Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Electoral Crisis Complicated the Result Finalization

August 09, 2014

The lengthened electoral deadlock, subsequent to unaddressed claims of industrial scale fraud by Dr. Abdullah earned an international concentration. The international community, including the US, had previously ...

Iraq’s Political Turmoil

August 09, 2014

Ultimately, the tremors sent by the Islamic State’s militants to Iraq’s and regional security finally forced the United States to stretch its hand once again to the country to fix the mess for ...

Kabul Police Chief Must Notice!

August 05, 2014

The citizens of Kabul and other major cities are much in pain and distress by the increasing lawlessness in the members of police. The problem has been repeatedly mentioned in these lines but no action ...

The Rights of Disabled Must be Ensured

August 05, 2014

It is really imperative within a society that all the citizens must have the equal rights and privileges. People, born with disabilities or becoming so because of wars and accidents form an important part ...

The Rights of Miners Must be Protected

August 04, 2014

People belonging to different walks of life in a state have their due rights and a government on behalf of the state has to make sure that those rights are provided to the people. And, in this regard ...

Afghanistan: The Quagmire of International Financial Support

August 04, 2014

The staggering amount of funds donated to Afghanistan during 13 years by United States confused many after it was unveiled by US Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR). Based on its latest ...

Eid Celeberated Amidst Bloodshed

August 04, 2014

Previously, Eid festivity was observed here in Afghanistan and across the Muslim world. Generally Lesser Eid is regarded as the festival of breaking of the fast, also called Feast of Breaking the Fast. Eid, is an important religio-cultural ...

Irreparable Harms of Delays in Electoral Process

August 03, 2014

The intervention by US Secretary of State, John Kerry in our electoral deadlock gave hope to all that this deadlock has finished and now nation would soon advance smoothly on the path ...

Ghor Tragedy Should be Dealt Seriously

August 03, 2014

Just days before the nation could have enjoyed the joyful moments of Eid, the incident of Ghor and then the resultant protest in Kabul left the minds of people badly polluted by the ...

Consequences of Pardoning Taliban Prisoners

August 02, 2014

As the holy month of Ramazan and Eidul Fitr ended, the greatest wish of the Afghan people, as always, is peace and stability in their country. This Ramazan proved to be very deadly for Afghanistan ...

Tittering Process of Ballot Audit

August 02, 2014

The earlier optimism about the result of election is declining as the process of recount and audit of ballot papers and ballot boxes move ahead irritatingly slow. Around half a month has passed since ...

Unhealed Wounds of Palestinians

August 02, 2014

Apparently no end to Palestinian ordeal is witnessed. With every advancing interval of time, heart wrecking reports of life losses, discloses the height of political prejudice extended towards innocent ...

Another Tragedy for Hazaras

July 27, 2013

In the night between Thursday and Friday, suspected Taliban militants halted three passenger vehicles in Ghor province. They singled out ethnic Hazara travellers, lined them up and shot ...

Enriched Moral Value Vital to Human Society

July 27, 2013

In an age when everything seems to have gone topsy-turvy, when everyone seems to run after some monetary achievement, no one can deny the importance of moral education. At present ...

Support for Social Media Must Continue

July 26, 2014

Keeping in view the importance of the social media, the first week of Saratan (23-29 July) of Afghan calendar is being marked as ‘social media week’ in Afghanistan for the third ...

Why Taliban Target Hazaras?

July 26, 2014

Taliban once again displayed its inhumanity, barbarism and opposition to principle of humanitarianism by shooting dead 14 civilians, including a bride and groom in western Ghor province ...

Dutifulness; Attribute that Leads us Ahead

July 26, 2014

The man is entitled to be the supreme creature given his superior mental capability owes a peculiar attribute in his inferior body. Deeds are executed in the light of perception thought-out ...

Permanent Solution to Security Problems

July 24, 2013

In a week, the capital city Kabul was targeted by terrorists for the third time. Tuesday’s attack on Kabul airport was the second such attack very recently, increasing the concerns about ...

Extremism – The Illegitimate Child of ISIS and Taliban

July 24, 2013

The recent declaration of a caliphate by the militant group the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) ominously recalls one of Taliban militants which emerged in Afghanistan in 1996. The ...

Child Labor, a Menace to the Future

July 24, 2013

According to estimates up to 30 percent of primary school-age children are engaged in some form of work and are often the sole source of income for their families. Children must be unbound ...

Another Terror Strike in Kabul

July 23, 2014

Kabul the capital of Afghanistan – a city highly guarded and overseen by national and foreign intelligence – has been a target of consecutive terror attacks recently. Only days after ...

Dazed Eyes to Coming Government

July 23, 2014

After the mediation of US secretary of the State who pulled the country out of highly possible tragedy, Afghans breathed in relief despite serious worries about the political situation in ...

Making A Right Shift, Requires Downsized Privileges

July 23, 2014

Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world. Since the Soviet invasion in 1979, it has been the scene of a series of conflicts that have continued for three ...

No One to Save Palestinians

July 22, 2014

The barbarous attacks of Israel in Gaza are heating up and Sunday was the most deadly day when more than 100 Palestinians were killed while Israel also claimed that their 13 soldiers ...

We Require to be Aware

July 22, 2014

If our society is recognized by its childish behavior, it is not really weird. Unimportant thoughts and false displays are within the roots of our society. In fact, we are suffering from ...

Closure of Girls’ School in Shindand

July 22, 2014

Taliban continue to create hindrances and obstacles for Afghan boys and girls who want to get education and contribute to an educated Afghanistan. As of recent all girls’ schools in ...

Prosecution of Perpetrators of Electoral Frauds Vitalfor Reviving Public Trust

July 21, 2014

Mediation of US and UN authorities resulted resolution of Afghan political deadlock raised as a result of recent presidential election in way that both the running candidates are ...

Two Problems in Afghan Parliament

July 21, 2014

Perhaps, one of the key problems in lower house of the parliament is lack of professionalism. Large number of MPs only holds baccalaureate and some studied their bachelor after elected ...

Future of Employment Opportunities Remains Bleak

July 21, 2014

Over the past 13 years, Afghanistan's economy has had a noteworthy growth, although it continues to be fragile. It is fact that despite injection of billions of dollars of aid into ...

Palestinian Agony; Nonviolent Course Might Produce Positive Outome

July 20, 2014

The conflict between Palestinians and Israelis is about the right to self- determination, statehood and territory. It is also about national, religious and cultural identity. For more ...

Future of Employment Opportunities Remains Bleak

July 20, 2014

Over the past 13 years, Afghanistan’s economy has had a noteworthy growth, although it continues to be fragile. It is fact that despite injection of billions of dollars of aid into ...

Ill-treatment of Public by Police

July 20, 2014

On Thursday, two men went to buy air-tickets from Safi Airway’s office in Shahre-Naw. At the same time, there were 4 policemen sitting under shade in front of the office. They were ...

Israel-Palestin Conflict Resulted in Human Losses

July 19, 2014

The world over have witnessed aerial raids, continuous shelling in civilian enclaves by Israeli gunship helicopters and jets in retaliation for several rockets fired by Hamas from ...

Candidates Discuss the Future Government

July 19, 2014

These days, the election contenders are engaged in intensive discussions about the future result and how the national unity government should be as proposed by US senior diplomat, the ...

Fasting; a Message to Govt. & Wealthy Section of Society

July 19, 2014

The message of Ramadan to wealthy people of a society and government is to help the poor masses. Nonetheless, it seems like peopleare taking distance from what they are required to do in ...