Not Tolerable

May 31, 2011

The presence of tens of thousands of foreign troops is necessary for peace and security in Afghanistan. They help us in reconstruction of Afghanistan. Since 2001, billions of foreign aids have been poured in Afghanistan. Today the economy of Afghanistan is moving towards betterment and prosperity. It is also hoped that the insurgents will be...

Mess in Kabul University Hostel

May 30, 2011

I am a regular reader of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. I am a student of Kabul University, where students not only come from Capital but every corner of Afghanistan. Daily Outlook not only provide us good knowledge about the current affairs of the country and highlights different problems of masses' interest but it also gives us a good help...

Mess in Kabul University Hostel

May 29, 2011

I am a regular reader of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. I am a student of Kabul University, where students not only come from Capital but every corner of Afghanistan. Daily Outlook not only provide us good knowledge about the current affairs of the country and highlights different problems of masses' interest but it also gives us a good help...

Kabul City Needs a Quick Concern Over Cleanliness & Greenery

May 26, 2011

Recently some private banks and other organizations have initiated a program under the above name. It will not only add to their good will but also help the capital become clean. The residents of Kabul have welcomed the initiative and are taking part in the process of cleaning Kabul. Kabul is believed to be one of the polluted cities of the world...

Insecurity is one of the Main Problem

May 25, 2011

I am sending this letter to bring to light the security situation in Afghanistan. As Afghanistan passing from its worst since 2001, the security is aggravating after every passing day, all the people throughout the country is worrying about their beloved country either it is Muslim or non-Muslim. I was very depressed after reading the news...

Killing of Children isn’t Fair

May 24, 2011

The people of Ghazni province observed yesterday (Sunday) as a mourning day. According to the resident of Ghazni city, recently the Taliban militants have killed 11 school going students in front of the people. They have requested the President Hamid Karzai, Minister of Interior and Minster of Defense to do more for bringing betterment in...

Is Negotiation with Taliban Achievable?

May 23, 2011

I think Karzai's government and his international "friends" have accepted the defeat and finally accepted that Taliban is strong and that they can no longer stand against them. I think the Taliban members are very happy today as they hear that government is calling them to join the government. I think the Taliban movement is the...

Broken Management Brings Poor Infrastructure

May 22, 2011

Major highways linking three main largest cities of Afghanistan – Kabul, Kandahar and Herat successfully reconstructed under "Afghanistan Road Initiative" in 2002 which of has made commuting quicker and comfortable in above mentioned routes. This accomplished task is an obvious sign of development; however the level...

No Significant Job Opportunities

May 21, 2011

Knowing that Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries of the world, it is important to find the root caused associated with the curse of poverty. There have conflicts and conflicts in Afghanistan in the last three decades and people's life has been ruined in way or other. Among the many problems being faced by the Afghans, one which is...

Unbalanced Fund Allocation for Provinces

May 19, 2011

Unfortunately our country does not seem to, in a little while; get better in terms of security, economy and social services as the indications are suggesting some more intolerable situations are likely to occur. The government of Afghanistan is regrettably practicing a wrong strategy in providing facilities to the nation and launching...

Do Something for Children Too

May 18, 2011

The condition of children in Afghanistan is miserable. They are deprived of health, education and other basic necessities.
They have to work in inhumane condition to earn livelihood for their families – though they should not be engaged in those hard works and be in schools or playgrounds. The expressions on the faces of children in...

Traffic Problems Persist in Kabul

May 17, 2011

Due to large number of vehicles in Kabul, traffic jams have become a part of our lives. This is not only the fault of growing number of vehicles but also the traffic system and the roads are not adequate and proper. It is going to get warmer as the spring finishes and the summer is just to start. Since the traffic jams sometimes take long hours;...

Poor Administration Brings Poor Infrastructure

May 16, 2011

Major highways linking three main largest cities of Afghanistan – Kabul, Kandahar and Herat successfully reconstructed under "Afghanistan Road Initiative" in 2002 which of has made commuting quicker and comfortable in above mentioned routes. This accomplished task is an obvious sign of development; however the level of development can be estimated if we view the major routes in Kabul...