Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Approval of Long-pending ATI Law

July 02, 2014

On Monday, the Afghan parliament finally approved the long-pending Access to Information (ATI) law. While this is good news both for public and the press family, the law still ...

Unaddressed Electoral Fraud will lead to Political Tention

July 02, 2014

Afghanistan faces bloody insurgency on one front and endless electoral stalemate amidst huge uproar of electoral fraud on the other. There were some 800 fighters who launched coordinated ...

Coming Out of a Deadlock, True Willingness Required

July 01, 2014

In third world countries, fraud is considered a common part of elections. Expecting fraud-free elections in Afghanistan – which is one of the mostcorrupt countries of the world and where ...

Helmand Attack is Just the Beginning!

July 01, 2014

As a nation, we hail and salute the professionalism, patriotism and sacrifices of our police and national army personnel who bravely fought in Helmand and retook the control ...

Presidential Election and Role of President

July 01, 2014

As per law, only a month remains before the election commissions take the final decision and announces the next President who will replace Mr. President Hamid Karzai. But the ...

Anti-money Laundering Law Earns Economical Trusts

June 30, 2014

Many problems in the third world countries are associated with flawed or delayed fixation of responsibilities; the culprit either escape owning the unlawful activity or keep on shifting ...

One Day Foreign Aids May Dry Up!

June 30, 2014

One day, the foreign financial aid Afghanistan is receiving today will diminish and by that time this country has to find means of standing on its own feet. Is our government thinking ...

New Government and Style of Governance!

June 30, 2014

It is a strange paradox that our government is the most poor and needy in the whole world while the style of our government officials is the most inefficient and careless regarding their ...

The Holy Month Approaches

June 28, 2014

Ramadan, the holiest month in the Islamic calendar has approached. Tomorrow will be observed as the first day of Ramadan throughout the Muslim world including Afghanistan. It is a distinguished Islamic month ...

Fund for Democracy or Jihadists

June 28, 2014

In relative awkward measure, President Obama asked the US congress to approve $500 million to train and equip moderate Syrian rebels seeking to Oust President Bashar al-Assad. It can ...

Bamyan 2015 SAARC Center; What Must Govt. Do?

June 26, 2014

Bamyan, the heartland of Afghanistan and the city of broken gods, has been declared as 2015 cultural center of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). While this is a ...

Border Closure and Inflation

June 26, 2014

These days, our consumer market is facing one of the most severe shortages of different commodities, most importantly, food items and daily consumer goods. According to the shopkeepers and ...

Capitalism – An Inappropriate System in our Society?

June 26, 2014

The high graph of poverty rate and inflation in the country puts our economic system under question. The working class suffers from poverty due to imbalanced power and unequal ...

Resignation of Election Commission Chief Secretary

June 25, 2014

Ziaul Haq Amerkhel, the chief secretary of Independent Election Commission announced his resignation in presence of Journalists on Monday. He said that he did not resign under ...

Women Participation is Imperative in Soico-political Arena

June 25, 2014

Universe sustains on the firm foundation of justice and parity. The creator certainly, has created all human beings on universal righteous principals of fairness, irrespective of the ...

Impacts of Growing Graph of Unemployment

June 25, 2014

Over the 12 years, Afghanistan’s economy has had a noteworthy growth. Nonetheless, it has terribly failed to benefit the poor section of the society. Our economy has been unable to create ...

‘Sheep Stuffing’ by Amarkhail & His Resignation

June 24, 2014

Head of Independent Election Commission (IEC) Yousuf Nuristani’s aide Zia-ul-Haq Amarkhail was accused of misusing his authorities for favoring a particular presidential candidate by Haji ...

Protests, But Not Public Teasing

June 24, 2014

Unfortunately, be it in parliament, in a police station, at home or at any other location, we are not much aware of the norms and etiquettes of carrying out certain social and political activities ...

Modern Education is Inevitable

June 24, 2014

It is natural that every night ends into a day; even if the night is a very dark and lengthy one, it has to end into a day – this can never be stopped. Same is the case with human society; it has to change ...

Peace Process in Need of Sincere Af-Pak Cooperation

June 23, 2014

In 2010, Afghan government formally initiated the peace process and established High Peace Council in order to secure a deal with Taliban leadership. Then the main reason for this, as put forward ...

Socio-political Affairs Must be Streamlined

June 23, 2014

Most of the problems, we encounter on daily accounts are associated with a flawed understanding of the root causes of the quandary and flawed strategies leading to its proper solution. Consequently ...

The Standoff of Second Round of Presidential Election

June 23, 2014

A couple of days earlier People held demonstration in the western part of the Kabul city in support of team of Dr. Abdullah Abdullah. Few days ago after the revelation that staggering amount ...

Preventing a New Era of Bloody Conflict

June 22, 2014

Afghanistan has a constitutional law based on which an electoral law was formulated and approved. It was only the recent presidential election which was conducted in the light of ...

Fraud must not Decide Our Fate

June 22, 2014

With insecure, but the successful closure of runoff for the presidential election on former Saturday, it was assumed lesser frauds have had intervened the electoral ...

Need of Wisdom to Tackle Political Crisis

June 22, 2014

The recent political crisis after the second round of presidential elections can end in serious consequences, more serious than one might fear and estimate. It may altogether eat ...

Electoral Fraud Should be Duly Addressed

June 21, 2014

Subsequent to completion of run off presidential election, it seemed the election was fairly conducted and successful and fair election would bring an agreed solution. However, the dream ...

Disappointing State of Iraqi Soldiers

June 21, 2014

The fierce battle enters into third day, but Baghdad failed to loosen the grasp of Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) militants from the Beiji oil refinery facility which normally ...

Terrorism – An Ugly Menace

June 21, 2014

Terrorism is not a new phenomenon today; few generations have been fed the concept and they have been through its severe consequences. Religion has been a very sacred code of life and ...

The Independent Election Commission is Responsible

June 19, 2014

Controversy over the second runoff presidential election, which was conducted on Saturday June 14 between the two leading candidates Dr. Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani Ahmad Zai, continues. There is mistrust ...

Abdullah’s New Instance against Electoral Commissions

June 19, 2014

On June 14 – the day second round of election was held – everything seemed to be going normal until Kabul police chief, Gen. Zahir accused Zia Amarkhail, the head of IEC secretariat of trying ...

Efforts of NDS and Security Forces Hailed

June 19, 2014

According to the National Directorate of Security (NDS), Afghan intelligence operatives have foiled more than 470 attacks of militants in last two months. According to the spokesman, Abdul Haseeb ...

Militants Who Cut Voters’ Fingers Killed

June 18, 2014

Broad participation of Afghans in the second round of election was hailed at international level. Afghans made headline globally by their support to democracy. However, the Taliban were no less ...

Declining Economic Growth

June 18, 2014

The central Administration of Afghan Statistics has said that Afghanistan had 4 percent decline in economic growth last year in its latest report. Its chief Mr. Sher Mohammad Jami Zada told to journalists ...

Education Pleads Vital Attention!

June 18, 2014

It is right for the world and us to worry about the impact of Afghanistan’s dysfunctional educational system, especially when it has been demonstrated that poorly educated young men in a country ...

Impartial Results Awaited

June 17, 2014

Huge lot of applause to Afghans whose richer participation in the runoff election process marked their resolve, altering their disgruntled fate whilst showing the highest degree of confidence ...