Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Af-Pak Border Tension: Discords do More Harm than Good!

June 01, 2014

The porous border, along the Durand line, has turned the bone of discontents between Afghanistan and Pakistan, hosting numerous terrorists. It is accepted that large number of local ...

Water Supply Problems in Kabul

June 01, 2014

Although Kabul is the capital of country and in last ten years of peace and restoration, a number of development projects have changed the shape of the city and now it is in the shape ...

The Second Round of Presidential Election

May 31, 2014

Few days ago, President Hamid Karzai once again asked people to take part in the second round of presidential election. He said that high turnout will move the country forward. In his radio ...

World No Tobacco Day

May 31, 2014

Every year, May 31 is celebrated as “World no Tobacco Day”. The underlying factor is to let everyone know the countless health hazards, smoking carries along. We witness thick ...

Problems of Kabul as a Capital City

May 31, 2014

After more than 12 years of ouster of Taliban regime, Kabul, the capital city of Afghanistan has turned into a lively city. Business, politics and social activities go on like never before ...

Afghan-US Relations Are Always Important

May 29, 2014

Although the message of President Obama to our president Karzai to go and meet him in Bagram was both inappropriate and against the diplomatic norms but the following events have almost ...

The Candidates Should Act Upon Their Words

May 29, 2014

Afghan people wait impatiently to experience the milestone which will take place within the new government. Their active partaking in the first round of presidential election demonstrated their keen ...

ANSF’s Sacrifices Must be Admired!

May 29, 2014

President Obama’s recently reached Afghanistan after hours-long travel just to say thank you to US forces for their sacrifice and service. He has done this before. Not only him but ...

More Terror Attacks Not Beyond Expectation

May 28, 2014

Since the Taliban have announced their spring offensive under the name of ‘Khyber,’ terror attacks across Afghanistan has observably increased. On Monday,a heavy explosion ...

Insufficient Health Services

May 28, 2014

A government within a state is formed so as to lead the country regarding political, economic and social fields. It is the duty of the government to make sure that the citizens of the country ...

A Balanced Foreign Policy Earns Riches

May 28, 2014

Subsequent to victorious completion of the first round, Afghan election has entered in the second round of presidential run-off. In this round the leading contenders each of Dr. Abdullah ...

The Unannounced Visit of President Obama

May 27, 2014

In an unexpected trip, President Barack Obama paid a visit to US military base at Bagram. It was reported that he had no plans to meet any Afghan official and put meeting with American soldiers ...

Rational Solution for Cross-Border Shelling!

May 27, 2014

The recent rocket shelling from across the Pakistani border into the Afghan soil once again gave birth to great tremors of criticism on every platform of the country. Both the houses ...

Let’s be Responsible Ourselves

May 26, 2014

People living in one society may differ in individual qualities but they are quite similar in social qualities since they belong to the same circumstances. Their personal problems ...

When Will Suffering of Women End?

May 26, 2014

During the Taliban rule, women were punished and even executed in public for unjustifiable and minor reasons. Unfortunately, the practice has not ended, as the Taliban’s Shariah is still ...

Election Campaign & Political Marriages

May 25, 2014

Thursday marked the start of election campaign period in Afghanistan for a run-off election. The two leading candidates of the first round of election namely Dr. Abdullah ...

Is Kabul a Waste Bucket?

May 25, 2014

Problems of residents of Kabul with smell and suffocation due to the increasing heap of garbage and filth in different parts of city is increasing day by day and this problem seems to get worse ...

Heightened Execution of Responsiblities

May 25, 2014

Many problems in the third world countries are associated with flawed or delayed fixation of responsibilities; the culprit either escape owning the unlawful activity or keep on shifting ...

Attack on Indian Consulate

May 24, 2014

On Friday morning, 4 terrorists launched an attack on Indian Consulate in Herat from a building neighboring it. The Afghan security forces bravely countered their attack gunning down all the terrorists ...

A Healthy Society Respects Intellectuals

May 24, 2014

It is noticeable in our society that the worth of different things is measure on the basis of its appearance and outer shell – People are able to see on the material benefits that can be gained ...

Child labor – A Soot on the Face of Government

May 24, 2014

Child labor includes working children who are below a certain minimum age. This practice has been going on since long and is one of the worst forms of child exploitation. According to recent ...

Mining Sector: A Hope for Better Economy

May 22, 2014

At times when the economic stability of Afghanistan highly dependent on aids from international community, experts maintain and emphasize that extraction industry can serve as pillars on ...

Poor Salaries of Teachers in Private Schools

May 22, 2014

In more than a year, there has been a considerable shrinkage in the economy. It all started when the international community announced to wrap up their projects and thus started firing ...

Cyberspace Will Do More Harm than Good

May 22, 2014

Perhaps Facebook, which is a great amusement, will soon change into a splitting headache for our youths. One will be surprised to see the young girls chatting in the buses, on the streets, in ...

Provincial Council Results Announced

May 21, 2014

The result of provincial council election was announced yesterday. For some it brought the message of dismay and tragedy but for others it was really cheerful ...

Unchecked Social Evils Earn Social Harms

May 21, 2014

Social ill-practices, detrimental to the social bond of intensive interaction, receiving superfluous acceptance among masses, are regarded as social evils. It is generally the ...

Drug Remains a Threat

May 21, 2014

Afghanistan produces more than 80 percent of world opium. The drug that flows from Afghanistan to the rest of the world has turned into a headache for governments. But the first victim of ...

Run-Off Elections and Public Concerns!

May 20, 2014

With the second and final round of presidential elections approaching slowly, fears and reservations are also increasing. The reason that results of the first round took so long was due ...

Concerns over Growing Engagement of Children in War

May 20, 2014

Children and minors have been utilized for committing crimes of various kinds since long –robbery, selling drugs, sexual abuse etc. Countries of the world - mainly developing and under ...

Spillover of Syrian Crisis

May 20, 2014

Early this month, Iraq held parliamentary election whose result would not bring any change in its power structure. The party of Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki has gained 92 seats. It ...

Preparations for Run-off Election

May 19, 2014

The Afghanistan Independent Election Commission (IEC) has kicked off its preparation for conducting the second round of election after all of the eight presidential contenders ...

Export of Afghan Fighters

May 19, 2014

Ultimately, the murmurings and claims about sending Afghan refugees to the battle field in Syria found way to one of the most popular international Wall Street Journal. The agency reported ...

Intellectual Bankruptcy Caused us Sufferings

May 19, 2014

Indiscriminate and faceless owing of the worldly discoveries is one of the persona some of the so-called Muslim intellectuals bear. The mismatched references are superfluously used in order ...

Latest Equipment the Foremost Need of ANSF

May 18, 2014

Afghanistan National Security Force (ANSF) is the ultimate hope of the Afghan people. Keeping the integrity of this force means keeping the integrity of the whole nation. Twelve years ...

A Wonderful Idea

May 18, 2014

Last week, the government of Pakistan announced its efforts to bring back the money of Pakistanis being kept in the Swiss Banks. This amount has been estimated to be more than 200 billion ...