Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Tensions between Kabul and Washington

January 30, 2014

The release of 37 Taliban prisoners from Bagram prison has led to tension between Kabul and Washington. The US officials consider these prisoners dangerous and have condemned the ordered ...

Growing Risks to Afghans’ Life

January 30, 2014

Every year, the graph of civilian casualties in Afghanistan reaches a new height. Taliban and their friend groups are responsible for continuing bloodshed in the country. Meanwhile ...

Three Children Die in Kunar Rocket-Shelling

January 30, 2014

According to the media reports, three children were killed and many other members of the same family sustained injuries as result of the rocket-shelling from Pakistan inside the Kunar ...

Line Ministries Grabbed by Corruption

January 29, 2014

Line ministries, the heart of the Afghan government, are the very center of various forms of corruption including nepotism and cronyism and are under direct influence of political ...

Rule of Law or Nuisance!

January 29, 2014

As 2014, the year of US draw down approaches, the magnitude of violence practically has risen. The consecutive attacks on foreign diplomats and public installation depict either state’s ...

The Unpromising Negotiation

January 29, 2014

The mere negotiation between Syrian and opposition delegation is a step forward for three years long conflict in Syrian, but the gap is too wide to a give space for any promising signs. While ...

Vote – Both a Right and a Responsibility

January 28, 2014

The date for the presidential election is getting closer and the candidates are getting ready to launch their campaigns. This presidential election is going to be a very crucial one as it ...

Govt. Responsible for Deteriorated Investment Environment

January 28, 2014

Investments both external and domestic form the backbone of a self-reliant economy. The more foreign organizations, larger business firms, multi-national companies and successful ...

Attention to the Problems of Youth

January 28, 2014

Usually it is complained that our youth is involved in crimes and other improper activities and they waste their time a lot. At the same time, it is also a fact that our youngsters are having ...

Post-2014 Troops’ Level Still in Ambiguity

January 27, 2014

International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) is less than a year away from the date set for their withdrawal from Afghanistan. Yet, it remains completely ambiguous that what number of US and ...

Growing Sectarianism Needs Attention

January 27, 2014

Sectarian conflict has turned into political discrepancy, violent and bloody conflict between different schools of thought such as that between Shia and Sunni Muslims ...

The Sensitive Remarks of Mr. President

January 27, 2014

The sensitive remarks of President Karzai made the prospective of bilateral relation with the US more controversial. He said that he will never sign the Bilateral Security Agreement ...

Terror Attacks Will Engage the Government

January 26, 2014

The simple and straightforward formula to predict the future of Afghanistan is comparing the current situation when there are tens of thousands of international forces deployed in the ...

An Independent Committee about Prisoners

January 26, 2014

In last few months, nation witnessed the release of a large number of prisoners from Bagram and other prisoners of the country. They were released with a reason that they were kept ...

Afghan Youth Awaits Proper Attention

January 26, 2014

Afghanistan is a large country with a large population. It is estimated that Afghanistan’s present population is about 36 million. Those between the ages of 15 to 35 form more than ...

Public Encouragement to Vote

January 25, 2014

After more than thirty years of bloodshed, the people of Afghanistan desire peace and stability in their country. Peace is what they wish to gift their coming generations. But ...

Growing Ambiguities Dishearten Development

January 25, 2014

At present there are several ambiguities and uncertainties that have dominated the socio-political circumstances in Afghanistan. These ambiguities have not only influenced the hopes of the ...

Aggravated State of Women’s Rights

January 25, 2014

The graph of violence in Afghanistan such as domestic violence, honor killing, and sexual violence against women and young girls is escalating uninterrupted. Every alternate day endless tales ...

The Carnage of Hazaras Continues

January 23, 2014

The brutal killings of Hazaras continue in Baluchistan Province of Pakistan. On Tuesday, January 21, yet again, a coach carrying pilgrims from Iran was hit by a suicide bomber in ...

Controversy over Terrorism

January 23, 2014

Politically, Afghanistan is at low point. Insecurity and terrorism loom large and our people are suffering in many ways. Taliban militants have multiplied their acts of murder even as the next ...

Hopes from Geneva Talks

January 23, 2014

The Geneva 2 conference for the peaceful settlement of Syrian issue started in a town by name of Montreux near Geneva. The conference, being arranged by the United Nations, hosts the ...

Bamiyan March in Favor of BSA

January 22, 2014

On Monday 20th January, the residents of central Bamiyan province became the first ones to march in favor of Bilateral Security Agreement with the United States. The participants of ...

US-Iran Nuclear Deal Kicked-Off

January 22, 2014

The disputed nuclear enrichment program, Iran had initiated, has long been a bone of discontent and escalating suspicion between Iran and US, over the past decade. The stalemate of distant ...

The Future Looms Annoying

January 22, 2014

As the Kabul-Washington bilateral relation sliding downward, the future looms annoying. In a meeting last week regarding Afghanistan, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden reportedly favored ...

Countering Elections Frauds Seems Inevitable

January 21, 2014

Mass rigging in the upcoming presidential and provincial councils’ election can be expected, given the presence of hefty number of fake voting cards and cards issued to those who are ...

The Alarming Attack at the Heart of Kabul

January 21, 2014

The barbaric attack on a Lebanese hotel at heart of Kabul city once again rang the alarm of danger as well as showcased the true face of Taliban militants. Explosions made by ...

Taking Care of Afghan Refugees in Belgium!

January 21, 2014

According to a report, Afghan refugees waiting for the finalization of their immigration cases in Belgium have carried out a demonstration in Belgium. They were carrying placards ...

Taliban’s War Getting Dirtier

January 20, 2014

After about 12 years of armed campaign against terrorism, Afghanistan is increasingly a dangerous country. People cannot take sigh of relief even in its capital Kabul, let alone the ...

Disproportional Growth of Terrorism

January 20, 2014

The news of successful terror attacks in some countries with inclusion to Afghanistan makes us take in – the terrorists have grown unbeatable before the state security apparatus ...

Increasing insecurity for women in Kabul

January 20, 2014

It is a common observation on the streets of Kabul that girls and women waiting for a bus or taxi are continuously teased and disturbed by drivers and pedestrians. Such manner-less people ...

Civilians Left to Pay the Price

January 19, 2014

Afghanistan is a nascent democratic state, governed by ruling elites, consisting of state institutions; judiciary, executive, legislative body, media and large standing army making it ...

Hekmatyar’s New Instance on Election

January 19, 2014

Gulbaddin Hekmatyar, head of Hezb-e Islami political-cum-extremist party has called upon supporters his party to use their votes in the next elections which is due to be held on ...

The Continuity of Ambiguity about BSA

January 19, 2014

The indefinite destiny of Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) is lurking further into Kabul-Washington fogy relation as President Karzai is not moving an inch back from his stance ...

Policewomen Go One Step Forward

January 18, 2014

Women’s participation in all social, economic and political spheres of Afghanistan has encouragingly increased since the ouster of Taliban government in 2001. Although Afghanistan ...

Does Delayed BSA Serve Afghanistan’s Interests?

January 18, 2014

At present, Afghanistan passes through numerous problems, uncertain political circumstance and unstable security condition stand to be the most immediate problems, pleading prior ...