Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Demonstration of Selfless Sympathy With Abducted Girls

May 18, 2014

The wide uproar surfaced after abduction of 223 school girls by Islamic militants refreshed the subject of human right withheld by its champions, which does not match with the claims ...

Presidential Election: Final Results & Obstacles for Run-off

May 17, 2014

On Thursday May 15, the Afghanistan Independent Election Commission (IEC) announced the final results of April 5th presidential election. The final results are not much different ...

Presidenship, not a Bed of Roses

May 17, 2014

Afghanistan is passing through democratic phases whilst intervening countless challenges. Given, none of the presidential candidates, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani ...

Pitiable Health Services

May 17, 2014

The poor and deprived people of Afghanistan have not been able to get their basic necessities of life easily. From the day of the installation of a democratic government, the condition ...

Effects of Delayed Results on Common Man!

May 15, 2014

According to the sources of Independent Election Commission, the announcement of final results and the following election runoff is going to be delayed at least two weeks. These announcements ...

Emigration Rises among the Afghan Youths

May 15, 2014

Our youths flock to foreign countries to get rid of the challenges being experienced in our society. In spite of facing deadly adventures on the way to their destinations, they fly ...

Growth of Media: A Major Achievement

May 15, 2014

Media has troublesome story in Afghanistan. While Afghan kings and then USSR-backed and Mujahidin governments imposed strict censorships on the media, the Taliban regime – the darkest era for freedom ...

An Interesting Alliance

May 14, 2014

The coalition of Zalmai Rasoul and Dr. Abdullah Abdullah to some extent sparked pulses in Afghan political heart. Getting, around eleven percent of the entire vote in presidential election ...

Social Cohesiveness Associated With Moral Values

May 14, 2014

Everyone knows that life is precious that life is important. We all protect our life because we care for it more than anything else. If life is so important, the values of life are even ...

Afghanistan Fails to Attract Large Investors

May 14, 2014

In post-conflict countries like Afghanistan, investment, be it foreign or domestic, plays a very crucial role in boosting their economic condition. Unfortunately, although Afghanistan ...

Taliban’s Spring Offensive Kicks Off

May 13, 2014

In a recent statement the Taliban announced the start of their spring offensive against the foreign troops, their Afghan co-workers and Afghan government. This is perhaps Taliban’s last summer ...

The Evil of Land Grabbing

May 13, 2014

On Sunday, the upper house of parliament or Masharano Jirga rejected a bill to curb and discourage land grabbing. It was no doubt rejected due to the some of the solid legal faults and shortcomings ...

Social Media – A new Mode of Communication

May 13, 2014

Prior to emergence of social networking, people used to spend their spare times in amenable socialization, getting together in cafés and hotels where they could manage discussing their ...

Badakhshan Disaster: Recover the Dead Bodies!

May 12, 2014

Natural disasters that most of times create national tragedies have been occurring since existence of life on earth. Natural disasters cause thousands to die and produce massive ...

The Naïve Peace Policy

May 12, 2014

The unknown destiny of the presidential election has brought many things on standstill, including the peace talks with Taliban militants and Bilateral Security Agreement with ...

Af-Pak Border Issue Re-emerged

May 12, 2014

It is a thoughtful maxim, “Friends may change, not neighbors”. Pakistan and Afghanistan are century old neighbors. Nevertheless, their history records many ups ...

Passport Office Now a Model for Other Govt. Entities

May 11, 2014

Afghanistan is a country where corruption is rampant. It stands among the most corrupt countries of the world. Government line ministries and their sub offices in 34 provinces of Afghanistan ...

“Day of Mourning” Ends, Not Govnerment’s Responsility

May 11, 2014

The inadvertence, lack of proper plans and inefficiency of government is wholly unearthed, subsequent to onset of natural calamity that rendered heart wrecking and regrettable ...

Police Must Revisit its Behavior with Public!

May 11, 2014

In these pages, so many times we have raised the issue of the inappropriate and non-professional behavior of police in different urban and rural settlements of the country. Right ...

Determination of Mr. Rohani for a Cordial Relation with West

May 10, 2014

On Wednesday, President Hassan Rohani further cleared his determination to keep away from the radical policy of predecessor, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He vowed to win ...

Development Remains a Challenge

May 10, 2014

International community’s creditable financial and non-financial support to Afghanistan since the fall of Taliban regime has caused notable improvements in areas like security ...

Education Suffers Dire Negligence

May 10, 2014

The role of education for the joint uplift of a nation is irrefutably central. The collective socioeconomic and political advances of a nation are determined by the degree of concentration ...

Afghan Refugees in Ankara: 23rd Day of Protest, Voice Still Unheard

May 08, 2014

Uncertainty about the future, insecurity and lack of employment opportunities are causing thousands of Afghans to travel, mostly illegally, to various countries of world each year ...

Natural Disaster or God’s Rage?

May 08, 2014

The Friday's devastating landslide in northern Badakhshan province, which left more than 2000 casualties behind, came as a complete shock to Afghan people. The tearful pictures ...

Is VIP Security Against Law?

May 08, 2014

Being the capital city of the country, Kabul is full of important personalities like politicians, tribal chiefs, national elders, parliamentarians, foreign bureaucrats, chiefs of forces ...

Development in Afghanistan Overshadowed by Corruption

May 07, 2014

Corruption, nepotism, graft, bribery and embezzlement are all various forms, shapes and names of a single evil that have grasped almost all sectors in Afghanistan. It is simply ...

Iraq Falls Victim to Regional Rivalries

May 07, 2014

The grim political and security situation of Iraq sparks the sympathy of all those who support a strong Iraqi nation. Daily incidents in the capital Baghdad has reached to a staggering ...

Corruption And Poverty Fuels Insecuirty

May 07, 2014

Poverty and unemployment are identified as the driving forces behind insecurity, and called for these issues to be addressed as a priority. Some people participate in insurgent activities ...

Badakhshan Disaster: Govt.’s Recklessness Harshly Criticized!

May 06, 2014

Recent natural disasters that appeared in shape of deadly floods and landslides in Afghanistan have saddened the whole country. The landslide in Badakhshan buried about 300 homes and ...

Drug Addiction in Children

May 06, 2014

Children are the future of a nation as today’s children are going to be tomorrow’s nation makers. The condition of the children in the present can give an idea of how the nation would ...

The Culprits Must Be Punished

May 06, 2014

Recent rains in the country resulted in mass disaster in different parts of the country. Some northern provinces faced the catastrophe of floods that left thousands homeless, destroyed ...

Latest Interview of Taliban’s Spokesman

May 05, 2014

The Afghan government has had no achievement in nudging the Taliban leadership into peace talks despite creating much fuss from time to time. President Hamid Karzai termed them ...

Natural Clamaties can be Restricted If not Prevented

May 05, 2014

Undeniably man has rendered hapless before monstrous natural calamities that have ever hit hard civilian population and ruined well built cities. The calamities such as cyclone, earthquakes ...

International Labor Day and Death of 16 Laborers

May 05, 2014

On May 01, along with the rest of people around the globe, Afghans also celebrated the International Labor Day by staging a protest in several cities, including Kabul. Protestors asked ...

Call for Supporting Badakhshan Landslide Victims

May 04, 2014

As if the Taliban’s insurgency was not enough for sucking the blood of the Afghan people, this time the nature has opened its mouth to swallow them. After deadly floods in Jawzjan, Sar-e-Pul, Faryab and Badghis ...