Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Low Literacy; Low Capacity

April 19, 2014

Had the security condition been better, Afghans would be among educated, skilled and professional nations of the world. The accurate figure for illiteracy in Afghanistan is not ...

Strong Economy is Key to Development

April 19, 2014

Economic growth refers to the rate of increase in the total production of goods and services within an economy. Economic growth increases the productivity capacity of an economy ...

TTP’s Tug-of-war Overshadows Religion

April 17, 2014

The serious conflicts between two rival factions of the outlawed Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) to capture the TTP leadership in South Waziristan demonstrate openly their thirst ...

Perilous Landmines Must be Cleared

April 17, 2014

The National Security Council’s latest meeting presided over by President Hamid Karzai demanded the international forces to clean up the mines left undetonated in the military ...

Weaponry Support Fuel Syrian’s Tragedy

April 17, 2014

The Tragedy of Syria has fallen out of the headlines and occupies no single corner of international talks. The only thing that makes Syrians to feel that they are not forgotten is pouring ...

Peaceful Political Transition Awaited

April 16, 2014

Afghanistan is convening economical declination, social degeneration and political chaos. The country is facing serious challenges of male-administration, ill-political priorities ...

Saffron – A Substitute to Poppy

April 16, 2014

Afghanistan’s agricultural system will have a dominant role in the country’s journey towards self-dependency. However, it is unfortunate to note that the sector has not been given ...

Tolerance Expected from the Presidential Candidates

April 15, 2014

For Afghanistan to go through the ongoing transition period successfully, it is necessary that democratic values should be followed as much as possible. The people of Afghanistan ...

Pro-peace Talks, Agha Jan Mutasim, Goes Missing

April 15, 2014

Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed that Agha Jan Mutasim, Taliban government’s finance minister and a prominent member of the so-called Quetta Shura has gone ...

Dangerous Buildings in Kabul

April 15, 2014

Kabul is situated on a drift zone, which means that there can be an earthquake anytime. This fact is verified by the earthquakes in past and the tremor ...

Afghans Awaiting Result Declaration

April 14, 2014

April 6th turned a historic day for Afghans that granted them with the chance to elect their political leader. Out of estimated 30 million Afghan populations, nearly 7million ...

Child Labor is Still Extreme

April 14, 2014

Among so many serious issues faced by Afghanistan, child labor is an issue of growing concern. The current political tension, security problems, unemployment and low income ...

Confidence Grows on Afghan Security Forces

April 14, 2014

Lately the Afghan Intelligence service has said that Afghan security forces defused 62 suicide bombs across the country during the very day of elections, 6th April. Based ...

Konkor Topper Gives Hope to Millions of Other Girls

April 13, 2014

It has been rightfully said that educating a girl means educating a nation. Putting behind the darks eras of civil war and Taliban regime, today millions of girls in Afghanistan ...

IEC Left to Deal with Electoral Irregularities

April 13, 2014

Formerly when electoral process was underway, the exercise of democratic right to vote of people was worth observing; large number of people lined to their nearest polling stations ...

Impact of TV Programs on Society

April 13, 2014

With the exception of National television channel (RTA), almost all the channels show things that are absolutely against our religious and cultural norms and standards. Most of the song ...

Afghans Hope for Peaceful Future

April 12, 2014

Taliban’s threat could only strengthen the resolve of Afghan people to take active part in the presidential and provincial elections. Afghans’ massive participation ...

Global Warming; World’s Growing Concern

April 12, 2014

Since the turn of the new millennium the issue of the environment has suddenly evolved into a widespread issue which is greatly discussed throughout the world. No longer ...

Impacts of Growing Graph of Unemployment

April 12, 2014

Over the 12 years, Afghanistan’s economy has had a noteworthy growth. Nonetheless, it has terribly failed to benefit the poor section of the society. Our economy has been unable to create ...

Electoral Frauds Should not be Overlooked

April 10, 2014

This paper had warned of incapability of Independent Election Commission (IEC) against electoral frauds long before the election was held. The concern was based on the fact ...

Kuchis Attack in Maidan Wardak and Behsud

April 10, 2014

Afghanistan is a multi-ethnic society, where it is necessary to maintain national integration so as to avoid any disorder. For that to happen it is necessary to resolve the issues that may ...

Transparency in the Post-Election Scenario!

April 10, 2014

Independent Election Commission (ECC) has stated that the Commission would announce the partial results by the end of this week. Although the election results are announced in less ...

Election Results Under Way

April 09, 2014

After a successful election in Afghanistan, now the Independent Election Commission (IEC) has the crucial task of counting and tallying votes and preparing the results. The biggest ...

The Three Nightmares

April 09, 2014

The Saturday’s presidential and provincial elections have attracted the attention of the international community and individuals from all over the world. One of them was huge ...

Jeopardy to Afghan Media

April 09, 2014

In spite of provisions of comparatively better working environment and restricted degree of liberty, Afghan media has been a frequent object of repression, subjugation and harsh ...

Need of Effective Military Operations against Terrorists

April 08, 2014

Saturday’s historic polls brought good name and fame for the country and Afghans. It was, no doubt, a very firm step towards democratic stability and success. For this, the Independent ...

Misleading Figures from Saturday’s Elections

April 08, 2014

Since the start of vote counting on district and provincial levels, the supporters of different candidates have released fake statistics which also found way to popular local ...

Education Requires More Focus

April 08, 2014

Had the security condition been better, Afghans would be among educated, skilled and professional nations of the world. The accurate figure for illiteracy in Afghanistan ...

BSA Must be Top in the Priority List

April 07, 2014

Afghanistan, opposed to what many feared, held a successful election on Saturday. Afghans amazed the world by their enthusiasm to taking part in April 5th presidential ...

Afghans Use Their Ballots as Bullets against Insurgency

April 07, 2014

On Saturday, millions of Afghans went to polling stations to vote their new government. The world saw, how despite severe security threats, the people of Afghanistan both men ...

Upcoming Elections and Hopes of Nation!

April 06, 2014

The election campaign ended and election day passed with all its excitements and fears. Yesterday’s presidential elections gave our nation a new hope. Well-organized, peaceful and high ...

Meritocracy – The Criteria for Presidency

April 06, 2014

No matter what happens, no matter who wins the election, will the people come to power? Will the laws and the enforcement of the laws reflect the will of the entire nation as well ...

Three Leading Presidential Candidates

April 02, 2014

The sixty-day election campaign period, for presidential candidates, is about to end and they are going towards the Election Day which is the 5th of April with hefty promises ...

Democracy Should Ensure Political Justice

April 02, 2014

After Taliban’s regime toppled, Afghanistan was put on the way to democracy – the established and wide practiced system of government. The underlined fault remains with delayed ...

Future Depends on Upcoming Presidential Election

April 02, 2014

It has been revealed that particular groups inside and outside the country are really worried about a peaceful transition of power in the country. According to professional ...