Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Civilian Casualties in Holy Month of Ramadan

July 17, 2014

Ministry of Interior blamed the Taliban when tens of Afghan civilians were killed and injured on Tuesday in a suicide bombing in Paktika province. According to reports, a suicide bomber ...

Shameful Act of Respected MPs

July 17, 2014

The law which was approved unanimously in lower house of the parliament over bonus and benefits of MPs after completion of their formal term sparked huge criticisms in social ...

An Exemplary Ramadan Campaign of Afghan-Turk Schools

July 17, 2014

Yesterday, keeping their many years old tradition, Afghan-Turk Schools arranged a Ramadan campaign in which edibles were distributed among more than two thousand poor and deserving ...

Will MPs Apologize?

July 16, 2014

On Tuesday, Afghan Senate rejected the new law ‘protection and rights of parliamentarians’ with an absolute majority. The law has already been endorsed by the ...

Will Kerry’s power Sharing Formula Work?

July 16, 2014

Formerly, the Independent Election Commission of Afghanistan (IEC) announced the preliminary result of the presidential runoff election that read Ghani lead with a distinct margin of ...

Electoral Deadlock; Handle with Care Now

July 15, 2014

The news of the breakdown of the political deadlock resulting from the visit of John Kerry has been warmly welcomed by all and it also made very pleasant effects on people and economy. Soon ...

Preventing Future Electoral Frauds

July 15, 2014

The 14th June run-off election created a political deadlock that could lead the country into a chaos and even another civilian war. The second round of election was massively rigged ...

MPs’ Selfish Decision

July 14, 2014

While existence of Afghan parliament is crucial for the country from many aspects, its performance has been under serious criticism from the public and other political and ...

The Nation Must Act Vigilantly

July 14, 2014

One of the most imperative characteristic of a nation is its attitude and behavior within a tense and challenging situation. The nations that are able to go through such situations ...

The Solution of Kerry to Current Deadlock

July 14, 2014

After the rejection of runoff presidential election announced by Dr. Abdullah Abdullah last week, the political situation started getting serious. His supporters announced him as the ...

Invalidating Fraud Votes; Way Out to Electoral Deadlock

July 13, 2014

The lengthened electoral deadlock, subsequent to unaddressed claims of industrial scale fraud by Dr. Abdullah has earned an international concentration. The world leaders, including ...

A Situation Hard to Control: Taliban Attacks & Possible Chaos

July 13, 2014

While the government is having a hectic time in resolving the political deadlock produced by the recent presidential election, the insurgents seem to have intensified their activities to ...

Ramadan and Harmful Energy Drinks

July 13, 2014

The uncontrolled inflow of huge amount of money prospered a lot of people and thus the country and especially the capital city of Kabul became a market for very expensive imported ...

Concerns Regarding Election

July 12, 2014

Ultimately what worried Afghan people have appeared as real threat for the future political destiny. Before the announcement of runoff presidential election result and even before that many ...

Women Equivalent Participation in Socio-economic Arena Awaited

July 12, 2014

Women not only constitute half of Afghan population but also can play foundational role in formation and development of the society and upcoming generation. They owe equivalent vigor to ...

President and Commission Must Take Responsibility!

July 10, 2014

The country is in the worst political crisis of history and the destructive outcomes of this crisis might be even more pernicious to the country than the return of Taliban, the corruption and other ...

A Political Reason behind Calling off Universities

July 10, 2014

The conflict among the university students, which was changed into racial clash, was announced the main problem behind delaying university exams across the country. However, since the advantages ...

Declining Graph of Investment Threat to Economic Stability

July 10, 2014

Taliban regime was ousted from power in late 2001 and with that a new window of hope and prosperity opened for Afghanistan and its people. One of the areas under international focus was boosting up Afghan economy by encouraging investments ...

Abdullah’s New Stance

July 09, 2014

On Monday, Afghanistan’s Independent Election Commission (IEC) announced preliminary result of June 14 run-off election. The result puts Ashraf Ghani the runner up of first ...

How to Solve the Kabul University Hostel Problem?

July 09, 2014

The fight broke out among students of Kabul hostel on the night of July 6, which was really hurtful. Reportedly, in friendly football match, two players fought and soon it changed ...

ISIS Surpassed Al-Qaida

July 09, 2014

Those who seek not to understand the harsh lines of history, turn a perishable falsehood; it is the uttered fact of global phenomena. It is an undoubted fact, neither falsehood can be ...

The Result of Second Round of Election Announced

July 08, 2014

After much controversy and a few days delay, the Independent Election Commission (IEC) announced the preliminary results of the second round of presidential election on the eve of ...

Presidential Candidates Should Put the Country First

July 08, 2014

As a part of the efforts of mediation of the government of the United States to finish the deadlock in the presidential elections, Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham paid a visit ...

Corruption Still a Huge Challenge

July 08, 2014

Corruption, nepotism, graft, bribery and embezzlement are all various forms, shapes and names of a single evil that have grasped almost all sectors in Afghanistan. It is simply the ...

Beheading in Daikundi, No Reaction from Government

July 07, 2014

Terror attacks, bloodsheds, kidnapping and scores of other crimes occur so frequently in Afghanistan that its people consider them as a normal part of their life. Attacks that cost ...

No Ban on Facebook

July 07, 2014

There has always been controversy regarding the freedom of media. There are concerns regarding the nature and extent of the freedom that are given to the media outlets in a democratic ...

Increasing Militancy and Need of Vigilance

July 06, 2014

The reports released on daily basis by the Ministry of Interior and Defense and the statistics confirmed by the representatives of Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF), large ...

Amerkhel Returned to Country

July 06, 2014

On July 4, the previous head of election commission returned to Kabul. Previously there were reports that he escaped the country like tens of other politicians who are blamed of ...

Gloomy Future of Women Rights & Gains

July 06, 2014

Afghanistan falls in the list of the countries where women are not only denied their rights but also are subjected to extreme forms of violence. The annoying point is that anguish of ...

An Afghanistan its People Never Desired for

July 05, 2014

An Afghanistan where insecurity, corruption, poppy cultivation and other similar and serious social, political and economic issues exist is not the Afghanistan that its people ...

A Fair Electoral Result will Earn Riches to Wartorn Afghanistan

July 05, 2014

The weeks long protest of Dr. Abdullah’s team reflects election was not only controversial, but the plot was orchestrated to rig the whole if not the part of presidential ...

Partial Election Result was not Announced

July 03, 2014

Due to political uncertainty that might have sparked any disorder, the election commission postponed the announcement of partial result of second round of Presidential election which ...

Women Are No More Inferior

July 03, 2014

In a patriarchal society like Afghanistan, men still treat women as an inferior creature. The abilities of women are yet devalued and, therefore they are harassed in one way or ...

Poor Performance of Election Commission

July 03, 2014

This year’s election process was an absolute disaster. In conditions when country is passing through its worst times with increasing militancy, pullout of foreign troops, economic ...

Uncertainty Influencing the Businesses

July 02, 2014

Uncertainty regarding the future of the presidential election and its outcome has halted different walks of life. People are not at all certain what would be the future of political system ...