Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

People’s Hope is not to be Crumbled

February 13, 2014

A glimmer of hope sparkles in the eyes of Afghan people with the approach of upcoming presidential and provincial elections. Democracy and freedom are people’ dream come true. All over ...

Shadow of Leaks on Washington’s Diplomacy

February 13, 2014

The leak of classified information has brought about certain stress and shame for Washington political and security officials. Previously, the security establishments of US were deemed ...

Threat of low-quality Medicines

February 13, 2014

Regarding the medical facilities, we are living in the poorest circumstances. No doubt, there are some private hospitals which are having good buildings and external appearance ...

Challenges Await New Government

February 12, 2014

The past decade was a golden period for war-ravaged Afghanistan as the international community supported it financially and non-financially to stabilize itself. In this period, much work ...

Increasing Role of Media in Afghanistan

February 12, 2014

The increasing role and effectiveness of media in the recent years is one of the positive factors contributing to the overall progress of our country. Media has not only increased the awareness ...

Fair Election Might Do away Our Problems!

February 12, 2014

As the rumors of complete draw down circulate, the magnitude of security concerns practically has multiplied. Everybody extends deep concerns over escalating civilian causalities ...

Democratic Values Should be Practiced

February, 11 2014

The campaigns of the presidential candidates have started and the beginning of their campaigns has been positive to certain extent – they have kept in consideration political ethics and democratic ...

Election Campaign and Responsible Spending!

February, 11 2014

In this frigid season, when the doubt about the future of the country has brought to a standstill almost all the fields of life, long-awaited activities of election campaign have acted as a ...

Taliban, Responsible for Violence

February, 11 2014

United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) said in latest report last Saturday that the graph of civilian casualties once again moved upward in 2013 from declining mode in ...

Afghan Soldiers’ Concerns are Rightful

February 10, 2014

With Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) in limbo, concerns of the Afghan people over security and economic stability are rising as each day passes. The Afghan National Security Force (ANSF) is no ...

BSA Unsigned Earns Political Drawback

February 10, 2014

Bilateral Security Agreement has turned a bone of discontent between US and Afghanistan. The failure of the Afghan government to sign a Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) with the United ...

Fear about Increasing Violence

February 10, 2014

The fearing prospective of Egypt heading downward to fall into Jihadists violence has terrified the government and its supporters. During last few weeks, several deadly attacks carried ...

Increased Civilian Casualties in 2013!

February 09, 2014

According to a report issued by the United Nations, year 2013 proved once again mortal in regards of civilian casualties. Year 2011 was the most fatal when more than 3100 citizens were killed ...

Who are the Good Taliban?

February 09, 2014

Majority of the eleven presidential candidates say they back the peace process deeming political solution as the only way of ending the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan. However, their ideas ...

Entrenched Domestic Violence Must be Curtailed

February 09, 2014

The unchecked and socially accepted heavy dose of baseless biases and discrimination socially transmitted to the upcoming generation is aggravating the state of affairs of our beloved ...

Harsh Winter Put Many Lives at Risk

February 08, 2014

Heavy snowfalls in many parts of the country have cut-off land access to many remote mountainous districts in central and northern provinces. At times when snow is perceived a blessing in ...

Democratic Practices in Election Campaign!

February 08, 2014

With the beginning of election campaign, we can see and feel the heated efforts of candidates to be more active and win more and more public recognition and support. Billboards have been filled ...

Rule of Law Comes First

February 08, 2014

Purposeful executive, vigilant legislature, justice serving judiciary and compliant media are organs of central importance to a vibrant state. Having been blessed by a pragmatic leadership ...

People Must Not Be Disappointed

February 06, 2014

With escalation of insecurity and deterioration of political condition, existence of rampant corruption and lack of rule of law, hope for a stable and prosperous Afghanistan is dying ...

Revelation of Fruitless Secret Peace Negotiations

February 06, 2014

A survey by the Pew Research Center, Washington, has found that, in all, 52 per cent of American feels that the nation’s military has “mostly failed “in achieving ...

Taliban – A Point of conflict between US and Afghanistan

February 06, 2014

A survey by the Pew Research Center, Washington, has found that, in all, 52 per cent of American feels that the nation’s military has “mostly failed “in achieving their goals ...

Secret Negotiations with Taliban

February 05, 2014

President Hamid Karzai has held secret meetings with Taliban over the past two months, NY Times reported on Tuesday. Karzai’s spokesman has termed the meetings as positive while other ...

Presidential Election and Certain Concerns

February 05, 2014

Since Sunday, the face of Kabul city has changed with huge photographs of presidential candidates. On the very first day of campaign, five of the candidates who have the highest chance to ...

Anti-Women Efforts should be Discouraged

February 05, 2014

It is not only terrorism, militancy, poverty, illiteracy that have rocked every section of our society, the day-to-day witnessed human and women rights violations are other issue of immediate ...

Election Campaign and Transparency

February 04, 2014

Though the election campaign has not fully heated up as many months are remaining but the reports and eye-witnessed observations about the implementation of illegal practices in ...

Realization is the Key

February 04, 2014

The first step to move towards improvement and betterment is to realize that improvement is really needed. If there is a nation that is engulfed in problems, it is necessary that it must first ...

Taliban Put Efforts to Disrupt Elections

February 04, 2014

Hours before the presidential candidates could begin their election campaign the insurgents targeted two election campaigners in Herat province, creating a wave of terror among those with ...

Government Must Demonstrate Impartiality

February 03, 2014

Afghanistan has reached on the verge of election-2014 that turns to be a decisive mode in the history of war wrecked country. Amidst uncertain economic and socio-political circumstances ...

Broadmindedness for Others

February 03, 2014

So as to exist with cooperation in an exceedingly diverse society it's necessary to develop respect and broadmindedness for others. While not these factors, it might be terribly troublesome ...

Election Campaign Kicks Off

February 02, 2014

Today marks the beginning of election campaign period for 11 presidential candidates. In the next sixty days, based on the regulation issued by Independent Election Commission or IEC, “Political ...

The Failure of Geneva-2

February 02, 2014

As expected, the Geneva-2 peace talks ended up to nothing. The barbed wires between government and oppositions were stretched further. Talks on transitional government never got a chance to ...

Need of Controlling Borders against Infiltration!

February 02, 2014

After the media reports of a possible military action of Pakistani Army against Taliban and other militants in its northern areas, all the Afghan areas bordering that particular place has ...

Govt. Policies Fortifying the Taliban

February, 01 2014

President Hamid Karzai has set formal initiation of peace talks with Taliban as a pre-condition for signing the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) with the United States. By such an ...

Bagram Prison; A Talib Making Factory?

February, 01 2014

Earlier Karzai issued a statement whilst saying Bagram prison was a "Talib-making factory". "Bagram prison is a place where innocent people are tortured and insulted and made ...

Poverty Presses Afghans like Never Before

February, 01 2014

Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries of the world. In the last decade poverty has only increased and there has been failure to counter the root causes contributing to poverty. The ...