Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Social Media and Sectarian Divide

June 17, 2014

According to the media and social experts, the recent divide and sectarian clash in Iraq was mostly due to the uncontrolled sentimental and antagonistic propagation in the media and internet especially ...

Low Literacy; Low Capacity

June 17, 2014

Had the security condition been better, Afghans would be among educated, skilled and professional nations of the world. The accurate figure for illiteracy in Afghanistan is not available but ...

A Second Round of Success

June 16, 2014

The second round of presidential polls finished far successful than the expectations of many, despite all the fears and threats. It is natural that the repeated process of anything may result ...

Inappropriate Advertisements in Election Campaign!

June 16, 2014

During the election campaign for the second and final round of presidential polls, the advertisements and comments made by both the presidential candidates were also getting awkward and inappropriate ...

Harsh Reaction of Tehran to ISIS’s Spectacular Successes

June 16, 2014

As the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) started posing direct threat to Baghdad, sweeping cities close to it, Tehran has announced resolve to stand beside the Iraqi government with full support ...

Second Round Elections

June 15, 2014

Will Abdullah or Ashraf Ghani become the next president of Afghanistan? This will be decided by the people of Afghanistan on Saturday, 14 June. The second president of Afghanistan after the fall of Taliban regime ...

Exercising Impartiality is Imperative

June 15, 2014

Afghanistan formally entered into the second round of election-2014 that turns to be a decisive mode in the history of war wrecked country. Amidst uncertain economical and socio-political circumstances ...

Propagandizing Cannot Attract Public Ballots

June 15, 2014

Seemingly, the candidates give lip service to democratic movement. Their diehard supporters and members of their campaigns are a vehicle for propagandizing against each other so as to attract ...

Another Blow to Education Sector

June 11, 2014

Education in Afghanistan includes K-12 and higher education which is supervised by the Ministry of Education (MoE) and Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE). In the last 13 years ...

Owning Responsibility Works

June 11, 2014

Most of the problems, we encounter on daily accounts are associated with a flawed understanding of the root causes of the quandary and flawed strategies leading to its proper solution. Consequently ...

The Tragic Incident in Balochistan

June 11, 2014

Seemingly, the shadow of death is not leaving small Hazara community in Balochistan of Pakistan. Last Sunday when ten buses were carrying Shia pilgrims back home from Iran were targeted and ...

Security would be Vital in the Second Round

June 10, 2014

One of the major challenges in the second round of election will the security arrangements by Afghan security forces. It is necessary that there should be peace and tranquility before and during ...

Why Second Round of Elections?

June 10, 2014

As the second round of presidential elections is approaching, local and international media have also pointed out a problem that may arise when neither of the candidates was able to receive the required ...

Who Will Be The Winner?

June 10, 2014

The campaign period for election run-off is ending tomorrow and the two candidates Dr. Abdullah Abdullah and Dr. Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai would do their utmost to gain more public support during the last ...

Afghanistan On the Verge of Natural Clamaties

June 09, 2014

Undeniably man has rendered hapless before monstrous natural calamities hit hard civilian population and ruin well built cities. The calamities such as cyclone, earthquakes, volcanic ...

Growing Concerns over Security of June 14 Polls

June 09, 2014

Less than week is remaining to the crucial second round of election in Afghanistan. The greatest hurdle to conducting the election is the worsening security condition. Concerns over security ...

Indifference towards Plight of the People

June 09, 2014

Nowadays most of the TV channels are broadcasting live the campaigns of two presidential candidates who are greeted by thousands of people wherever they go. Few others were broadcasting ...

Attack on Dr. Abdullah Abdullah

June 08, 2014

As feared, the convoy of presidential fore-runner Dr. Abdullah Abdullah came under attack on Friday when he was leaving a campaign rally in Kabul. The attack left behind six dead and injured ...

Anti-Terrorist Financing Law: A Way Forward to Curb Terrorism

June 08, 2014

It is generally noticed the extremists’ literatures taught in religious seminaries, are serving the root cause of terrorism. The seminaries operating unchecked across the length of Afghanistan are breeding ...

Mounting Insecurity Indicative of Bad Omen

June 07, 2014

Every day innocent civilians, army, police personnel and even political leaders render prey to endless bloodletting executed by insurgents. The fight between insurgents and government backed ...

Kabul Has not Learned

June 07, 2014

The release of five top leaders of Taliban from Guantanamo Bay Prison still has remained as an issue sparking heating discussions in the political sphere. First of all government supported ...

Environment Day Out of Presidential Candidates’ Focus

June 07, 2014

Keeping in view the importance of June 5th which is marked as environment day globally, it becomes imperative to write about grave challenges facing the environment in Afghanistan’s major cities ...

Expectation from IEC

June 05, 2014

In less than ten days, the second round of presidential election will be held in Afghanistan – the first in country’s history. There is high expectation from the Independent Election Commission ...

New Roads and Transparency!

June 05, 2014

According to a radio report, the municipality of Kabul has finalized the construction of more than a dozen of roads in different parts of Kabul. All these roads are very important and work ...

The Candidates’ Should Move More Democratically

June 05, 2014

It is commonly believed that election and peaceful transition of power is a step towards democratization and the public ballots denies the bloody bullets. Since, socialism prevents from wealth ...

Hazy Fate Of Released Taliban

June 04, 2014

The rumors that Taliban join peace efforts and mainstream politics might owe a certain degree of underlined facts, seeing the indescribable ground realities, the dream might not come true. Afghanistan ...

Democracy Gaurds Fundamental Human Rights

June 04, 2014

After Taliban’s regime was toppled, Afghanistan was put on the way to democracy, the established and wide practiced system of government. Subsequently, the mode of government altered was ...

Extraction Industry is Crucial for Afghanistan

June 04, 2014

At times when the economic stability of Afghanistan is highly dependent on aids from international community, experts maintain and emphasize that extraction industry can serve as pillars on which a strong economy can ...

Release of Five Key Taliban Leaders

June 03, 2014

The release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the American soldier who was abducted five years ago by Taliban militants from near his base, has sparked discussions among different factions of society ...

Afghans Refugees Escaped One War Caught in the Other

June 03, 2014

Islamic Republic of Iran as a close neighbor has many lingual, religious and cultural commonalties with Afghanistan. USSR invasion, civil war and brutalities of Taliban regime caused millions ...

Huge Property of Security Officers!

June 03, 2014

According to the informed sources and the general public observation, large numbers of officers of police, intelligence, national army and other security forces have made millions of dollars ...

Children’s Day a Reminder to Afghan Leadership

June 02, 2014

June 1st is the International Day for Protection of Children and is marked as children’s day in many countries of the world including Afghanistan. The children in Afghanistan face multifaceted ...

Improving Self Dependence

June 02, 2014

The decision of the United States to keep 9800 soldiers in Afghanistan after 2014 and then completely evacuating all its forces after 2016 was announced by the US president. This decision ...

Key Taliban Figures Freed

June 02, 2014

Finally, the United States yielded and let top Taliban commanders in exchange for an American soldier who was arrested by Taliban militants. The US thanked the Qatar for its efforts for releasing ...

Are the Electoral Bodies Really Autonomous?

June 01, 2014

Analysts and international organizations that observed the recent presidential election in Afghanistan have concluded that no systematic fraud took place on the Election Day. This is ...