Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Corruption; the First Battle of the New Government

May 04, 2014

According to a new report issued by the international watchdog SIGAR, corruption is eating away all the gains of democracy and country is suffering badly to maintain its existence ...

Will the New Government Empower Women?

May 04, 2014

Women in Afghanistan are the frequent object of repression and endless violence. The graph of violence in Afghanistan such as domestic violence, honor killing, and sexual violence against ...

Panjsher Attack is an Alarm to the Government

May 03, 2014

Panjsher has been one of the peaceful provinces of Afghanistan where security responsibilities are handled by the country’s national security forces. The Panjsher valley ...

Frightening Level of Death Sentences

May 03, 2014

On Monday, April 28, an Egyptian court sentenced 683 supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood to death over assaulting and murdering police last year. The defendants, including ...

Exterminating Terrorists might not End Terrorism!

May 03, 2014

With every advancing day the world becomes more insecure to live in, due to heightened terrorism and terrorists. It is witnessed that greater emphasis is laid over dismantling ...

Labor Day in Afghanistan

May 01, 2014

The international Labor Day, today, is being marked in Afghanistan and across the world. As for the millions of workers around the world, this day has a special message for Afghan ...

Achievements Should Be Valued

May 01, 2014

Afghan people responded Soviet invasion by indomitable fighting spirit and turned a glorious page in our history. The iron determination of the Mujahedeen and their strong sense of ...

Increasing Trend of Alcohol Drinking

May 01, 2014

According to some unofficial reports, the increasing trend of drinking wine and other alcoholic drinks in some northern cities and towns and among the members of elite and upper classes of ...

Govt. Offices or the Core of Corruption

April 30, 2014

In Afghanistan, almost every government authority speaks of equality, merit, transparency in the process recruiting new people. They talk of sincerity, punctuality, hardworking and ...

Defiance against Primary Result

April 30, 2014

The announcement of primary result of the election seemingly has not satisfied the presidential candidates. Though there are criticisms from all candidates, the two leading ...

Obligation Supersedes Veneration

April 30, 2014

There has ever been a wide chasm between thoughtful comprehension of obligation and veneration; in contemporary Afghan society one finds verbal utility the other overshadowed ...

Preliminary Election Results

April 29, 2014

On Saturday 26 April, the Independent Election Commission of Afghanistan (IEC) announced the long-awaited preliminary results of April 5th presidential election putting Dr. Abdullah Abdullah ...

Delays in Patch-work of Roads

April 29, 2014

Majority of the residents and especially the drivers of capital city are in doubt if municipality of the city works for the betterment of the city or wants to bring more destruction ...

Good Governance – A Necessity

April 29, 2014

Afghanistan faces daunting challenges –poverty one of the challenges pressing it hard. 36% of 30m population lives below poverty line including endemic poverty and lack of human ...

Tackling Floods on Permanent Basis!

April 27, 2014

Recent floods in the northern states of country is being treated like usual and just like the past catastrophes, it is also going to be forgotten and deliberately ignored without ...

Attack on Foreign Citizens

April 27, 2014

On Thursday, an Afghan police opened fire on a group of foreign citizens in the Cure Hospital. As a result three foreign citizens who were later revealed to be Americans were killed ...

BSA to Decide the Nature of US-Afghanistan Relationship

April 27, 2014

Subsequent to outage of Taliban regime, US and allies are persistently supporting Afghanistan in every walk of human endeavor, be that socio-economic development, political ...

Flood Victims Await Immediate Relief

April 26, 2014

The harsh winter which brings heavy snowfalls in many provinces of Afghanistan and takes toll every year has just ended. But the nature is not yet done with the poor ...

Run-off Election or Horse-trading?

April 26, 2014

With just over 82 percent of the results of the votes announced by the Independent Election Commission of Afghanistan (IEC) last Thursday, no presidential candidate seems ...

Economic Stability Faces Opaque Future

April 24, 2014

Taliban regime was ousted from power in late 2001 and with that a new window of hope and prosperity opened for Afghanistan and its people. One of the areas under international focus was boosting up Afghan ...

Neglected Danger of Low-Quality Medicines

April 24, 2014

Regarding the medical facilities, we are living in the poorest circumstances. No doubt, there are some private hospitals which are having good buildings and external ...

Capitalism – An Inappropriate System in our Society?

April 24, 2014

The high graph of poverty rate and inflation in the country puts our economic system under question. The working class suffers from poverty due to imbalanced power and unequal ...

Election Results & Dr. Ashraf Ghani

April 23, 2014

A day after the Independent Election Commission (IEC) announced second partial results of presidential election based on almost 50% of vote count Dr. Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai ...

Let There be Freedom of Expression

April 23, 2014

In human history there have always been certain groups of people who have tried to stop human beings from expressing themselves freely. It is the because of the variety ...

Coin Societal Development with Women’s Empowerment

April 23, 2014

Women constitute half of Afghan population. They can play foundational role in formation and development of the society and upcoming generation. They owe equivalent vigor ...

Democratic Values must be Valued

April 22, 2014

Democracy is successful in a country where the democratic values and behavior get inculcated through experience and emphasis. The more people adopt a democratic attitude, the ...

Transparency in the Election Run-Off!

April 22, 2014

Though the final results of presidential elections are yet to be announced, it is most likely that there would be a second round of elections between the two leading candidates ...

Unemployment: People Await New Government

April 22, 2014

A major portion of Afghan population is formed by youths. But most of them are uneducated and unskilled. Since the ouster of Taliban from government, young Afghans have worked hard ...

Second Partial Results: Dr. Abdullah in the Lead

April 21, 2014

On Sunday, the Independent Election Commission (IEC) of Afghanistan announced the second partial result of presidential election based on 49.67% vote count. That indicates that about ...

The Urge for Bringing Change

April 21, 2014

In order to make an achievement in life it is necessary for an individual to have the urge and the iron will. Without having the urge and the motivation, achieving anything worthwhile ...

Youth Await Proper Attention

April 21, 2014

The young people con­stitute a large force. They are energetic, enthusiastic and full of zeal. It is a great national wear and tear if these energetic hands and brains ...

IEC and ECC: Post-election Tasks

April 20, 2014

In the latest season of presidential election, the Independent Election Commission (IEC) performed better in pre-election period and also on the day of election ...

Complicit Silence Over ill-treatments of Afghans in Iran

April 20, 2014

Inflicting a harsh treatment to the children by their parents on minor ill-conduct is deemed an illegitimate act. Correspondingly a state plays an identical role towards ...

What will the Politicians do?

April 20, 2014

After the announcement of partial result of 6th April presidential election, people are impatiently waiting for the announcement of full result of election; while some are worried ...

Efforts for Release of Motasim Agha Jan

April 19, 2014

The High Peace Council (HPC) which is responsible for advancing peace negotiation with Taliban militants said on Thursday that Motasim Agha Jan is prison in United Arab ...