Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Taliban and Civilian Causalities

May 31, 2012

Latest UN statistics continue to reiterate that Taliban and other militants are responsible for larger civilian casualties. The UN Special Representative Jan Kubis talking at a news conference in Kabul said the number of civilian causalities caused by the ISAF troops and Afghanistan National Security Forces has dropped ...

Time to Think Democratically

May 31, 2012

The second article of the second part of the Enduring Strategic Partnership Agreement between Afghanistan and the United States of America states:"Underscoring the central importance of the values and principles of the Afghan Constitution, Afghanistan reaffirms its strong commitment ...

Terrorists Groups Pose Grave Threat to Post-2014 Afghanistan

May 31, 2012

NATO says it has killed Al-Qaida number two in Afghanistan. Sakhr al-Taifi, also known as Mushtaq and Nasim, led foreign insurgents and directed attacks against Nato and Afghan forces, the alliance said. The air strike that killed Taifi and another Al-Qaida militant took place on Sunday in the Watahpur district of ...

Potential Conflicting Strategic Agreements

May 30, 2012

Afghanistan is seeking to sign a strategic agreement with China. Javed Luddin, the Deputy Minister of foreign affairs, has said that such an agreement with China would be highly valuable and would not be in conflict with the interests of the United States and its allies in Afghanistan. Afghanistan has struck long-term partnership deals with ...

Jihadi Leaders’ Patience is Running Out

May 30, 2012

After Bonn one agreements, President Hamid Karzai was brought to the front to assume the Herculean task of leading Afghanistan, which was emerging out of three decades of warfare and conflict. It was an extremely difficult task to take on. This role required a prudence to bring the country together. But ...

Civilian Killings Harmful for NATO’s Image

May 29, 2012

Civilian killings have been increasing year by year since the ouster of Taliban regime. The War in Afghanistan (2001–present) has caused the deaths of thousands of Afghan civilians directly from insurgent and foreign military action, as well as the deaths of possibly tens of thousands of Afghan civilians indirectly ...

Choice between Brotherhood and Former Regime

May 29, 2012

The Egyptian presidential election headed into a strange way where people ended up into two doors, reading on the top of first as: "vote to make Sharia as pillars of political establishment" and on the second as: "guys, welcome back home". Tittering up and down, searching for what they fought ...

Get Prepared for Afghanization

May 29, 2012

It seems that the trend of issues in Afghanistan tends to become more Afghanized. From the securitytransition to earlier pullouts and Afghanistan's strategic partnerships with the world powers indicate that the world is fed up with the costly physical presence here. The mission has already taken longer than expected ...

Taliban’s Reasonable Conditions May be Considered

May 28, 2012

On the occasion of the first death anniversary of Gen. Daud Daud, the commander of 303rd pamir zone police, the statements by different Afghan leaders depicted the level of differences found between the government and the opposition. The first Vice-President, Marshal Qasim Fahim, addressing on the occasion, asked the ...

Need for Reforms versus Government Collapse

May 28, 2012

There are enough people that express their concerns about the destiny of Afghan government after 2014, when international forces will no longer have combat role in Afghanistan. Some – as the chairman of British Labor Party- have said that it may turn into a failed state. A failed state is characterized by the following ...

Approval of SPA - A Sign of Wisdom

May 27, 2012

The House of Representatives (Wolesi Jirga) of Afghan National Assembly approved the Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) between Afghanistan and the United States of America, which was signed by President Hamid Karzai and his American counterpart Barack Obama during the latter's overnight trip to Kabul on the occasion of ...

Wolesi Jirga Endorsed Afghan-US Accord

May 27, 2012

As expected, the Wolesi Jirga (WJ) or lower house of parliament, on Saturday, endorsed the US-Afghan strategic accord by a simple majority of those present in the 249-seat body. Serious opposition to the measure had not been expected. The strategic partnership will now go to the Afghan senate, where it is also expected The ...

Local Resistance against Taliban

May 27, 2012

In a rare incident of armed public uprising against Taliban in Andar district of Ghazni, eleven militants have been killed by villagers and 15 others are held hostage. District Chief of Andar has confirmed to media that militants were resisted by locals in Painda Muhammad and Ibrahimkhel villages. A villager was killed and ...

Amendments Are Necessary

May 26, 2012

Considering the demands of the time and with the rise of current controversy between Afghan Presidential Office and the opposition parties, it should now be very much clear that Afghan and International authorities have to divert their attentions towards the issue of the future form of government apart from the ...

Need to Address the Country’s Vulnerabilities

May 26, 2012

fghanistan has two years of opportunity to get to a point where it is no longer prone to any internecine fierce and bloody conflict or any territorial disintegration. There needs to be great smartness and effectiveness by Afghan leadership to address the country's vulnerabilities and political ...

No shortcut for Iran’s Nuclear Dilemma

May 24, 2012

Resistance of a country whose eighty percent revenues come from oil exports will not last long or it will cripple itself intentionally. The devastating sanctions imposed by the United Nations, EU and the United States have made Iran to pay a heavy cost for the opposition to international demands to stop its ...

The Increase in Child Labor and Disabled Beggars

May 24, 2012

Afghanistan's poor economy is a global fact and dilemma. Afghanistan is still one of the poorest countries in the world and thus there are struggles for reviving the economy in the country. There is an opportunity to be seized, the presence of international community, but it is also clear that international community ...

Change in Target of Criticism

May 23, 2012

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization summit in Chicago on Saturday and Sunday this week charted the course of future engagement in Afghanistan. As it was anticipated, NATO endorsed full withdrawal of "combat troops" from Afghanistan by 2014 and showed that Afghan national security forces have acquired the ...

Afghanistan’s Future: Still Bleak

May 23, 2012

The important Chicago conference has concluded with conclusions to end the war, transition security responsibilities to Afghans and withdraw NATO forces from Afghanistan by the end of 2014. In the summit attended by fifty nations that are allied on Afghan war; none did say they are winning in Afghanistan and that the ...

Whispering to Almighty Allah

May 23, 2012

O Allah, bestow us the strength to break chains that society and color have imprisoned us with, since the very first few steps we took on your earth planet, and suspected whatever we have acquired through community and family's heritage that of cult and tradition. And let our suspicion stampede like a wild horse on a frightful ...

The Growing Discontent

May 22, 2012

The discontent within Afghan people seems to be rising about the ongoing transition period and the prospects of peace and tranquility in the country. The people of Afghanistan, at the moment, does not seem to be in the position to have vivid clue about where the scenario is leading as there have been many ambiguities and secrets about the most important ...

Afghan Government’s Corruption is a Reason for Pessimism

May 22, 2012

Findings of a new survey conducted by BBC Persian and Pashto show that 70 percent of Afghan people feel optimistic about the future. BBC has conducted interviews with 1317 people in 13 provinces of Afghanistan. The questions mainly deal with the ...

Taliban’s Message to NATO Leaders

May 22, 2012

Amidst Chicago Conference where the top agenda was Afghanistan's future, the Taliban have sent a message to the NATO leaders, calling the "war on terror" an excuse for colonization and urging them to follow the France and get out. According to the statement, there is no reason for the US to remain in Afghanistan any longer as "The American ...

Expectations from New NATO Mission

May 21, 2012

NATO Secretary General has said that Chicago conference is not the end of his organization's presence in Afghanistan; it is rather a discussion about a new mission. Anders Fogh Rasmussen has stated that the current NATO mission will end in 2014 and in Chicago conference, the new mission will be decided." Heads of NATO member ...

Chicago Summit and the Human Rights in Afghanistan

May 21, 2012

Before the NATO summit began on Afghanistan in Chicago, human rights activists and organizations asked Afghan government and its allies to recognize needs related to promoting human rights and ensure them following the 2014 withdrawal. Since Afghanistan's problems have always ...

New Trend: Afghan Soldiers’ Secret Alliance with Taliban

May 21, 2012

Amid withdrawal plan of US-led NATO forces from Afghanistan, dependency on Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) to tackle the future defense responsibilities of the country has increased. By the end of 2014, all security tasks of Afghanistan will be transitioned to ANSF. Nevertheless, serious concerns persist ...

ANF: Harbinger of New Reform-based Politics

May 20, 2012

After the fall of the Taliban, President Hamid Karzai assumed the responsibility to run the state of affairs of Afghanistan with the support from leaders of anti-Taliban resistance as well as international community. President Karzai lacked any popular support base and solely relied on the backing from ...

MP’s Threatened Against Endorsing US-Afghan Pact

May 20, 2012

Earlier this month, the US and Afghanistan inked enduring strategic partnership that allows the former to support Afghanistan in various areas for decade after 2014. Nonetheless, it seems like this development, which both the US and Afghan governments deem as pivotal, was hard to digest for Islamic ...

Afghan Government’s Commitments in Relation to SPA’s

May 19, 2012

Afghanistan was catapulted into the focus of world's attention when 9/11 shocked the world. Over the last one decade, Afghanistan has been one of the countries that have received international attention, aid and assistance. Afghan people have been supportive of international community's presence and continue to ...

Afghan Govt. Must Make Commitments Either

May 19, 2012

On May 20-21, heads of state and governments from twenty eight North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member countries are coming together under the banner of Chicago Conference to discuss how they should deal with the vital issues - transition process, withdrawal of international troops and support of Afghan military ...

Gender Inequality in Afghanistan

May 19, 2012

Statistics shows that Afghanistan is still a country where gender equality is worst! Afghanistan is the country with worst records of violence against women, with highest rate. The plight of Afghan women still persists even after many years of democracy. The male dominated society with extreme socio-religious ...

Strategic Agreement with Germany

May 17, 2012

A strategic agreement was signed between Afghanistan and Germany by President Karzai and Chancellor Merkel on Wednesday, May 16, in Berlin. Followed by strategic partnership pacts with the US, Britain, France, Italy and India, the agreement with Germany is another major boost to Afghanistan's emergence as a sovereign ...

No Room for Full or Partial Power to Taliban without Election

May 17, 2012

There appears to be a growing consensus that the Taliban cannot fully take over power either by force or by any other means. The Taliban ruled Afghanistan from 1994 to 2001. It was the darkest period in the chequered history of Afghanistan. The ...

Withdrawal Will Push Masses into Poverty

May 17, 2012

Everybody sees NATO's upcoming Chicago Conference as an event where some clear-cut plans for supporting Afghanistan's military and economy in post-2014 era will be finalized. Nonetheless, to speculate that the summit will address all the negative impacts that will be left behind after the international troops' withdrawal ...

Need to Use Strategic Agreements Properly

May 16, 2012

Afghanistan is now a country with strategic partnership agreements with several strong and powerful countries of the world. Afghanistan is an extremely poor country torn by years of war and conflict. It is a country that is suffering from interferences by the neighboring countries. Its neighbors continue to maintain a hostile ...